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Posts posted by Strina

  1. The words in red is centered around the point I am trying really hard to get through. Many times it isn't immediately obvious. And every time I always whisper them and ASK them "Why are you inviting?" or I say, "Is there something you need?" I never receive an answer....well today I did...the guy said, "Cuz I wanna win." lmao, I'm sorry. If people can't be bothered to be upfront, why would I group with them? Like I said in my FIRST POST, I would have gladly HELPED the guy if he'd just asked for help to begin with, even though I had already finished the heroic. His refusal to communicate to me even after I had ASKED what exactly he wanted made me not wish to group with him.


    Please tell me how I am in the wrong here? I will anxiously await your reply.


    Then those guys inviting you are complete morons and deserve a VIP place on your ignore list.


    See, even on forums you can change someones opinion. Happens rarely, but still happens

  2. you've made an assumption about me and you've missed the point. :(


    I will say it again. If that person declines your invite, then they clearly don't wish to party at that time. Nothing more or less. If you consider them rude for declining, then that is a problem you have and not them. I personally find it rude to invite someone without qualification....especially if it's not clear where either player is in the questing process. Again, a simple whisper goes a long way.


    Your hatefulness is disturbing. I really am curious why you are directing this attitude toward me when I have a different opinion of what is polite. Many of you seem to fall into the trap of assuming that I am trying FOIST my values on you. It is my opinion, nothing more....it also happens to be the same opinion the majority of the posters on this thread share.




    You know why a person invites you in party and you refuse because he didn't ask first?

    Now THAT'S rude, the invite was totally fine.


    If the invite happens again right after the first one was declined, then the person inviting is being rude and I approve your second decline.


    Don't decline invites if you can see why the invite occurred. And if you insist on being polite then why don't YOU send a message saying something like "I'm not in a mood for grouping atm" or "I'd like to finish this one alone for more exp".


    You just decline, ignore and claim that the other guy was rude because he didn't ask.

    Oh please

  3. Way to ignore the core point of my post in order to troll some more about WoW fanboyism. Everybody on this forum is such a colossal moron I don't even know why I bother making intelligent analogies and points about things in an effort to convince them of their flawed logic and lack of common sense.


    Forums... Forums never change

  4. Only in MY case, Guy is standing in quest hub minding his own business and Ninja-inviter is spamming general LFM.


    If he wanted me in his group, he could have whispered me.


    I suppose it's only inevitable someone adds something like this....proof that you didn't read the thread and follow up comments.


    I was doing that heroic +2 on Ilum alone, guy approached me, invited without question and I accepted him in group.

    Quest was over before I knew it, I thank him, he thanked me and we went our ways.


    Then again, when I invite someone who's doing those heroics alone they just decline and then I'm the rude one for inviting without asking?


    I bet you're one of those people who are too arrogant and proud to be in a group with a person who didn't beg for the presence of your greatness in their vicinity.



  5. I think this bug doesn't occur if you fail a mission by not defending the crates. It's just a random bug that happens every once in a while.


    For example: I was doing this same quest the other day and managed to successfully defend one of those crates. Since I couldn't find any other "working" crate on map I returned to the one I already defended to find out I can't even click on it (like it doesn't exist).


    Other players could click on it though, but they couldn't start the quest since the crate was "already in use."

    I defended it once and got a notification that I finished that step of the quest, but I apparently bugged it somehow since I can't even click on it.

  6. Sometimes that happens to me as a bug, especially if I use my keyboard sound wheel as it's loading. If you restart the client and just let it initialize, or whatever, does it fix it?


    I guess it was a bug after all... I waited for 30 minutes and nothing happened. Now it works like a charm.


  7. Both CPU and GPU are not good enough for you to play the game on max settings.


    560ti would be much better choice I'm afraid and it's not even that expensive.

    CPU also needs an upgrade. Personally, I'm running this game on max setting with i5 2500k with no FPS problems whatsoever.


    A little site that might help you in future if you're wondering which component is lacking power: http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=363&game=Star%20Wars:%20The%20Old%20Republic



  8. New patch is just fine...

    If Bioware released new flashpoint inside a spaceship people would complain how we have another indoor instance.

    If Bioware released a flashpoint with robots as enemies people would complain about how boring those enemies are.

    If Bioware released a flashpoint with a ghost town infested with rakghouls people would complain about rakghouls reminding them of zombies.


    Oh come on

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