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Posts posted by Khiller

  1. Hi, playing from the south of France I also have issues...

    Quite a good ping (68ms) but changing zone can take minutes, and also when switching character. When logging out a character it can take between a few seconds and 2-3 minutes to get back to the character selection screen, and when logging another character it can also take randomly from 5-10 seconds up to a few minutes to load.

    Loading "litigious areas" is also very random (from long time to kick-out).

    I hope you'll find the solution soon !

    Thanks ;)


  2. Now that the end date is behind us... is it possible to catch up the levels you missed (because you forgot to buy/unlock them before September 29th) ?


    I ask that because, even if I connect to the game everyday, unless I missed something I've never seen any warning message saying "Watch it, the end of the season is near" :)

  3. Hey folks,


    At this point you should be seeing improvement for traveling in and out of Strongholds, as well as logging into characters that are in them. We are looking into characters that are still in a bad state. More updates to come.




    I managed to connect one character in Dromund Kaas, and when I wanted to switch to the next character.... stuck again :(

    P.S. the "next char" is NOT in a stronghold, but on Alderande...

  4. Même problème pour moi, j'ai réussi à me connecter ce matin, mais ce soir erreur 208.

    Apparemment il n'y a pas que SWTOR qui a ce problème, origin et uplay également me refusent la connexion.

    En ayant cherché un peu sur le web j'ai vu que les joueurs de FIFA19 râlent également que les serveurs EA ne sont pas accessibles.


    Espérons que ça ne dure pas trop longtemps :)

  5. Hi there :)


    Do you think french players will get a compensation for being forced to watch the soccer game (France- Netherlands) instead of being able to play ?


    (sorry for that, it was to easy to write this demand :) )

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