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Posts posted by Andarion

  1. Contrary to the common belief, almost in every country in the world outside US the people speak more than one lenguage. Also, the game have a very easy learning curve, so anyone can learn it very quickly.


    For your information, India got out the Stone Age a few years ago, and the indians have an average IQ similar to the americans, so no problem with that.


    For the end, not only this thread is taking a stinky racist smell, but it also appear written by backcountry american hicks.


    So please, think twice your misconceptions before write a thread.


    Outsorcing is a logistical problem, and even a corporate culture problem, but not an intelectual o technological problem.


    I'm not American or even European, I'm South American, but many posters have very strong points, namely on the issue of communication, sure Indians may have a similar IQ to Americans and they may be taught english, but that doesn't mean they can commnicate ideas PROPERLY in english, clear communication is vital for any organization in order for it to survive such a turbulent enviroment as is in the game/tech industry.


    Also in many cases people know how to speak english with basic words, but in order to do QA you need to have a more extense vocabulary in order to identify issues properly, so I don't really see the issue, because there ARE problems with the Quality Assurance team of SWTOR.

  2. I will keep my subscription up, I like the game, but it has several flaws specially at end game content.


    Namely Operations and Hard Mode Flashpoints, some of them have some glaring bugs that are simply annoying, and sure the game is still one month old, but the bugs seem so easy to spot that makes you wonder how they passed through Beta to Release.


    In Eternity Vault I was with a group of 8 people and we tried at least 6 times to get to simply the first boss to SPAWN because his appearance was not triggering even if we cleared the mobs that precede it, its annoying to not being able to progress through content not due to difficulty, but die to bugs, and I believe that some people are correct by saying that you shouldn't pay to beta test a game.


    But PvE is not my main concern in TOR, there are also several quality of life things that are missing from the game, things thta might go from something as simple as a /roll command to be able to sit in chairs, to better guild tools, also each planet feels MASSIVE, which is awesome, but due to sharding they seem desolate and lonely, but this is maybe a minor issue.


    There are also some killer bugs such as the dissapearing mods bug which should have been hotfixed ASAP instead of waiting to deploy a major patch, and other bugs.


    Also Bioware has been stepping forward and the taking two steps back constantly, first back in Beta all gear was moddable, which was an extremely lovely feature, but was restricted to give a more WoW-ish feeling to the game and to avoid people farming one boss just to remove mods (which is going to be changed to make mods only available to certain pieces of gear) so can't we have all the gear moddable again and give real customization instead of a mediocre work with orange sets? (most orange pieces of gear are not part of a complete moddable set, for example you have a moddable chest, but the gloves that match it are blues)


    I hope Bioware fix these issues, now I love many other aspects of the game, such as story, I love most flashpoints and how they work, I love the idea behind heroic quests, and several other features, this game has potential, but it is in Bioware's hands to make it improve, or make it die, I really hope this game will improve considerably over time, and I'm willing to give it a chance.

  3. Interrupt and and well timed CC.


    Skilled players destroy Tracer spammers.






    The only issue is when you have a group combat between several players I.E Alderaans central turret, which makes selective targetting abit sketchy given that you should decided to target either the healer or the Mercs/Commandos, but 1 on 1 Mercs and Commandos are easy to kill

  4. How do gunnery commando's EVER have problems with operatives, except in the same situation everyone does....ie, when their trinket is down?


    The second I get knocked down I trinket+knockback, and pop a medpack. Usually it's about 100% now, if it's not I just pop myself up with a quick 1.5 second heal.


    After that, the operative is my playtoy for as long as I feel like playing with them. I really don't see how any trooper has problems with operatives except when stuck in the knockdown stun....which everyone dies in that situation anyway (just about).


    Good operatives can hit a 350+ expertise Vanguard Shield Specialist (Tank), for around 3-4k not sure if with adrenals or not (my HP is around 17k-18k) and given the low damage output of the spec, and how fast an operative can deal damage (and if my cryo grenade and other stun are in CD) I may be dead, if not I may hold my ground for a few more seconds, unti:


    A) I die




    B) I get backup

  5. Operative.


    That's all you need to kill a Trooper, no need for convoluted plans, gear or stims.

    He will stun him to the ground and then spam Knife and voila!


    Pretty much this, as a 350+ expertise trooper I can't stand against well geared operatives for more than a few seconds if I don't have resolve or anti CC available, and if I don't use my cryo grenade/Neural Overload.


    Also I find well geared Sorcerers/Sages (namely healers) to be quite a pain in the *** to down considering the low damage output that a shield specialist has.


    And last but not least, when I top damage scores it means that:


    A) my team was full of baddies


    B)The opposite team was full of baddies that stick together and whenever I use my AoEs (Mortar Volley/DFA, explosive surge, and what not) they don't move from the target area, which causes my damage done through the roof


    C)There were no Operatives/Scoundrels around

  6. That's how I felt. A bit anti-climactic at the end, like they didn't have enough time to think about a better ending.


    Incoming spoilers, so read at your own risk.




