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Posts posted by Sytholis

  1. I just feel like they aren't listening to the right people..... I mean watching my server die is frustrating. Shadowtown has single digits on fleet, and don't try to get all that isn't the real population on me either fanboi's, I traveled around and it's single digits on most planets too. Kinda hard to play this anymore since it is becoming a single player game.. here maybe this will help. WE NEED SERVER MERGES A.S.A.P. not more content, unless it's pvp related.




    At least it made me chuckle

  2. Dear Bioware,


    I am writing this because as of this post I have seen little if any activity on the forums regarding PVP fixes or content. This concerns me as you not only put us PVP'ers off by not installing 8 man ques, or ranked WZ's in your latest and greatest patch, but you also introduced class re balancing that frankly shouldn't have been addressed before the other two pvp topics.


    As I look over the forums, dev tracker, Q&A weekly posts I see chatter about server merging (good thought process), I see upcoming planned events ie.. rakghoul plague type things, and other neat PVE adjustments to the game talked about upcoming in 1.3, but I see NOTHING regarding PVP.


    Have you decided PVP isn't worth your time?


    Are you incompetent when it comes to PVP development?


    Should the PVP community break up with your company permanently?


    I have been a patient subscriber since just after launch. I have been trying to wait for some sign of life from your PVP department, but all I have seen is a much hyped system that is failing to deliver. I like the Star Wars franchise, and appreciate the efforts your developers gave to getting this game launched. But I believe the time to deliver is fast upon you if not already past you Bioware.


    Some form of good news regarding PVP (that will be followed through of course) is needed, or I fear you will not only lose more pvp based mmo subscriptions, but I will have to leave also. Other games are on the horizon one just launched this past weekend another due this month, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for you to follow through on your hype and deliver the best PVP system around as you called it early on in development.


    Running out of patience, and time fast please respond if you care about the PVP community at all.

  3. LMAO need to remove this dumb post rofl wow I wasnt factoring 3 points I hadnt put my build up yet rofl wow thanks for pointing that out...


  4. thanks for all of the replies.. I have found a piece and purchased it I look a lot better imo. Now the only issue will be when I have enough ranked comms for Augmented War Hero piece.. don't think I will be able to find an augmented robe not sure if they made that possible in 1.2 dont think they did.


    Thanks again...

  5. Uh... as much as I know people hate hearing this:


    The actual universe lore doesn't support you expectation of monk-style robes for Guardians. Before the Ruusan Reformation, there were Jedi armies and warriors, complete with battle armor. Only after that reformation, (1000 years before 'Phantom Menace' and 2000 after The Old Republic) did they avoid armor. So, at least in SWTOR, to match the existing lore, your Guardian should be looking for full battle armor, not simple robes.


    Of course, you can play however you want. Point here is simply that the society you see in the movies is not the society that exists in this game.


    Very good point, I never read the books, but of course loved the movies as a kid and as an adult. Point well taken but I would prefer to wear a robe like the movies as I didn't really get into all the lore of the series.


    As far as other posters here I am lvl 50 guardian in full battlemaster gear and just looking for orange customizable replacements. I really haven't seen any on my server on gtn or at the pvp vendor of course. I will search further and thanks for responses.

  6. Well by my recollection of the movies, Jedi Knights typically were in robes regardless of their discipline. I am yet to find heavy armor robes anywhere that I can customize or buy. All the heavy armor looks like commando gear even the guardian gear. This is really annoying to me and usually gear looks are not my thing. I usually just worry about stats and dont care much about how it looks so long as it isnt completely gross. But I am a bit irritated that I cannot get my guardian in a hooded robe like my consular. Am I wrong or is this the way it is and I am missing something? I mean really why does a jedi look like a commando ffs? :wea_03:
  7. I just logged in as servers are back up, and I don't remember reading anything about only having 1 pvp daily after patch 1.2. We used to get 2, but there is only 1 available is this working as intended?
  8. Taugrim's post was spot on imo. Well put and thought out. Not everything in 1.2 is horrible, my wife actually noticed a significant increase in responsiveness on her computer. The UI is pretty easy to use and works for me. In no way did it seem Taugrim was whining, it was well put and all should read it instead of jumping on the bandwagon and flaming every post.
  9. The new patch is rubbish, played last night after downloading the new patch, played pvp as usual, got killed every 2 seconds, i am a bounty hunter dps, had a chat with all online , yes we agree we all have been nerfed, this is exactly the way AOC turned to crap:mad::mad::mad:


    LMAO..." talked to all BH online we all have been nerfed"?? OMG L2P and this coming from a total non elitist...... What you cant spam tracers effectively anymore and stand back and aoe a group for 500k dmg that means nothing?


