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Posts posted by schippo

  1. I freaking hate this gear system.


    People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


    I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


    edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.

  2. i love the new pvp. old pvp was too slow and healers definitely were too effective... they actually need to play now as a support class rather than running around kiting 4 dps'ers and being undying gods of game


    the cc system is still broken they need a proper DR system like wow rather than the silly resolve bar but other than that im thoroughly enjoying pvp at the moment, a massive increase in enjoyment over last patch (im not a marauder/sent by the way).


    I do agree marauders could be toned down a tad, they seem to be doing markedly more dmg than every other class.


    new warzone kicks *** in my opinion


    i'd wager most qq'ers are either healers or sorcs who got nerfed (but the community all knew they needed it.)

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