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Posts posted by Yuuj

  1. like you people can spell either. its called typing fast ~


    Really? I thought it was called the ramblings of a child on the forums about something they don't understand.

  2. I hope you fire your c- employes. 4th time today ive been kicked out of a warzone at the last 1/4 of it. Who ever hires these people..fire them because its clearly noticeable they dont know what to look for. Fire there managers because there stupid to. How hard is it even for a minor patch to check it internaly ? to hard for your company i guess. You coders that are reading this....grow some fing balls and say your code isnt ready...better then it failing like a first yrs project. you peopel are pathetic. After graduating, i laughed at majority of you...were still laughing at you















    etc etc

  3. With the introduction of a rating system there is no reason to artificially throttle the rate in which valor and gear is obtained anymore.


    "I grinded battlemaster back when it took five times longer!" =/= "I grinded battlemaster back when it was five times harder!" either so really... this is a good change. It gets people to where they need to be to be competitive faster.

  4. "Lightside Sith' and 'Darkside Jedi' very reason is why I don't like the 'lightside' and 'darkside' system in this game to begin with, which is why I don't believe it should have any impact on the gear we can wear. You either embrace the Jedi code or become a Dark Jedi until you embrace the Sith code. If you never embrace a code, you stay a Dark Jedi.


    Simple enough.


    The current system is the system that non-force users should have, a Renegade/Paragon system. For the most part your 'alignment' isn't changing, you are either good, bad, or neutral (Though this doesn't work with Jedi or Sith since, while I am sure you'd love to argue that Jedi can be evil and Sith can be good, there has never good a 'good' Sith and fallen Jedi that reject the Jedi Code but do not accept the Sith Code become Dark Jedi) you just exist on one of the extremes.

  5. OP doesn't have a leg to stand on anymore. He's already torn apart his own argument to the point where it is no longer valid, invented 'facts', resorted to personal attacks and attacks against a group of players, and discredited any actual facts presented to him so really there is no point in arguing this further.


    Jedi will be able to use red crystals and sith will be able to use both blue and green crystals.


    There will be Sith Pureblood Jedi.


    Yes, there will be 'bad RPers' who roleplay it 'wrong.' Fortunately, these people already exist in the eyes of elitist players so nothing will change.


    The only thing this kind of complaining will accomplish is ruining enjoyable storylines for players who actually care about their RP because you are so close minded that you've already shut your mind and imagination to the concepts players can come up with because 'they can't be canon!'

  6. You've killed your own point.


    You use the word iconic. Iconic in no way implies restriction. The Jedi and Sith in your examples chose to wield specific color lightsabers. They were not -restricted- by some unseen force that prevented them from wielding another color, they simply did not wish to. A red lightsaber is more frightening than a green or blue one so it makes sense that a Sith would choose to wield it but it is the Sith's choice to do so and for that reason it makes sense that a Jedi would choose not to wield a red lightsaber.


    We are also talking about a time where blue and green crystals were not readily available for darksiders so they made do with synthetic crystals. Once again, this is not applicable in this game.


    You have a personal preference just like the characters you've used in your examples had. Most Jedi and Sith would likely adhere to tradition and wield a color that best reflects their order. I am unaware of any rule that says they have to though.


    There is no reason for you to push your own personal preferences on players who choose to wield a color that is not iconic or traditional for their 'side.'

  7. Allowing that there will always be a percentage of a race that does not follow the normal political or ideological affiliations the majority holds...that is NOT what will be represented in the game if this change goes through. What we WILL see is an INORDINATE and UNBELIEVABLY large number of cross faction races, MUCH larger than anything that could EVER be explained by the idea that there will always be some who change sides.


    That argument holds no water.


    Agree, this argument holds no water.

  8. I'm usually opposed to anyone who says there is a right and wrong way to RP, because its ultimately up to the player. I have recently changed my perspective, after watching several hundred so called "Sith" end up roleplaying thugs and serial killers.


    Poor guy. I'll read your post once you change the title and amend this.


    Here, I'll help out.


    "I'm usually opposed to anyone who says there is a right way and wrong way to RP, because it is ultimately up to a player. I'm not going to do that. Instead, I'm going to share with you my personal experiences of roleplaying a Sith Lord, and what being a Sith Lord means to me."

  9. I was under the impression that the 1.1.5 four medal cap was temporary until 1.2 came out...


    It would make so much more sense if after a certain point medals just gave decreasing rewards.


    People would still feel like they get rewarded for doing well, but the drive to only gain medals would be lessened.


    I was under the impression they intended to add more objective based medals that you can get to reward players for participating in the Warzone as opposed to just farming medals.

  10. I'm not sure how it encourages medal chasing in a negative way. Yes you will be rewarded for earning more medals, but you would no longer be rewarded for trying to double dip different roles. while the hybrid CAN get other roles medals, if you were to get a healer 2.5k heal medal, u would not be able to get your role(DPS) 2.5k dmg medal.


    Medal chasing is negative to begin with. In objective based PvP, if you are more interested in gaining medals in a convoluted, imbalanced, role based system, you won't be focusing on why you are actually there.