    You had a 10% dmg nerf to tracers last patch note I read...maybe there is more, but how bout a dps built guardian. Specifically a Focus Guardian. A 30% nerf to their main ability, and even before that they had to raid to get power/surge mod/enhancements cause Cent/Champ/BM gear were built with accuracy and crit which were fairly useless stats to Focus Guardians.


    My only suggestion to you other then to call a waaahmbulance to deal with your pain is adjust, adapt, and learn other moves. I did on my guardian and still havent mastered the new build I want, but still pull plenty of damage, and rocked quite a few solo with a jacked up build while I decide what to for the long term with it.

  10. gotta love the leetists coming out in force to tell people that are getting roflstomped how bad they are.. .LoL. The problem with your argument Fexhie, is that you were one of the premades as you admitted in an earlier post, plus your server probably has a somewhat balanced system of imp/repub.


    A lot of people are on underpopulated servers, have long que times, and start shorthanded. And one thing no previous poster has mentioned as of yet regarding premades is that they are usually on vent/mumble, or teamspeak verbally focusing targets.


    If you are heals you are marked and going down, to a good premade, if you are a threatening dps likewise if you keep pushing for objectives or kills.


    I don't fully agree that in a full game you get 0 medals, in that case I agree with those that say you are doing something wrong. If you are healer you can siphon heal yourself for 1 medal at least maybe 2 if your gear is decent. And with the objective based medals now even a dps that has just one friend can get a couple of free medals. So while it may be difficult to get 3 medals I would think you can squeeze them out if you have a full team regardless of who you are going against, provided you stick to objectives and you wait til you have at least a buddy to run in with preferably more then 1.


    The main malfunction of those that are crying is they run in solo or as I see all the time 1 guy jumps into a crowd of 3-5 trying to be a hero with no teammate anywhere near him then cries when he gets roflstomped.


    In these cases I just shake my head and think *** is this dummy thinking? :eek:


    But I do think you all need to figure out there is such a thing as a premade with only 4 people. Communication is huge and half the team talking on skype/vent/ or w/e is a lot stronger then 8 pugs that have rarely if ever met playing together typically.

  11. Oh ya one other thing regarding these changes... I know you only get credit for up to 8 medals in a game, but what is up with how many medals you can get now. I have a hybrid as of last night guardian. I did 175k dmg and 70k protection last night. I had plenty of kills think it was 38-4, obviously I followed objections (civil war). I got 15 fricn medals.. I mean really wasnt cap before like 11?


    Anyway we won that game so rewards were nice of course but just curious is this working as intended?

  12. Valid points OP, I que'd quite a bit last night first on my 50 guardian because well I just had to see how bad the nerfbug was gonna feel. Secondly on my lower lvl tankassin. I had a few matches where I got 0 rewards like 3 out of 15 or so.


    I single que consistently, and I can honestly say that if we are on a horrid losing streak regardless of which faction I que with, I lose interest rather quickly if I am not focused on gear.


    There are only 2 things in this game that you cannot do solo, WZ's, and OPs.. because I spent endless years of my life raiding since I started in MMO's, I am more inclined to want to spend time in pvp.


    Please bioware fix this function before the mass exodus decides you never will make it right, the game overall while buggy in some areas is actually fun for me, but it will not be if the rest of the community bails and we can't get reasonable que's and or players to play with.

  13. 196 pages of pissed off seems more than a dozen. You're also assuming that only forum posters are angry, and everybody else is perfectly fine with this. I think you're confusing yourself with the majority. Go start a convo in general chat and see how many happy people are chatting it up. Then be humbled.



    LMAO Exactly, but forget the 196 pages of hate posts here, my wife went back to WoW a week ago to have something to do and she was in town and saw a ridiculous amount of gen chat there bashing SWTOR's patch, so while fanboi's support this game people are unsubscribing and going back to WoW.(shudder the thought) I can't do that but I can and have pre ordered GW2 their WvWvW pvp looks sweet. This catastrophe is spreading and servers are down now so no one is playing.. more will be reading tonight.

  14. i'd like to know how many of ya'll are gonna NerdRage/Quit

    That way the rest of us can be ready for a good laugh



    I just wonder what you think you'll be laughing at? I mean seriously the reason I am unsubscribing is four fold.