    I really don't understand why people are surprised that the trooper story isn't more controversial. You're not playing a free agent, but a professional soldier who made Special Forces not only because they were capable, but also because they could be relied on to complete a mission without being distracted by personal adventures.


    Also, you are by no means a mindless drone. If you go the Light route, you get to stand for the ideals of the Republic far more than your superiors, for whom the end often justifies the means. I know that I got yelled at by Garza after almost every important mission, and especially so at the end.


    Regarding companions, I didn't find them similar or one-dimensional at all, although some of them are not fully developed.


    Jorgan may be a classic soldier, but if you do his quest, you'll see that his loyalties are very humane and that he despises the actions of the secret services. He also isn't the best at following orders, but that's understandable considering how he was treated after the defection of the original Havoc Squad.


    Dorne, while annoying as hell with her regulations, has had an unusual life and has to live with the fact that her family may be suffering because of her defection; her story, once you piece it together, is probably the most realistic. She's consistently hounded by suspicion, regardless of the fact that she's a good soldier and a good medic and hasn't given them any reason to think she is a secret Imperial agent. The happiness and relief she feels when she finally becomes a Republic citizen is actually very similar to how immigrants feel when they get permanent status.


    Forex is there for comic relief - a murderous zealot robot. He's completely over the top and is likely there as a reminder why you shouldn't manufacture your soldiers.


    Tanno Vik is a thug, completely unlike everyone else in the Squad. If I didn't need his affection maxed because of the miracles he works with UT (comes back with Mando Iron more often than not), I'd be slapping him around freely. I find it somewhat curious that a self-entitled jerk like him wouldn't be hitting on his attractive female boss at every chance, but they may have figured that some women would be annoyed (I'm a woman and I think it would have been hilarious if I could punch him without getting DS points).


    Yuun is very interesting, but also very underdeveloped. I think it would have been nice if we could have gotten an actual quest from him.


    My sense is that some of the companions who aren't fully sketched out may be developed in content patches or expansions. For now, it seems like they focused on the more human ones for now. I'd much prefer to get more content for these ones before we get new companions.


    Completely agreed, nice review

  7. well Operatives/scoundrels are OP but then again so are bounty hunter and troopers



    so its OP class vs OP class crying its seems



    my OP class is getting hurt please buff me that OP class is actualy doing damage to me nerf it.


    thats pretty much were this is going



    bounty hunters/troopers dps and heals need nerfing and operative's defense and burst dps needs nerfing


    thats pretty much it


    There is so much missinformation in this post that I really don't know where to start...


    First off the OP said he was a POWERTECH, Powertechs (and therefore Vanguards) cannot heal themselves, unless you count the small heal done by adrenaline rush, other than that and setting biochem/pvpconsumables aside they can't heal themselves.


    Second if you have issues with a Mercenary/Commando killing you, then you are a fool, both commandos and mercs are basically turrets, the main idea around them is to "spam" (its not really that much of spam) Grav Round / Tracer Missile, why? cause it stacks a debuff that reduces your armor rating, so interrupt them, if you have many stacks of the debuff stun them, find a good place for LoS and let it wear off and restart the fight, also both of those classes are TERRIBLE at close range.


    Now as for Powertechs/Vanguards having issues with Operatives/Scoundrels it is true, our tanking abilities are completely useless against them, what is more ironic, tanking classes tank damage worse than other classes in pvp (sorcerors/sages bubble comes to mind, which is much more useful than our tanking shield generator).


    However the outlying issue are the Biochem consumables along with the fact that operatives/scoundrels need a slight tonedown in their damage.

  8. I write this post with the hopes that some developer pays attention to this apparently small but important issue regarding the current way how orange armor can be crafted in SWTOR.


    Currently (and at least from an armormech crafter (400/400) with several orange schematics learned I've noticed the absolute lack of learn-able (and therefore craftable) of moddable gear for the foot, hands, wrist and waist slots. As of now I haven't been able to find a single schematic of orange gear for said slots, I checked in TOR-Head to see if maybe I was missing any schematic, but to my surprise I found none. So what is the point of being able to craft orange pieces of gear if they are incomplete?


    What is even worse the pieces of gear that might go along with said moddable gear are not moddable. To give a clear example...


    the outcast heavy armor chest that is moddable is composed by 3 pieces Legs, chest and helmet


    Those three pieces are moddable, however the boots, gloves and belt

    are NOT. And this is the case with many other sets of orange gear.


    It would be ideal to have the possibility to get the schematics to craft a whole set of gear instead of what we have now that is just an incomplete mess.


    If you have any input to give to this thread, feel free to do so, and try to keep a civil discussion, hopefully this issue will get some attention by the devs.

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