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Posts posted by pmeeps

  1. Some out there suggestions:


    Abandon the Trinity


    I would make it so that all players are DPS and that aggro would be something that players would share. I would give heals to most classes and taunts to any class that could handle the aggro (i.e. all current tanks, plus Marauders/Sentinels, Mercs/Commandos).


    Orthogonal Character Progression after level 50


    No level increases, instead I wish the devs would add alternate advancement methods like Everquest (and EQ2s) AA system, or City of Heroes Incarnate system.


    De-emphasize gear, focus more power on inherent traits


    Along with the above, I would greatly deemphasize gear in favor of having the majority of player power come from their own inherent traits.


    while i like your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter, i imagine all of those constitute the "big things" Meirv was talking about.

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