    1. They never completely addressed FPS Issues in WZ and Fleet. (wifes comp has horrid fps still even after all our fixes)


    2. I have 2 level 50's that have nothing to do really since there are only 3 WZ's 4 with 1.2 to play, and I don't care to raid 4 nights a week. I prefer pvp. So with no open world pvp and no reward for playing repetitive WZ's while not being able to que with friends, why stay?


    3. The game has a nice storyline, but after you have gone through it the uniqueness is gone for 90% of the pve experience. Only class lines are different stories. In essence this is a single player game beat it and be done.


    4. Most importantly BioWare/EA has repeatedly misrepresented their product from the box recommended computer requirements, to patches/fixes/content adds and so forth that this is really the FINAL STRAW for me. As I read the posts here it appears I am not alone in this thought process.


    So while you are laughing at people that are unsubscribing, remember this. Most servers I have been on and I only go to the decently populated pvp servers have less then 75 people on either side of fleet. Each planet is lucky to have 10 people on it during normal US play hours. All of those numbers come from none total dead servers IE Shaodowtown, to name one and you think the game will be fun when you lose more Subs?


    You think it is something to laugh at? I really was hoping they would fix the stuff in the game. My wife stopped playing a couple of months ago, I have been trying to get her re interested in game, but now this just put the nail in the coffin.


    I don't know how many more people are out there like this, but I am thinking Shadow Town server may have to be renamed Ghost Town after this debacle..


    I have 27 more days on sub maybe something can change my mind, but I am highly doubtful.

  15. Ok so I read part of almost every post in this forum to this point. I am gonna pipe in as I haven't posted here for quite some time. I hate trolling forums, I hate people that have nothing better to do with their day then troll. I think it is pointless vile activity when you could be playing the game you purchased. Yet I know when posting here most posts will get trolled because the immature people can't help themselves and feel the need to argue, debate, or fuel the fire. But a poster about 10-15 pages before this post made a very solid point. The PVE community that seems to flame the PVP'ers every chance they get have a product that while buggy is finished. They have endgame content. They do not have to PVP to get BIS. On the other hand people like myself that PVP first and PVE occasionally anymore (wasn't always this way downed LK, cata content blah blah blah as raid leader) have to PVE to get the BIS bonuses, or gear. This is pure crud and a slap in the face of anyone that PVP's first and foremost. On top of that they announce it hours before the downtime for the patch is scheduled thus infuriating the already bummed out PVP community.


    I am enjoying my lvl 39 Assassin right now, and is the only reason I will continue to log in until my time expires. I don't see a reason to continue logging in past that and am ready to try a new MMO, or maybe go back to the game that shall not be mentioned. Look I like the story lines, but to have 2 level 50's (which btw both got nerfed drastically in this patch) doing the same boring wz's everyday for no benefit, and since I dont want to spend 3-6 hours raiding, And the fact that I cannot que a full team with my friends to have some fun in the same old WZ's is a complete and total failure. Grats BW you got me to pay for my sub for 5 months.. and my wife's even though she gave up on you due to your FPS issues from the start, but you have just lost 2 more subs here and 2 others that were about to get subs (my kids) had your product done a good portion of what you had promised. I hope someday I find a reason to trust your company again, I already stopped buying the Madden content from EA due to their ridiculous monopoly on football, and I don't plan on having any further BW games in our household going forward unless your company suddenly improves it's customer experience.



  16. My characters reside on Shadowtown the pvp server I have char ranging from 9 to 49 with a few in the 40 range. Republic side is my preferred play side.


    I think it's a great idea and I would like to help any new players coming aboard.


    Hoopharted lvl 49 guardian

    Whoofhearted lvl 47 sage

  17. I realize this is a burned out subject since launch. But I have done every fix posted to address this issue, and I have seen many dev posts regarding upcoming fixes. My only question is will this seriously be handled? The last dev post I read said they were fixing or improving fps issues for wz's and fleets. This went on to say for players with lower end computers. I have posted my dxdiag, and I dont have a low end computer. It isnt top end, but is better then your recommended specs by quite a bit. Yet i get into WZ's or on either fleet mainly imp side for some reason and my fps drops to 12-20. Civil War is the worst .. huttball and voidstart are actually ok. When can we expect this to go away, or will it ever? Having to buy a new comp to play your game isnt an option as I upgraded my current to play. Just would like to know that my patience will be rewarded soon. I have played since launch as has my wife it has been almost 3 months now.
  18. Really guys? That's the best you can do? 100 million dollars of a budget and we get fps issues forever? Wife is unsubscribing today.. I have already done so.. Back to blizzard I guess. At least they address their issues.
  19. Here's the sad thing in my case, I actually have time to play the game. Unfortunately I am on the boards, which I never went to in WoW and I mean never. If I went to the forums it was to read what other knuckleheads were posting when the servers were down. Yet here I am responding to the forums, hell my wife called me a troll last night. It's because I can't play at a reasonable play level or do what I would like to accomplish in the game because of my piss poor FPS. So here I sit on a forums page agreeing or dis agreeing with posters regarding the issues the game has because it is not very enjoyable. How sad is that for a $60.00 investment thus far?
  20. This is a good source for the Bioware problem I believe. Here is a quote that fits what I see a lot of customers complaining about.