    My fear is more in that on a early 2-1cap Civil war, people will get their 4 medals and then not worry about trying to take a third. This could also be resolved by increasing the reward for a victory(which i fully support). And while i agree people shouldn't take this mind set, to say that the mass public doesn't is simply being too idealistic.


    This seems to be the reverse mindset we have now. I know when we start to lose a Civil War on live, three out of five times my team will just abandon objectives and start trying to farm medals.


    If the cap is four medals, you can easily get -four- medals by participating in the Warzones objective.

  11. or at least the ones we didn't attempt to censor.



    That will come back to bite you, I promise. Not to mention I believe the false advertisment is illigal and immoral. Fact is most of your players have already gone and it just a very short matter until your investors find out this little fact you were hiding. Make everyone sub to get free 30 days so you can claim 1.7 million 'active' subs. Duh of course they were active...EVERYONE was free. Lets see those same metrics now I dare you!






    Today I cancel b/c BW; coming on three months after launch cannot give a hard ETA on things like LFG, Target of Target, Legacy and more.


    Sorry but I do not pay for 'promises' all the above SHOULD have been included in launch, no excuses. This game might be new but the devs are blind to not see all this is required.


    I will check back later if something better does not come along first.


    Peace all, enjoy the PVP queues since that is basically the only this to do in between ops.


    See you tomorrow. Look forward to your next rant as you quit for the umpteenth time.

  12. The problem with that analogy is the lottery winner is elevated to the status of super rich which is a target for many and is what holds the prestige.


    By making everything accessible the prestige of the item is lowered and the value which was once attached to it an made it desirable is lost, its kind of the reverse of the lottery analogy.


    I think the lotto analogy is perfect for what we are talking about here. You have one group of people who are amassing wealth and another group of people who are relying on a random number generator to roll in their favor if a crystal, mount, or schematic happens to drop.


    I agree with you on the 'prestige' note, but in this case it really isn't applicable. We are talking about items that drop randomly throughout encounters, not items that require you to complete the Nightmare mode of a operation in two hours without dying, then fighting the last boss in a way that makes a difficult encounter already more difficult.


    If we were discussing mounts and crystals that only dropped in nightmare modes and even then were super difficult to obtain I would agree with your Ferrari analogy, but we aren't so...


    In this case it would be like saving your whole life and buying a Ferrari, only to find a few weeks later Ferrari decide to give away thousands of cars to anyone who wants one for free. All of a sudden owning your Ferrari isn't so special any more. It by no means impacts your enjoyment of the item but the prestige of being an owner is diminished.


    Now everyone uses the special little snowflake line all the time, but many people in MMO's like to have these carrots dangling in front of them to chase after.


    First of all, nothing is being given away for free so let's scratch the second part of your analogy altogether and put it into the appropriate perspective.


    You go to a mall and see that this mall is giving away a thousand Ferrari's and all you have to do is sign a piece of paper, continue to shop and get items you'd normal get, and get lucky that your name gets drawn. There. You didn't work for it, you just got lucky.


    I don't see how applying a high credit cost to an item and dangling it in front of someone's face does not qualify as a carrot on a stick, but telling people that going to an operation is. Once again, it just comes down to personal preference and beliefs about what constitutes a challenge.


    There are plenty of people saying that end game operations in this game, even on their highest difficulty, are too easy. There are also plenty of people saying that collecting credits once you hit endgame, if you don't have a profession that provides schematics or orange gear for sale, is a horrible task.


    Let's not fool ourselves. No one goes to an operation just for the mount or crystal and then says 'done!' A purple lightsaber crystal is not a Ferrari, it's a hood ornament. The lightsaber you can throw it inside of and the armor that you get for completing the operation is where the prestige comes from, not the random drops.

  13. Hahahaha, I love threads like these.


    I like how it has been explained to death that this is just a temporary sale to boost subscription numbers so that more money can be made in the long run yet people are still arguing against it.


    It isn't a different model, it isn't apples to oranges, it is what is actually happening. The reason why the other thread that pointed out the game was on sale temporarily for a limited time isn't as popular as this one is because that one wasn't catering to the 'Tortanic" crowd.

  14. Or you could do what many are doing right now and operating bots to farm chests on alt accounts for 2+ mill a day, 24/7 - 7 days a week. Seriously a bot I reported 4 weeks ago is STILL there despite reporting it. Do a /who on the lvl 48+ areas and notice all the lvl 11s; they are all at a box somewhere. Heck, they are on all planets if you look enough.


    Hard earned credits, chuckle. I have made over 3 mill just PvPin alone.


    But w/e, they will be handing stuff out for free soon enough; this is the first step!


    edit. also lookin like best and more easily gained PvP gear will be from raids; just slap in expertise mods. Ok...


    Discrediting the value of credits based off of botters, who aren't even legitimate players, who are farming gold is a silly argument. You don't compare the normal player base to the cheaters just like you don't compare normal civilized folks to criminals. That's just silly.


    With that said, as someone pointed out earlier, some people view 'progressing' through operations as an achievement, and amassing X amount of gold as... a'progress bar.' They are one and the same and most MMOs these days are recognizing them as such.


