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Posts posted by Dcardinalone

  1. Yo i will legit seriously let you have all my stuff i forgot about that. I have ALOT too. atleast 200 mil credit to give you i still got this game on my crappy lap top i can get on that and give it to you. i have work these two days in the morning but can get on later on the day. All my mats and stuff better bring a BIG inventory. when do you want to do this? WHO are you to whisper? and yes i do lack social skills i am an introvert and prefer to play solo but goddamn its unplayable when team are so unbalance so this games not for me. It is a social game after all mmo so yeah. soontirmorillo thank you for asking an reminding me.
  2. The PVP in this game is broken. Too many one sided games in regs, Too much randomness with maps No choice to choose which maps to play. It just makes it unbearable and a waste of time. I dont like PVE content AT ALL but even pve has the same problem . THere literally is no pvp guilds in this game only MEME title named guilds created for edginess and shock of funny value. You can clearly see this when they advertise to pay people to help them create a guild and offering money in general chat.You can clearly see how many one man name guilds are in pvp warzones. literally every person in a warzone who does nothing but pvp has their own exclusively name dead guild name hanging around their heads. The community is splintered because of this there is no premades, no grouping. The only exception might be a few 1 or 2 guilds but those guys have been playing this game since the beginning so they have formed their bond before current community became what it is today.


    This is generally a PVE problem as well i have been in several dead guilds but miraculously leadership logs in every now and then to keep their guild leadership role then off to play in this "other guild" where he actually plays content, thanks for inviting me to your dead guild tho and denying me the privilege to play in an actuallguild with dedicated leadership. This is actually a problem for newbs who dont know any better. Not me tho. This is most evident when they say Play as you want and no conquest obligations as a recruiting message. Ultimately id have to ask some of you to wonder or consider if it really is worth playing this game. Perhaps if they locked an account to one guild we might see some worthwhile change but until then its just a fractured divided community Especially in the pvp area.that will continue to get even more an more fractured.

  3. I doubt they will do anything non-humanoid. Armor, weapons, animations, cutscenes, using a speeder, jumping, all of that are currently predicated for humanoids. A humanoid lizard with a tail? Ok, that would work, they'd just have to do tail animations and modify armor, etc. A dog/wolf that walked on 4 legs? How would it use a lightsaber? How would it fire a gun? Pilot a walker?


    I think it would be too much to deal with given their current resources (or rather lack thereof).


    Okay fine but humanoid but with little extra like with tail like you said same for dog race give it a tail and make its head more lizard or dog type, they arleady have a lizard species with non humanoid shaped head to work with they can use that for base to create more dog like face too and hell give us the squid race they already have those in there too. But also give us good mask helm to go with them.

  4. Will it be viable? Heck yeah why not im sure itll come down to a certain class favorite and many people will be queuing as that class . There are already classes that are non viable and some that are viable in 4v4. i think itll increase the pop and bring back some life into it.
  5. All the species in this game are humanoid like give us something more extreme. Tired of same humanoid races i would them to introduce a lizard like species WITH a tail or a dogwolf like species the only one we have that is any different from the other one is togruta and ALSO i would like better headgear for that race, mask, helm to make him more menacing you there is no good helmets or mask for togruta or twilik species in this game.
  6. I mean why not we already have 4v4 unbalanced teams with for example 4 dps on one side and healer with 3 dps on other so i figure why not give us two easier to form group too and much quicker que will probly shorten the que time too. Or even 1v1 or 3v3.
  7. well when you choose flashpoints you get the option to que for specific ones or random so if people just want to get in any match they can choose random and as i said above make the requirement for the big warzones less people for it to pop as i also said above. Its pretty fair for everybody. i personally hate huttball but i dont believe im in the majority here so it shouldnt be a problem to get a pop also considering how they keep adding more huttball maps its must be pretty popular with pvpers why keep adding them?
  8. I have spent TWO HOURS just exiting huttball wzs and requeing again not doing anything else (cant focus on my toons story or possibly que for anything else,fps, ops,) What am i paying subscription for? We NEED to be able to select which warzones we want to play its not that hard i dont mind waiting a long time for a warzone map i want. Give us choice Bioware stop being a communist. Lower the amount of people on teams to get more pops if 8v8 is too much time to 4v4, 2v2,3v3 you get the point. And make daily bonus for wzs that are not popular to increase the time on those.
  9. Because they dont want to take a risk into using money to create that with no big payoff pretty much. Why dont they do alot of things that are cool? Money, resources wasted in unsure risk with no payoff. But then again maybe they should do one time things to test how popular it is. For example they recently added a jawa portrait disguise on cartel market i think its hilarious and thy should do more of those but well see if it sell for them.
  10. Well of the other "four" players about half of them can and actually are new players who dont know where to go or how to play, they really are not focusing objs becuase they dont know what to do. Now you take those 2 newb players who arent gonna be much help plus the 4 farming players who are going to be just as useless and that leaves only 2 players trying to win the game against the other team. This proves disastrous when the farming premade all go to the enemies node as soon as they drop from the platform and the newb players (who dont know where to go) naturally follow them leaving mid completely empty enemy grabs mid without a fight and on top of that they fail to grab their turret as well.
  11. Hello could not count the times i happen to be in a "unofficial"( players who were once in a same pvp guild but decided to create their own dead guilds, but still want to group up together like when they were all in the same pvp guild) 4 man premade team which end up losing the fame for us thanks to them ignoring calls and just farming for the rest of the game. The end stats show how "superior" these players are with their high dps stats almost 2/3xs as much as the winning team yet OUR team is the one that lost.. I think a possible solution would be to leave/quit the game out of principle as some as we come across these players that way they wont be able to get much games if people just keep leaving on them.
  12. WOW YOU READ MY MIND. those are the exact maps i hate! LOL. I dont think they are going to get complaints from much people ALOT of people LOVE HUTTBALL apparently thats also why they are coming with a new map too. They might risk losing player if they dont imo. People treat huttball like their open world pvp nowadays its where they can do whatever except objectives . And the other half is farmers and wannabe farmers. I wouldnt mind waiting for warzones i like while also waiting for other stuff like fps, ops, urisings,starfighter heck its all toward conquest anyways.
  13. Bioware needs to make changes and allow us to que for the maps that we want just like flashpoints. I cant be leaving Huttballs maps 5 straight times and finally get the map i want after one hour. We have enough maps now that we can choose like fps.Also in that hour im trying to get the map i want i would also like to be qued for other things, flashpoints, uprisings, ops etc, :rak_02:
  14. anyone miss the companion chats you used to have with comp in original storyline levels 1-50? im reunited with my former comps and its like one cut-scene pretty much they are saying hi the past is the past and thats it? also the fact that you cant put gear on new comps is really frustrating. would it be nice if they introduced independent companion story missions similar to mass effect loyalty missions and so on?
  15. its not a troll thread. tve actually gotten a few good tips outta this. like that hoppinator guys suggested i will save my dot for people who are not dead and switch to other targets not close to death to get max damage out. dont focus healer through guard. ive had my suspicions about these tactics and alot of them have been confirmed. ty.
  16. hi i would like to score high dps score on warzones like ive seen some players do very good compared to others. what is their secret? should i just damn the objectives and find the squishiest unguarded opponent and farm him? should i not obey calls to the pylon or never get myself stuck guardiing a node? im not sure but some of the top dpsers in wzs ive noticed never guard a pylon or go to attack and enemy node,not do they come when help is asked at pylon, also i dont think they focus the guarded healer as well. is this what i should do? very often i find myself being the onlly one attacking the healers(and sometimes they are guarded) should i not bother? what do you high dpser do any tips?
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