    Why is FPS important?


    Frames Per Second (FPS) is the lifeblood of any 3D Game. When FPS drops below 30fps, the human eye can start to detect that the 3D image starts to appear jerky and "laggy". The lower the FPS, the worse this effect. FPS at or above 15fps is sometimes still considered acceptable, as the game still appears to respond appropriately to user input. The user can also still perceive what's happening on their monitor. Under 15fps, gameplay starts to become more difficult, and at around 8/9 fps, the gaming experience starts to hit the "can't play that damned game" state. It doesn't matter how beautiful a game may be -- if FPS is poor, then players will probably think the game is poor.


    And the link for the entire discussion http://wiki.heroengine.com/wiki/Controlling_Frame_Rate_%28FPS%29

  21. The crucial difference between WoW's launch and TOR's launch, and the reason why I agree with the TC despite really enjoying this game is that this has an established competitor with a very polished product to compete with from launch.


    Disregard all your "OH BUT WOW HAS BEEN OUT FOR x YEARS" rhetoric, that means nothing since it's out now and so is TOR.


    When WoW launched, MMORPGs only held a very, very small subset of the PC gaming market (I should know, I've played almost every one since very early on in the original Everquest's lifecycle) and as a result, it did NOT have one single successful competitor to be constantly evaluated against. At that time, EQ2 had just launched and several other games were in their prime (DAoC, SWG etc) however the majority of WoW's playerbase was new to the MMO market - that was the key to the initial success despite the myriad problems the game had at launch. Most of their consumers had little to no experience with any competing product to evaluate how good (or bad) the service and offering were.


    Skip forward 7 years and we have TOR's release, at a time when MMORPGs are mainstream and have huge subscription numbers. Hell, it's arguably the second most profitable PC genre after the endless generic brofist FPS releases. What this means is that the vast, vast majority of players here HAVE played WoW, Rift, AoC, Warhammer, Aion, LotRO etc. and know that aside from voice acting and excellent narrative this game essentially brings nothing new mechanically to the table.


    This is not inherently the problem however, people played LotRO for years despite it being an exact copy of WoW set in Middle Earth - the problem here (as was the case with Warhammer Online and Age of Conan) is that to keep a game alive that doesn't offer anything drastically new (once you have cleared the single player content, which is entirely possible in 1-2 months) you need to ensure it's very polished and that it is worth playing over it's direct competition (in this case, WoW).


    Nobody expects SWTOR to have more content, or even as much content as WoW at launch, what they expect is that the content that is in to be polished and worth completing and that the company works fast to implement new periodic content to keep them playing.


    Bioware at least appear to be trying to work fast to correct their mistakes, which is much more than you could say for the dev team of WHO and AoC but I can't help but feel that either they need to roll out bugfix patches faster and get everything working correctly within the next 1-2 weeks AND bolster their customer support team in the interim while there are still plenty of legitimate complaints that need resolving.


    Agreed, hell I forgot, the wife and I played SWG early on also. Forgot all about that experience, and because we are Star Wars fans we loved it until they dumbed it down. Either way Bioware address issues as fast as you can I don't believe it's too late for all subs, but if you want a long term run like WoW had, get the bugs out as fast as possible. improve your service, other then the one poster above that says he gets wonderful service for using proper keywords I have seen nothing but complaints in regard to the service. My issue is not content related, it is fps related and that seems to be a tabu subject with the dev team apparently. Thus my frustration with your product. If I want to pvp in warzones and I am watching someone skip ahead of me and I can't position myself to hit them (operative positioning needed on some abilities) then how fun is that? I have put in a few tickets/threads. Posted my dxdiag, and had a few helpful people from this forum make suggestions which I indeed followed. But the devs haven't really addressed this issue, and there are many posts regarding it. This leads me to to believe it is either unfix-able, or bioware just can't fix the issue. Either way if PVP is what you like most about these MMO's, then this game may not be for you. I quest to lvl and pvp for gear so it isn't working out thus far unfortunately.

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