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Posts posted by valkrei

  1. This might have all been said but ill state it myself anyway.


    1. Long load times between planets, tab out of the game and re-entry load times.


    2. Spaceports should be removed annoying waste of time places that do just that, waste time


    3. Class balancing is a nightmare. I as a gunslinger am stunned and dead in 4 seconds vs a sith. Bounty hunters do massive dmg as well and hard has heck to kill.


    4. races for the good guys are boring.


    5. times for quick travel and Fleet pass need to be reduced by at least 25% and I would reccomend closer to 40%.


    6. Datacrons- most require you to have Mario brothers type movement to reach yet this game is absolutely terrible with jumping/movement. Half the places they make you go cause you to get stuck also.


    7. Soft wall you cannot pass. Warning you need to go back. meanwhile I have already taken 10% dmg before I can even respond and then to make it worse it knocks you off your speeder to make sure your going to take even more then neccessary. How about an invisable hard wall you cannot pass. They existed in the First everquest back in 1990's.


    8. Smugglers, supper squishy, and coverscreen is anoying. To many boss fights where you need to move around to bother. SOA for example you have to watch the boss, the watch balls of lighting, watch the traps, most of the fight I cant do the dmg i need because im not in cover.


    9. Legacy name, I picked a dumb name whoops. Need an option to change your legacy name. In addition why is that x and Y both cannot have the same legacy name. Its hard enough to get a good first name in this game because they are all taken but the limitations on the legacy name need to be eased.


    Real world example. How many people have the last name Jones? a lot right and im sure you can think of several people with that last name that are famous and not related. That is 2 unrelated legacy with the same legacy name essentially.


    10. Land speeders, speed. Why is it i get on a crap looking land speeder aka Taxi speeder and its faster then my level 50 speeder that i paid for? Level 50 speeder should be at least 150% maybe faster.

  2. Legacy name changed needs to happen Now!


    I will pay credits in game I do not care.


    Also why can I not have the same legacy name as another player?


    Are you telling me there is only one family of Jones in America? It is a last name.

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