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Posts posted by wandering_hero

  1. I couldn't access crafting skills so I logged out and when I went to log back in the icon just sat spinning. I restarted the game and now I am in a queue and my queue time and wait keeps going up instead of down. Population is light.


    I haven't seen a queue in ages.


    It seems like there is some problem with the server that really needs to be addressed.


    Please let us know what is going on.

  2. Just think, a few more weeks of that and you'll get your first piece of Basic Gear!


    Awesome. A few months down the road and you'll be ready for the new Op. On story mode!


    Sing it with me "one step forward, two steps back...".


    Oh Bioware.. when will you "get it". You could have tried listening to all the issues posted from the PTS...

  3. I totally agree and was hoping they would just dump the caps with the latest update. I'll give it a little more time but this is really frustrating. I have a good bit of Columi stuff that I got from greed rolls on months of HMs. It would take 6 months to turn it all in on some of my toons. The cap was always terrible but didn't seem as bad when I thought everything would be similar to the Black Hole prices.


    I just don't care to deal with caps, I don't want to measure and meter what content I do on each character or watch countless comms go down the drain. Almost all of ny characters lost a significant number to oblivion this week.


    Bioware please get on this and dump these caps. They are leeching a lot of the fun out if the game.

  4. Ugh...I hadn't looked yet. At least all the weekly comm caps will make cobbling together a set that much more miserable. Supposedly the alacrity helps some Sentinels...IDK. I really feel like Bioware made some incredibly bad decisions in 2.0. Stuff that if not corrected is very likely to drive players away.
  5. I'm biding my time hoping they wake up and drop the weekly caps. So incredibly disappointed by this it's unreal. I like gearing up my alts and even some companions and completing sets; the way the caps are set up, it will take months and months just to gear companions Campaign. Feel sorry newer players, months on end to get the higher tiers.


    This was incredibly short sighted and contrary to how the game has been for the last 6mos. You know, the time where people were enjoying the game and new players were subbing.


    Don't up them, just dump them. The only caps should be organic, based on the available content and the time one dedicates.


    Very disappointed ...

  6. Bumping this as well. Above posters story/exp is far from unique and actually getting common. More so as the week goes by.


    You guy had a good thing going before with BH comma rewards and gear prices. I ran HM Gps and Ops all the time to gear comps and alts. This in turn helped newer players gear and learn the ropes. You've now destroyed this with the new limits. This really does hurt the game and players more than anything.


    My last hiatus was triggered when you stopped letting us PVP while sitting in group finder. I'm thinking this is a worse mistake and a bigger issue.


    In this particular case I would counsel "don't think about it, just do it.". DUMP THE WEEKLY CAPS.

  7. I'll give them a few weeks to come to their senses and just dump the weekly limits. If not, I'm gonna take another long break only this time I will suspend my sub. I really detest this slap in the face after all the time, effort and support since lauch. I left for months and kept my sub active as a thank you and show of support. I guess this is my just deserts.


    Speak with your wallet, not your heart. Makes a much bigger impact.

  8. A year ago? In that time I have leveled and geared 5 chars up to 50. My advice is not be patient, spend your time doing something instead of just complaining that you didnt get your way. You have been waiting a year to transfer a character? If you spent the time rolling a new char it would be farther along then if you transfered. I'm sure you are one of those people who like to complain, so keep crying. I'm sure your mommy will buy you a new toy soon to get you to stop.


    Wow, you are a presumptuous *******. Please find a new hobby, your kind is not wanted or needed here.

  9. Bye.


    The 'rush rush rush' players are alwayss going to leave after getting to BiS anyways. Better to gate the whole game and keep a pace that's enjoyable and still ketothan gate it andor haveeps people from rushing to the finish and quitting after three weeks.


    Actually the 'rush' players, which is entirely subjective BTW usually move to the next toon and continue gear up which only helps other players by increasing the number of active people playing.


    Much better to gate it and just have people log in and play for a few hours, cap and be done for a week...ugh


    This is bad and foolish any way you slice it. Why aren't more people saying something? The player base isn't known for foresight or long range thinking...neither are the devs apparently.

  10. Dear Bioware, This is real simple, either dump the weekly limits and make them organic (based on the available content) or lose a very significant part of your player base. Likely subs and founders. There is no way people are going to burn months gearing themselves in each tier on all their toons. Let's not forget a healing companion too. Can't say I much like the storage cap either but that is just irritating not game breaking/ending.



    Storage went from 2+ full sets of BH gear to 2+/- Campaign pieces. What?


    You know this kinda stuff is gonna upset a good many (or most) players but you do it anyway...this is all the more frustrating and insulting.


    To recap: Fix it or lose players. My guess is the more than you think.

  11. Honestly this "intentional change" (that was not requested) along with a host of others is getting me pretty close to the end. One of the last things I could do and enjoy with all my 50s was queuing for a HM and doing some WZs to pass the time while waiting for the pop.


    People act like it is some huge loss when a a random person leaves a WZ. It's not. It happens all the time for a variety of reasons and we deal. It generally has no major effect on the match outcome and most often someone instantly takes their place and gets a match done a little faster.


    What is going to be a huge loss is less people queuing for both HMs and WZs. I wish Bioware would think these things through a little better. Do they think people enjoy sitting on fleet waiting up to an hour for a pop? You can't group and go do dailies or a world boss so you are just stuck.


    Please change this back and do it quickly. It wasn't a real problem before but it sure is now. Why on earth would you do something rlthat limits what people can do or accomplish?

  12. Eh whatever. Customer service can just go ahead and sen me the 3 dozen mk6 kits they owe me. I don't wanna hear about updates, patch notes or anything else. I want my stuff that I spent hours on working as it did. I play, I don't sit around reading notes, diaries or any other garbage.


    Stop screwing up already. It's something every time. Get it right and if you can't do be bothered to do that then make it right.


    Your complete disregard and respect for our time is literally sickening.


    Just get it done.

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