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Posts posted by Rangerflak

  1. Ok so I pretty much pvp leveled. Save every comm, bought all the best gear I could at 50. Recruit gear with 3 pieces of BM and I'm still getting 2 shotted with 1000 expertise. I can't even get to an objective most of the time. 13k life and getting hit for 5.5k. Sheesh. Before some low IQ troll says L2Play, I've pvp levels 3 toons to 50. All I do is pvp. 1- - 49 I'm usually on the winning team, if not top dps then damn close to it. I think our DMG needs to go WAY up or at least our mitigation/defense. Not whining, just putting this out there hoping someone up above reads and takes heed.
  2. I disagree completely. Just because they have the highest DPS doesn't make them the better player. It could be that the others were paying attention to the objective which don't seem to get properly rewarded.


    scoreboard is a good way to see who's guilty.


    3 gunslingers in huttball match.

    1st makes 300k+ damage

    2nd and 3rd make 100k damage.

    same objectives,.

    mean 2 gunslingers were noobs.


    or if 1 guy was whine all the warzone about noob team, gets on the lowest part of list.

    it means he is noob like other in team.

  3. Does anyone else seem to think that the scoreboard is ridiculous in PVP? I mean if you are top DPS on the losing team, you are STILL a loser!! I see so many wannabe ******es completely ignoring an objective so that they can chase every kill they can find because they are more concerned with being on the top of the list than they are with WINNING. If you are at the top and you completely let the other team ninja an objective while you chase that kill..... What purpose does the scoreboard provide?
  4. I have reported the same guy several times for AFK leveling on Keller's Void. Regardless of the ballteground, the guy, Bnailfe is his name, leaves the starter area, then sits and stand in the corner the ENTIRE match. I get the standard "non-answer" from Bioware and blah blah blah. I think we as a community need to make a lot of noise about this and get the attention of Bioware since they really don't seem interested in addressing this.
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