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Posts posted by Warlok

  1. ....to reading the forums. Man am I tired of all the trolls ripping SWTOR apart. It's new...sure it has issues...big deal...get over it already...it's a game for crying out loud, not a way of life....if you don't like it don't play it and stop trolling the forums. Go do something useful with your time...


    And don't bother replying to this thread...because I'm not going to read it....



  2. Yeah I know what you mean. I also really enjoy this game. Sure, it's not perfect..lots of bugs, the interface needs a overhaul, etc. etc. I didn't expect the game to be perfect and I'm not the type to whine my bloody head off about it not being perfect. Bioware is busily going about fixing things so give them a chance.


    Cripes...people complain more about this game then they do when the government raises their taxes!...Get a life already!

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