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Posts posted by Machalle

  1. On my sentinel I am watchmen spec with a 162 geared Doc. The key to oricon is interrupt, interrupt, interrupt. Force leap, force camo, force stasis, awe, and your basic interrupt ability all stop casts. I can kill one of the commanders on my 162 geared sent and end up with full health with just a little luck and correctly timed abilities It just takes some practice on learning what your abilities actually do.
  2. I tried reading through the posts but I might have missed it. Will the 186 rated gear that we will be able to buy with basic coms in 3.0 be available at level 55 since 186 is in the game right now or will we have to level to 60 to buy the 186 gear?



  3. You will have to have your companion well-geared (I would pick Treek, then Iresso, then Nadia if it's pure functionality, not a matter of liking the comp), stay 3-4 levels over the mobs, and you will have to respect before the Boss Class fights or ask for help. I was going balanced till Alderaan, but switched to a full healer afterwards. It was a hit and a miss, and I could not do any of the Famous Consular Epic Class Battles on my own (Blasius, Stark...)


    I was only able to do the class battles as a healer. I leveled with qyzen until i got nadia but stayed healer the entire way. Once you get force quake/storm things get really simple since most mobs are in groups of 2-4. Send comp in cast quake/storm and pebble/lightning the remaining and then move to next group. I never had to heal my self and rarely had to heal comp since quake/storm has a knockdown effect.

  4. Exact same thing happened to me months ago. I contacted Customer Support and they said that once a quest is completed they can not reset it. So Nadia and I are in a very uncomfortable spot because someone sends her a wedding gift when they hear about it.
  5. Force armor is a great ability and something that adds to its effectiveness can never hurt. The only thing that you might have to watch out for is your force depleting more rapidly but that shouldn't be that big of an issue anyway. I would go for it myself but I am cheap and don't want to spend the money for augmentations again.
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