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Posts posted by DangerJane

  1. OK, I just went and made it through. Here's my advice; follow the wall in the Dune Sea as mentioned previously, the tunnel you need to take is BEFORE you get the imperial base. If you look ahead and see the red banners waving, you have gone too far. The map shows the tunnel just AFTER the base. That path will get you killed. The tunnel THROUGH the mountains, no crazy, killer Elite guards, is just before the base. Kill a few Sand People, and find the hole in the wall. After you get through there are a few low level threats between you and the base you are looking for. I took another player with me and it was no problem. Thanks for all of the help, and poop on the map for all the good it did.
  2. I spent the entire day wandering through the Dune Sea, stumbling into Imperial territories, and having my boney buns handed to me on a smoldering plate before I realized I might find help here. I am going to try AGAIN to find Mr. Kitty-Face's buddies.:p
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