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Posts posted by loonybinjin

  1. Perhaps still doable without bending too much lore. Maybe. I shall place the concept on my "Hey, should discuss this at one point" list of things, heh.


    I would have to agree to that, currently undergoing radical Character -Rewriting- Here. I'll Post something once it is finished. The big question is currently. -None Pure-blood tusken- With Force, or a common Tusken. Needless to say...I have backstories for half a dozen characters kicking around right now.

  2. Biographical Information

    Full Name: Grundie, -No Known last name.-

    Aliases: -None.-

    Callsigns/Nicknames: “Old Red.”

    Gender: Male

    Age: 43 BTC

    Born: 3,690 BBY

    Species/Race/Skin Color: Sith Pureblood, Dark maroon.

    Homeworld: None.

    Birthplace: Born on a ship orbiting Korriban.

    Current Residence: No ware, Nomad.

    Profession(s) & Title(s): Philosopher, Sith Historian, Force Monk.

    Abilities/Skills: Force Lightning: Unarmed Force combat, Single Blade Combat Style, Duel Bladed lightsaber Style.

    Siblings: No known Siblings.

    Spouse: None

    Children: None

    Parents: A father and a mother, Both Sith, Unnamed.

    Significant Others: None.

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 5” 9’

    Weight: 175 Ibs.

    Eye Color: Pale Orange.

    Hair Color/Style: Dreadlocks put into a small bun.

    Body Description/Condition: Stalwart and in physical perfection.

    Distinguishing features: The common Face spines of Sith, And a small Tattoo in the center of his lower back, A simple tribal Design.

    Chronological and Political Information

    Allegiances: The sith race.

    Known Instructors/Commanders: His father, A sith by the name of Xanaxa.

    Known Subordinates/Apprentices: None that are public.

    Partners/Sidekicks: None that are public.


    Additional Information

    Armor/Clothing: An open chested set of white robes, Covering his arms and back loosely, Often strands of then Cloth are used to hold them down at his Wrists, this more stands across his bare chest. He wares simple and loose fitting pants with simple sandals, Over them a the old open white robe covers down to his ankles, tied at the waist.

    Primary Weapon(s): His hands, A lightsaber Proof metal Staff.-Does Exist lore wise.-

    Secondary Weapon(s): Whatever he happens to get his hands on,

    Transportation: Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor

    Optional Statistics

    Habits (smoking, drinking etc.): When overly stressed he will often use a pipe to smoke a harmless tabbaco.

    Hobbies: Meditation, Reading, an obsession with the History of the Sith race.

    Personal Quotes: " And you would dare call yourself a Sith? Your -Order- Has killed my race and stolen our Identity, But you would -Dare- ask that I address you as Sith?'*Whispered to a sith lord who did not reply.*

    Speech patterns: No accent.

    Weaknesses: Is not as young as he used to be, and his force style requires an immense amount of work, often tiring and having to rest during battle.

    Personality: Old, worn, But oddly social. Known to making clam conversation and pleasant advise, he enjoys the company of others. However he is vary sensitive of the subject of the Sith order and it's relation to the Sith race, as He blames them for leading his race to its ruin. He has a distinct love for cultures of all kinds. Despite his race and advance fighting style, he is often attempts to be neutral, though rarely in this day and age does he have the option.

    Biography: Little is known about the past of this independent Sith force user.-Aka, Learn IC.*Sticks tongue out.*-

  3. Species/Race: Zabrak


    Name: Kel'Tek


    Middle Name: -Unknown-


    Last Name:-Unknown-


    Nickname: The Falorn, Traitor, Exiled fool.


    Gender: Male.


    Date of Birth:-Unknown-


    Place of Birth: A hoth research station.


    Age: Mid to late thirties.


    Height: 5.8


    Weight: 155 lb


    Hair Color/Style: A set of five horns that run along the upper part of his forehead, his hair around the back of his head, a dark brown, cut short.


    Facial Appearance:A narrow face with a thin and slightly pointed chin, Traditional tattoos as well.

