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Posts posted by Racetrack

  1. There is great humor, perhaps even irony, in feeling entitled to voicing your opinion that others are acting entitled.


    However, it is not being wrapped in entitlement to express disappointment in a serious lapse in public relations judgment when a large company swerves off the norm in terms of themed celebrations. There is a standard practice in the online gaming industry for holidays and anniversaries to be met with small gifts of cute, non-essential value. Themed pets, toys, maybe a title or two. To deviate from the norm and place all the themed holiday items on a money costing shop, during the holiday season known primarily for GIVING, is going to be seen as disrespectful (desperate cash grab) and met with disdain.

  2. and whats wrong with mythic ? they made the best pvp mmo so far and iam not talking about WAR....


    Mythic is eternally cursed for what they did to a loyal fanbase that helped build up their resources by paying ridiculous prices on AOL. They are the definition of awful customer service, and DAoC only remains because of the PVP system that was created from the code of their MUDs (the very same ones that still had paying customers, customers who had been with them for over fifteen to twenty years at again ridiculous prices) which they allowed EA to shut down once they completed the sale.


    They ruin everything they touch now because they care more about money than creating fulfilling games with long-term vision. It did not help that they let one of their most passionate and visionary employees go and he ended up heading direct competition.

  3. Hi,


    For many people this patched added a welcomed addition in the adjustable/scale-friendly UI customization; it helps them arrange their interface to better suit their needs and play style. An addition that is much appreciated to many, many people.


    However, the default option on the interface editor is not the original, at launch interface. The player frames are flipped, you can't get the right scales for the bars to fit in perfectly as they used to do pre-patch. I understand the intent was to give players a more familiar interface, a taste acquired in other popular MMOs.


    For some of us though, the original-at-launch interface was perfectly put together. In particular to some of us with cases of extreme OCD. While I understand the options to rearrange one's interface was much requested change in this patch, and am in no way asking it be revoked, I would like to suggest that a true 'classic' UI option be (re)introduced in an upcoming patch.


    If this was attainable through the default option, or by maneuvering through the interface editor, I would not suggest such. However, as it currently stands, there is no way of obtaining the original-at-launch setup/'look' - be it via options, or customization.


    Thank you for your consideration.

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