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Posts posted by truchaos

  1. Just do the hovering baby carrier- closed. It can even have an animated visual effect of the top cracking open a bit and a little green hand dropping a silver 'ball' out or a frog-creature hopping out before it closes again.


    No full visual of the yoda species to muck with lore hounds, but a nod to the fantastic series and a wonderful addition to all the bounty hunters wearing the new shiny armour off the CM.

  2. Add a new selection to leaving the warzone- Emergency Extraction.


    Someone wants to leave the regs warzone they queued for and accepted the pop for without a lockout? Let them.. for a significant fee of credits or vouchers bought with cc (scaling for leaving multiple warzones in a period of time).


    You can leave for free and eat the requeue timer- or pay and requeue right away. Options.

  3. From what I have seen since pvping from game start is many times it simply comes down to - who (both individuals and certain guilds) is online and what side they are they playing on at the time. There is a lot of random fodder that fills in the gaps, but there are certainly 'named' players. Many have characters on both sides. Some play only solo, others are never seen without their 4-man carry team, and others fluctuate between solo and grouped depending on how social they are feeling that given day.


    Every now and then I will get a 'random' outstanding player in a wz whose name I don't recognize, only to find out that it is merely a new alt of one of the know names, a transfer from another server, or an older elite player returning from retirement.


    Currently, as far as my server goes, a lot of these players start off on repub side in the morning hours and then shift to the imp side in the evening. This gives the impression (if you are only logging in in the evening) that the imp side is merely a faceroll.


    As a rage jug it is your imperative to utterly ignore your own mortality, find the largest grouping of red that you can on the battle field, and leap headlong into said group in utter disregard of any line of sight issues this might cause to your healer and/or your health (or lack there of at the time). It is also a class requirement that the concept of 'objectives' only relates to aforementioned leaping into the largest group of red and thrashing about wildly.

  5. Actually, I don't mind Koth. He is a bit blind in his faith, but has his uses.


    Lana however... I Never wanted. Ever. Period. In fact I think I Told her this to her face quite a few times leading up to KotFE, yet here she still is making doe eyes at my characters despite my obvious disdain for her.


    Not a single character I have would have willingly taken her along even as a lackey. Most of them would have killed her at the most convenient/opportune moment after first meeting her back in the pre-revan days.

  6. Marr is one of the only powerful, practical, distinctly alpha Male personality characters in the game. He is not some skirt chasing romeo-wannabe creep or naive pretty boy-toy that the developers seem to *think* women like. He is the only male npc that I, as a female gamer who plays only female characters, found distinctly interesting to know more about.


    And you kill him off and leave me with this... spineless blonde trollop of Lana who I do not want and can't seem to get through her pathetic doe-eyed head that I never will? Now, I understand that it is PC to include the option for a same-sex relationship in a character's storyline but it would be nice to have the option of informing an npc that you are flat out not interested early in the storyline interaction. It is rather annoying that I have now informed this particular npc that I would prefer her to take a long walk out of a short airlock multiple times and yet here I am stuck with her and Marr, whom I would rather have had and would have sacrificed Lana for without blinking an eye, is dead?


    Not happy in the slightest. :mad:

  7. That other team had 5 healers, yet I see deaths on the board as well- in fact, it appears that your team won due to kills.


    So, even with 5 heals and a tank on a team people died more than a team with 2 heals and a tank. That kind of goes against the 'moar heals = insta win' mob doesn't it?

  8. It takes 3-4 DPS to take out a guarded healer that is being peeled for and guarded. You can go with 3 only with coordination, if its randoms in unranked with mediocre skill it takes 4.


    So, it takes 3-4 players working as a team to take out 3-4 enemy players working as a team...

  9. Haha really? I think we are playing different games, in mine a sorc healer that is guarded and peeled by his team is not going down 2 peeps, even with coordination.

    PS. I hope you where not under the impression that said healer was alone doing a duel vs 2 DPS doing daily or something.


    So, a healer who is supported by his/her team (be it in regs or arenas) is not an easy kill? :rolleyes: No class, when supported by their team, should be an easy kill. That is the point of team support.


    Two good dps, working in concert, with knowledge of their classes and the classes they are going against (so, basic game mechanics knowledge) can blow up a guarded/peeled healer. Does it require a bit more strategy than basic derphammer-> nail? Yeap, but it can be done.

  10. Add a box of 'stealth detection holocameras' to all arenas- much akin to the boxes of holocams in multiple pve areas.


    Make the holocam a mobile channeled ability that gives the player channeling it a frontal cone of stealth scan- say 30 second channel that you can move around with. Why channeled? Because a skilled and cunning stealth can then counter the ability with a well placed stealth sap on the enemy player, breaking the channel, and if the player activates any other abilities or enters combat it will stop the channel.


    Could a top-notch stealth player still actively avoid/sap their way to the acid tie-breaker? Yes, it just ups the skill bar on doing so.


    Does this give classes that typically wouldn't have a chance to detect a stealth player at least a shot at not having 5-~15 minutes of their time wasted? Yeap.

  11. I both solo pug and group queue in regs. Depends on how i'm feeling that day and how much time I have/if I am going to have to take random afk's between matches.


    There are days when the queue seems to randomize the teams well enough, and then there are the days when it seems as if the rng takes perverse pleasure in ensuring that I am stuck vs the same enemy team of pre-made+pugs over and over to the point of being comical.