    Eye Color: Orange.


    Body Appearance: Slim but fit and well muscled, despite poor living conditions.


    Home Planet: -Coruscant.-


    Current Residence: -None-


    Allegiance: 'Those who need it, and deserve it.'-His own words.-

    Profession:Ex-Jedi Master, Ex-Slave, Current freelance force user.


    Armor/Clothes: An old and rather matted set of robes, Patched and torn in places.


    Primary Weapon(s):An old and worn lightsaber, Color Green, Type-Single bladed. The hilt is long and extended to the point ware it doubles as a cane.


    Secondary Weapon(s): A single blaster pistol of High quality, Still worn from use however.


    Miscellaneous Item(s): A comm Set, Blindfold, Canteen, Slightly out of date star map, a small diary, and lastly, A small pipe, used for smoking.

    Biography: -Must be found out IC, Server=Lord Adraas.-

  4. There are several species that are incapable of using the Force. Sand people are one of them.


    While I could be wrong, I have never read of tusken's not being capable of using the force, just some hinting that they are not -Smart- enough to control it effectively, on the level of a Jedi or sith, but can still channel it. *Someone, please correct me if I am wrong.* Note that only applies to pureblood Tusken.


    That aside, It does put some thoughts into mind, such as how one would RP a simple and common Tusken without powers offworld. *Brainstorming currently.* On that note, While I am willing to use None genetic tusken, I would rather not.

  5. Species/Race: Human-Ish.


    Name: -Not public-


    Middle Name: -Not public-


    Last Name: -Not public-


    Nickname: Fame, Business.


    Gender: Male.


    Date of Birth: 28 BTC


    Place of Birth: -Not public-


    Age: 30


    Height: 5.9 cm


    Weight: 155 kg


    Hair Color/Style: A dark brown with a minor hint of gray, often left in short Dreads around his head.


    Facial Appearance: Simple and distinctly Mongolian. With a slender and unbroken nose. No freckles or wrinkles.


    Eye Color: Dark green


    Body Appearance: Athletic, though a bit slim.


    Home Planet: -Not public-


    Current Residence: Kaas City.


    Allegiance: Himself, and those he believes worth knowing.


    Profession: 'Professional business man.'-His own words.


    Armor/Clothes: Often seen in a simple white shirt and purple silk vest, Waring a pair of black pants. -When in Combat- A Tan trenchcoat with a simple Durasteel chestpiece.


    Primary Weapon(s): A long barreled, -Bolt- Action, Blaster rifle. Capable of putting a round out accurately at well over half a mile. Capable of being broken down in a minute and reassembled in two. The pieces of which are carried around in his case. Whit the press of a button said weapon can be detonated with enough explosives to kill a rancor. Or say he says.


    Secondary Weapon(s): A blaster fire proof suitcase, two simple Blaster pistols -Also implanted with explosives-, several charges used for the defeat of larger targets, a pair of advanced military grade goggles, Heat vision, night vision.


    Miscellaneous Item(s): A simple and gray facemask with openings only on his eyes. Almost always as a pack of ((Star wars age)) Cigarettes on him, lighter included. A flask of simple alcohol and a flask of fuel. Communicator.


    Biography:-Must be learned IC-

  6. ((Note. Heavy RPer.))

    The other day while slugging they Sand people on Tattooine and chatting about companions, namely Blizz while OOC with my Guild. The thought struck me about RPing an Exiled Tusken Raider.((Yes Yes, They don't have that name yet lore wise.))


    The basic theme was a force sensitive Tusken Raider. Now, I know the basics for gaining the outfit with the social grind that fallows.


    I have two questions on the matter. One, Is there Gaderffii Staff((PvE)) That can be used? Two, Are there any racial traits that I should be aware of?


    ((Note. I will not be attempting to RP Them against lore. Any RP in which skin is shown will be -vary- vague, as Lukas never wanted them to be seen unmasked.))


    *Thoughts or comments would be liked, as well as Criticism.*

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