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Posts posted by Rikkor

  1. yeah it's a shame because this game does have the most fun combat mechanics of all mmo's. its just that, everything else around that solid mechanic is so cheap and nasty. which i believe has been like that, since day one, on purpose, to milk the starwars name and starwars fans as much as possible by giving lowest possible quality for maximum price/profit.


    also i think the month sub, should go by the time you are logged on, not just online and offline time regardless. but this would threaten their oh so precious profit that they spend on god knows what, so they wont do it.

  2. It's still 15$ a month for this.. and they make a ton of $$ off the cartel market. Are they serious?! This isn't the swtor we had at launch so the 15$ a month isn't justified. Maybe 8-10$ 'might' be reasonable I guess. But with what the game currently offers I don't think I'll be staying subscribed for long...:mad:


    thats what i would like to know out of interest, exactly how much they get and what they spend it on. of course they would never tell, but still, it does seem like the income they must be getting isn't being spent wisely with this game. wouldnt surprise me if they use these funds to fund other games they are making... even just 100,000 subs would be 1.5 mil a month, how is that not enough to make a new pvp map and op or fp every month? AND actually test it and not release it broken... obviously an op would take much longer to make but, how much does a map maker (team?) actually charge to make a map? ive done map making and 3d modelling, if you already have the assets its not that hard to make a map, little kids do that kind of thing on minecraft everyday don't they? its a shame we can only speculate really and have nothing from eaware to know what is actually going on.


    oh and also, i like ewoks, ive never understood the dislike of them. ja ja binks on the other hand...

  3. You'll be back. The Star Wars fans will always come back.


    you are probably right. and i guess thats how they have gotten away with this for so long, sigh. they know us sw fans are suckers for sw no matter how bad they treat us as paying customers. doesnt help that all other mmo's out there are even worse than this for one reason or another so there isnt much options mmo wise for alternatives.

    but well im going to resist the darkside for a while and try not to be another eaware paying sucker for as long as i can. which will probably be till the next multiplayer content update whenever that is, if ever.

  4. thanks for the responses.

    just fyi i uninstalled and unsubbed. no point constantly paying when EAware clearly don't care about me/you/us and our opinion or QoS. the new cxp system seems like just a way to get people grinding the exact same content for no real reason other than getting that next crate to either get something "useful" or, as mostly happens disintegrate all 95% of the time. rearranging existing content isnt the same as adding, yet bioware have done this few times now.

    makes me wonder why they ever bothered making an mmo tbh, instead of just kotor 3 with perhaps optional 4 player co-op. but yeah 20/20 hindsight and all that. i still kinda miss podracing and pazaak.


    and Halinalle: i do think you might be right, but imo thats a failure in swtor gameplay mechanics not the players themselves.

  5. Do you really want more multiplayer content in game where around 80% of players think that their companion is better than average player? Even when they refuse to requeue after someone gets kicked or leaves?


    "But... but tacticals are too difficult for me!"


    well, i do appreciate what you are saying...

    but... do i want more multiplayer content? in an MMO which stands for massively MULTIPLAYER online?... let me think about it and get back to you :)

  6. forgot to mention about the hacker/s they did nothing about for about for over a month... ruining solos ranked with waiting outside where acid starts with wall hack or something, idk, then waits for countdown and wins... they were much quicker to ban people after the exploit that they announced that time roughly 14 months ago.
  7. well no, i know they don't care and will do nothing. but sometimes i wonder how much the players/payers care about this total disrespect of the star wars franchise/name/legacy/whatever.


    "It's a company. It's a business. This isn't a video game. Get that through your noggin! If you don't like the product... move on."

    I did ask for people not to bother trolling but yeah i didnt expect that not to happen either :p so yeah... good one... good advice... thanks. lol. :rolleyes:

  8. How will anyone know if...


    hmm good point. ill copy it and make it again if they want to delete. besides i wouldnt care that much if they did delete tbh, ive said what i want to say. i dont expect anythign to change. so maybe i will, maybe i wont. we will see...


    and you others guys also have interesting points imo.

  9. This goes out NOT to the wonderful artists and gameplay designers, but to the very top management: You should be ashamed of yourselves. How dare you take the Starwars name and milk it and the fans to make a cheap poor quality product, that you then charge maximum price for, also get money from cc shop and where are you spending it exactly? Is it on customer support? Updating the game? Class balance? Fixing bugs? Adding Multiplayer content? Clearly none of these things are on the top priority list. Updating the cc shop to keep that cc shop money flowing is obviously up there. I'm not just talking recently either, you guys have made poor and horrible choices for this game time and time again since before launch. lets list some of the things you have done wrong:

    Horrible 3d engine. Even when released this was an outdated and horrible engine, doesn't utilise cpu and video cards properly. You went as cheap and nasty as as possible. Quality was obviously never a priority, which has effected the games potential from the very beginning.

    Constant imbalance. Seriously, do you even do internal testing at all when changing the classes offensive and defensive skill numbers? I doubt it.

    Bug fixing times. You take way too long to fix known bugs, there is no excuse for this. I remember when you guys were outright silly enough, to announce the exploit that allowed players to make billions and then leave it like that for a week... and then banned people who were just given a million for free by some random and didnt even exploit, yet let some others get away with billions, that still exists in the game today... shamefully handled. Seriously, what the hell were you thinking?

    Constant reskins. I think you think that as players we don't notice this cheap tactic for supposed "new" content. Well guess what, we do.