    The other day I was solo queued for a vast majority of the day, punctuated with random breaks for random periods of time. Yet, over the course of the day, I noticed that I was being consistently queued against the same faction 4 man team + random pugs over and over. It wasn't two teams sync queueing, as the pugs on the other team were consistently changing, and my queue delay times varied throughout the day with a smattering of arena matches and cross faction matches tossed in so I was not always going straight from one 8 man match to another in the queue set. It actually became such a trend that I started getting whispers from the pre-made team asking if I was ever going to get queued up on their side as they were tired of chasing me.


    Rng queue humour at its best I guess.

  12. Personally I'm not sure what to think about the AoE change yet. Before I can tell, whether I like it or not, I'd need to know what will be considered AoE in the context of this change. If only "true" AoE is affected (ground targeted ones like Death from above) then nothing will change for me as I play a concealment Op and we lost our only "true" AoE long ago.


    If everything else that is multi target is included (cone skills like flame thrower, radius skills like flame sweep, splash damage skills like frag grenade), then that will be a huge problem.


    I have yet to hear just what they are considering true 'aoe's in this change as well. Does this effect templated, non-templated, directional, and splash damage? Or just the spamable aoe's? Do knockbacks/knockdowns still stop caps or are those worthless as well?


    On a side note- with this change I would like to see the act of capping give the capper a debuff of 'vulnerable' negating all immunity/defensive abilities while they cap. Trying to stop a shadow/assassin capping with all their immunities running will be interesting if not.

  13. Mez breaks are part of the game, although I do wish it taddled on the mez breaker in big, bold text.


    Though it is a glorious thing with mezes do go right- when that second player, that you do not know and is not in vc/guild/etc with you, shows up at the cap and follows up on your stun/mez at just the right moment and there is a sense of reward for a team played objective snatched from regs.

  14. There's a reason that my merc healer is a cybertech. That knockdown grenade gets used on practical cool down and it is more of a poor bandaid to the problem. And now that so many dps have abilities that give flat out immunity to any stun/gravity/snare effects, the argument of 'mercs have knock back!' is worthless.


    I find myself using knock back as more of an offensive tool than defense because of it not being usefull when I truly need it due to immunities.

  15. Well, you see mandos/mercs have offered up some really good ideas in the past for a dcd/get out of dodge ability. Two of which- an immunity shield and a short jetpack leap (roll) were handed out to the other healers instead. Apparently our 'heavy armour' was our downfall- but my question is why doesn't our heavy armour have some nice integrated evac system?


    My suggestion is a 'beacon' that can be placed on the ground at range - max 30 meters that would give the mando/merc a buff of 'hotzone medivac/tactical relocation' and, when activated again with the buff active, would act like the shadow/sin teleport and snatch the mando/merc to the location and provide a ~2-3 second buff that has the same effects as the boss 'unreachable' buff (cannot be the target of leaps or pulls- heal tree could possibly have a skill that ups it to a buff of 3-4 seconds). The down side? The mando/merc also receives a short debuff of 90% snare (or possible root) as they cope with the effects of the emergency teleportation.


    This forces the mando/merc to think tactically in placement (isn't that what we are supposed to do anyhow?) You wouldn't want it so far away that you would possibly be out of range to aid your team, but also not so close as to having the enemy right up on you immediately afterwards.

  16. Had an interesting warzone match this past evening- original huttball and both teams were, surprisingly, quite equally matched up with a solid mix of solo queued vet players. Ops chat was used in short & sweet confirmations of placements/pulls/etc but wasn't even needed at most times as the players knew their roles and what to expect from the others on the team. Ended in a 2v2 locked score (every point bled for) and a last minute scramble for possession. It was, in short, a very gratifying game all around.


    What was interesting was at the start of the match I noted a well-known elite sin player on the enemy team. Typically, this player is backed by their full ranked 4 man steamroll team when you see them in regs and the games are laughably sided in their favour, but last night they were actually solo. The game could have gone either way, but in the end the republic team snatched victory from the jaws of the empire with a very well played double pull chain into fire. End match... gg's all around from both sides except when /say lights up with bitter ranting from the 'elite' about their lack-luster team and that the game was actually fair.


    It was a good laugh to end the night on.

  17. I'm curious if, at any point in the queue sets, was the so-called stacked team ever approached and asked- with the proper ego stroking- if they might come explain to newer ranked members why they are running the comps/builds they are and if they had any tips/tricks to share?
  18. If a DPS class is focused on a healer with any number of other players they should go down. That's insanity.


    So, just because you did damage to a healer- they should simply fall over and die? Sorry to burst your dps bubble but it takes a bit more effort than that to kill a competent healer.


    You already indicated that you faced a double healer comp and, since you listed off kills, I'm assuming that you are talking about 8v8 regs. You have not said what the comp of your own team was, nor the rest of the enemy team- was the healer you were pouring your dps into also guarded? What AC was this healer and their backup? Was the player using the environment to their benefit (los & h2f) and was your team allowing them to do so? Were you using your interrupts/cc/stuns/knockbacks in a semi-logical fashion? What warzone was it and was your team working to coordinate towards the actual objective of the warzone (I'll give you a hint on this one- outside of Arenas, every single 8v8 regular warzone can be won without ever killing a single enemy player)?


    Damage alone does not = an 'I win' button.

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