    You can sit down and argue till you are blue in the face that amazing 15 million credits is a time sink and not an achievement, but it is in fact an achievement, especially when players are complaining that they don't have enough credits to repair gear after wipes in operations.


    If a player chooses to obtain a specific via operations and spend their credits to repair their gear as they progress through operations, that is one way to obtain a specific item.


    If another player chooses to obtain a specific item by just accumulating credits and then purchasing the item from a vendor, that should be another option.


    You can't tell someone how to enjoy their game. Some people enjoy amassing wealth and then spending it more than they enjoy completing content or PvPing against other players. The idea that you wouldn't want to reward these people for playing the game as they enjoy it is just silly and selfish.


    Also, congratulations to the fella in this thread who has hundreds of thousands of credits on one of their characters. I'm closer to a million myself and have friends post the slicing nerf who have well over a million credits stored on their characters. Why do we have so many credits? Because that is how they like to play. If a big spendy purchase comes out, we want to be able to get it.


    Flip the table around and put a special rare item for sale for 5 million credits that can't be obtained any other way and the raiders and PvPers would be demanding that it be able to be obtained through another means.


    In WoW I got my + epic flying speed through completing the Ulduar achievement for the Protodrake. I didn't cry when someone else had the option to purchase it for 5000 gold.


    The idea that a achievement becomes less meaningful because suddenly more people have access to it is just silly. Your accomplishment doesn't just stop existing one day because someone else got what you got. Sure, it might suck, but that is just a selfish way of looking at it.


    A man spends his part of his life working to build up his business from scratch and accomplishes his goal of becoming a millionaire.


    Another man wins the RNG and becomes a millionaire through the lottery.


    Sure, it sucks that one guy had to work to earn all that money while the other guy just got lucky with a drop, but no one is going to think the guy who one the lotto is more accomplished than the man who built a business.

  15. Sorry but that's almost 100% a vain hope.


    If they would want give items for test they would do so.

    Not set prices like 1M which are way beyond reach of PTS players.


    Remember that each time patch goes for test everything there is reset and players need to start from lvl1.


    Besides - IMO the prices of items between 1.1.5 and 1.2 don't matter - it's still only credits and I know people who have 10M+ why me myself have roughly 3M despite of being far from hardcore player and never limiting myself with buying stuff for CRs. So... as long as price remains low and/or it remains in credits - it's extremely bad change.


    How is that a vain hope? You just said each time a patch goes for test character level goes back down to 1. If they want people purchasing and testing these things they'll need to be able to buy them off of the vendor which means at least some of the items will have to be affordable.


    Credits represent time spent in game, and time spent completing task (Selling items on trade market/slicing/daily quest/regular quest/etc) which equates to time investment in game.


    If a broke raider logs in once a week, kills a boss, and receives a rare purple crystal why is he more deserving than a player who invest a week of time into gaining the credits necessary to purchase an item?


    /mind boggled



  16. Im really HOPING that they are just giving stuff away on Test so that it can be tested, and not planning to do this on Live servers.


    It seems very likely that the prices on the test server are just so people on the test server can actually purchase them and the prices when this change goes live will be adjusted. From everything I've read, it suggest this is only a temporary change until 1.2 (Which is supposed to be released sometime in March) and after that there will be additional ways to obtain some items for sale on vendors now instead of just endgame PvPing/Raiding.

  17. It's not rocket science.


    If your cooling is mediocre and you give your video card a simple scene to render and no limit to the fps, then its going to work really hard to pump as many frames as it can.


    That's gonna stress a card in ways that you might not be prepared for. Contrary to the OP's insistence, that case is not going to ensure good cooling. Quite the opposite, the conflicting air direction gives you plenty of ways to screw up air flow.


    Without a photo of the setup, all we can do is guess.


    Of course: strong evidence says that the OP just bought a bunch of expensive components without actually understanding how it all worked together and is now stuck with poor cooling capabilities when multiple components heat up.


    while I understand some people run the game just fine, (personally I do) their pretty quick to shoot down ops's and blame their rigs......how do you explain why the performace issue/fps posts or the "how to increase swtors performance" threads are some of the most viewed on the forums? outside of the early access stuff.....


    and not just the vocal minority starting hate posts, because thew views arnt even close to the posts in some threads, people are clearly having issues and looking to see if there is a fix available for their individual machines.


    People ask for the sources all the time, I think we could ask BW the same thing when they just threw out that 5% having issues, since if that 1.7 sub number is accurate give or take, it would seem to be alot more then just that said 5%


    There is your answer cujojax.


    We have two types of vocal complainers that have one thing in common; they are computer 'experts' who built/optimized their computers for the best gaming performance. PEBKAC

  18. Sorry, the Silver Toilet is a BoP item, we can't do anything about it, even though we're basicly game moderators and to say we "can't" do anything about it is like a global forum mod saying he cant remove a post because the threads locked. Buuut hopefully you'll spend your money on a gold version as well, gotta collect them all!


    This is a canned response. I'M FURIOUS.

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