    Lack of multiplayer update. As much as i appreciate the new story, why do you even have an mmo if you arent going to update multiplayer often as possible. Where is all this money from subs and cc going exactly?...

    Well the list goes on and on and if i thought attention by management would be paid then I might take the time, but otherwise it's just not worth wasting my time with a company who doesnt care about its customers.


    This also is a message to management, not you usual forum trolls, so do me and yourself a favor and unless you agree, or have something constructive to say, don't respond and waste both of our time.


    For milking the star wars name, which if it wasnt star wars you would never get away with this, and for disrespecting your loyal customers with the most poor quality of service possible that you think you can get away with, you, Bioware/EA management, should be utterly ashamed of yourselves.

  10. As always, the popular thread deteriorates into a fanboy troll fest. Brilliant example of human communication well done... Doing Biowares job for them by taking legitimate concerns from paying customers and covering the logic with flaming and lame trolling attempts.

    HEY maybe if you troll enough and get negative responses they will close the thread omg win for the trolls! Some of you people are pathetic lol.

    Then again you only get away with it because Bioware let you... which says it all imo.

  11. The endgame stuff is now pretty much unplayable for me. 10-15fps in wz and even worse in 16p ops. meanwhile it seems my graphics card is pretty much completely underutilised (r280). Solution would be to use more of our graphics cards processes to take strain off cpu? They would wanna do something quick too they are about to loose a lot of the only few customers they have left.
  12. This has made the endgame stuff pretty much unplayable for me. 10-15fps in wz and even worse in 16p ops. meanwhile it seems my graphics card is pretty much completely underutilised (r280). Solution would be to use more of our graphics cards processes to take strain off cpu? They would wanna do something quick too they are about to loose a lot of the only few customers they have left....
  13. i was on DALBORRA server today, and noticed in the chat, in some places something I dont think I seen before in all my years of mmo. only about 2 years maybe. but lots of people were talking about this "person" who should be banned... and my guild tell me... IM NOT ALLOWED TO ASK WHAT THE NAME IS, OR THEY WILL KICK ME!!! SO I find in pother places where mayeb people wont want to kill me just for asking a question!! I want to know... but I have good friendly in guild, i dont want be kicked out!

    can somebody please help me... without getting me into trouble...


    i think they name is DRAGON, but would also maybe be Charlie or George... but i never saw who that was so idk for sure. but then people were no problem with Carlie or George names... so i think not.


    should I not talk about this??? how can you be banned for ask a questions?? and dont see why name Dragon would be banned... but im not good with english very much.


    so please help me if you can. thx. but be careful because u might upset someone??? espcily Dragon if I wrong... and idek who the heck that is!!!


    ... im a confuse, ill thinkg about this more later.

  14. LATE APRIL!?! I have to admit that does make me consider unsubscribing... where as before this it wasn't even a thought in my mind.

    add the security key situation to that and its not looking good.

    and seeing as EA are quite well known for poor QoS at times, i basically have no faith that they will listen to customers and change they minds.

    Might actually be worth quitting now and come back in 6 months, or when proper content is added for endgame... it amazes me that with all the mmo experince our world now has, they still manage to get it wrong as far as doing the right thing by customers instead of making decisions that are based more on what? profit?. Satisfying customer = profit fgs.

    and yes doing the wrong thing, because orginally it was stated that char transfers should/might be within a week of server opening...

    the server quality seems excellent, really happy with the ping now, but really not getting this 2 month wait for transfers. this is basically going to equal nothing but population loss, which is the last damn thing we need.

  15. It's late night for them and the CM's here unlike in that "iother" game only seem to work normal business hours. So i'd be amazed to have gotten any further info from them after SRT's last post.


    its currently roughly 4 hours to 10:01pm edst? and 1am in US? so they're going to be asleep and it all kicks in automatically, while they snore away dreaming of money marching out of our pockets into they banks vault? :) surely not... i would love to know if THAT was true...

    seriously though, 5am seems pretty far out of normal business hours, and anyway, this is a special occasion... i consider this to potentially be the pinacle of my mmo experiences... an Oz server for the best mmo to date, how can anyone sleep at a time like this! :D

  16. Typically, newer information supercedes older (potentially) not yet updated info - grace period anyone?? ...


    you have a good point, but "typically" and "potentially" still aren't "definately" :)


    i realise i probably wont get this definitive information and will just have to wait and see. but i also wanted to see whether anyone official would respond to an inquiry about the conflicting information they have provided... would only take 5 mins surely?

  17. ...stating they're updating the FAQ...


    Thats in the context of new information, regarding mostly char transfer info?... it doesnt mention FIXES of currently wrong information contained in the FAQ...


    Thats exactly why I asked for offical response, not speculation.


    Is there already an officials statement saying that, the specific information contained in the FAQ regarding the times, is wrong?

  18. ...Here's our official launch timing. All servers will be online simultaneously at approx 5:01AM CST (Austin time), but with timezones straddling a date:


    New Zealand: 12:01am NZDT (March 1st)

    Australia: 10:01pm EDT (February 29th)

    Singapore: 7:01pm SGT (February 29th)

    Hong Kong: 7:01pm HKT (February 29th)...


    The SWtoR FAQ states:


    When will you open the Asia Pacific servers?


    The Asia Pacific servers will open by Thursday March 1st, 2012, 12:01AM EDT, 2:01AM NZDT; Hong Kong and Singapore: Wednesday, February 29th, 2012, 9:01PM HKT, 9:01PM SGT.



    ... so which is right please? (id appreciate an official response, not speculation ty ;) )

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