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Posts posted by -DSR-

  1. You can have bad or good streaks.

    I did 4 HM 55 FPs in a day with my guild on my scoundrel ( me being the only smuggler in group), where we got 8 elite smuggler drops. (I was fully geared after that :) )


    On the other hand, i have done 10-15 fps on my Powertech, and never seen a single Powertech tank drop.


    Those are extreme examples, but with a system based on luck, you can get both extremes.

  2. First, you get it on every character (both factions)


    You can see the bonus 1% on your character screen. Just hover over the stats and it is under Skills/Buffs. Also it depends on what companion class it was. This is only for accuracy, crit and surge. I wouldnt know where you can see the bonus to healing or hp.


    Hope this helps.

  3. You can do the fight two ways.

    - You kill the turrets and dps the boss only after every set of turrets, and give the tank the possibility to keep aggro on both turrets and the boss, therefore making the tanks and healers job easy.


    - Or one dps can kill the boss quickly, getting 6 turrets on 3 different corners, making it quite impossible to tank them all, so they are mostly shooting at the healer, who can't heal himself and the group.


    Guess which option is better :)

  4. obvious you cant read alingment means alingments after all i dount the red blue bar is affection witch also stants by companions so no i am talking about alingment but i somhow cant find out how that work ?


    considering this is the new player forum, where people like to help new players, your answer is just... wow.


    That way you are going to get a lot of help here...

  5. If you mean the affection of your companions, you can improve that by picking choices in conversations which they like and giving them gifts ( but be sure to give the right gift to them to get the most of the affections points )
  6. I hope I never met both of you guys at the same time in a fp, because that is going to be the longest run ever with no out of combat heals ( or self-heals) :p


    As a healer i put some hots on the tank out of combat if he needs them and if I have the energy. As a tank, i use my self-heal even though i normally get healed by the healer.

    by the way, there are not that many places in the current game where the tank needs a lot of heals at the end of the fight, and the healer is completely out of energy. ;)

  7. How so? I'm curious. Still have to use taunts, CC and defensive cooldowns -- if anything, you have to play more conservatively than if your defense were better I'd think. :) He's done the full tank thing before in other games, it just hadn't seemed remotely necessary so far for this one.



    If you are dps-tanking, you keep aggro partly because of your high damage. But on 55s, you can't out-dps decent dps, you need to get your aggro the "traditionel way". If you are not tankspecced, there is no chance to keep the aggro.

    For the 55 HMs and operations, you need the extra mitigation from your tank tree as well as the abilities to stay alive and keep aggro. And thats what i meant by the proper tank mechanics, you have to relearn tanking with your new abilities and rotations.

  8. Have you finished all your class missions on Ord mantell? If you open your Quest log (L) you should see if you have any left under "Class" .

    Unless you abandoned the quest, you should always have one step of the class quest.

    If you abandoned it by mistake, you can always get it back from the last questgiver where you stopped the mssion.

  9. Please don't nerf the 55s!


    There are finally a few flaspoints with some challenge. And the gear drops are good enough. I can't agree with your argument that pre 2.0 when you got gear with setbonuses was so much better, back then you got one Columni token per flashpoint, now you get 2 69 pieces every flashpoinz, thats more gear in my opinion, and if you already got arkanian gear, what would be the point of dgoing sm ops.

    Pre 2.0, there was only Lost Island where you needed some gear and skill to complete it, so not every f2p noob who never did a hm flashpoint with 10k health could do it, unfortunately the 55s now aren't even close to that difficulty.


    Fortunately you can't now ding 55, and start clearing the 55s in green and blue gear, it is a gear game, so you have to get some decent gear with stuff from lvl 50 fps, lvl 50 ops and dailys.

  10. Awesome thread :) and i got some stories as well.


    Hammer Station SM on my new gunslinger.

    Tank and Healer knew their stuff, but the other dps ( a commando ) a few levels higer than the rest of us had the most awesome rotation I ever saw.

    It started with spamming Explosive Round till he was out of energy, then using Recharge cells (if not on cooldown) blowing it all out again with Explosive Round, or using Hammer Shot if he was too low on energy.

    Somewhere at the end i think i saw him using Full Auto once or twice.

    I never saw someone sticking so much to his (not ideal) rotation :)


    A H2 on Voss on my PT Tank, found a Marauder to complete it, and wondered why he only had half my health. After checking his gear out, i saw that he was wearing the full Eradicator Set , unfortunately without any armoring, mod or enhancement :) he had some in his lightsabers which must have been rewards or drops, but not a single mod in his armour.

    After pointing this out to him and explainng custom gear to him, he was very gratefull. But i can't stop to wonder how he got to Voss with that gear, it must have been really difficult. But i guess he prefered style over stats :D


    And finally a Cademimu HM run on my Powertech. I was pretty new to 55, so not ideally geared, mostly 61s and 63s but i know the fp from my other characters quite well.

    All went well, untill the last boss. One of the dps dies pretty soon from a rocket blast ( it can happen so no worries) , the healer uses Combat rezz, and we continue, get the Boss down to 50%, and both dps get shackled and kicked into a flame, no chance to get to them.

    So only the healer and me left, and 4:30 cd on combat rezz. So for the next minutes we are trying to dps the boss down, free us of shackles and run out of the rockets. we get himd own to 20% until the rezz is ready again, get a dps up, and finally kill the boss.

    Not a bad group or anything, but quite funny seeing us getting the boss HP down really really slowly.


    As for those funny dps, who like to jump in before the tank, i ask them kindly to let me pull ( twice), the third time I sit back and relax and enjoy the show as they get eaten alive :)

    It's easy, if u want to tank, roll a tank ( you even get instant GF pops on my server as a tank, so go for it )

  11. I have no problems explaining tactics to new people (although i prefer if they have at least read a guide, it makes it so much easier) but the problem now is, with the double-xp weekends, you get an awful lot of new 55s who never have done a single operations and start by pugging TFB or S&V.

    One can explaint tactics in EV or KP in a reasonable amount of time, and people who haven't done an ops can easily complete those.

    But if you have never been in an operation and start with S&V without knowing tactics it just doesn't work out. The operations are meant as a learnign curve, but with no experience, no reading beforehand you cant just expect to get the explanations in a few lines and think that everything will work out.

  12. I am just wondering who is winning the warzones :)

    Either on Republic or Imperial Fleet, there is always people who cry about their faction always losing pvp. Same goes for the forums.


    Is there a secret 3rd faction who always wins? It´s a conspiracy and they are listening... i need mor tinfoil !!!!!

  13. Shield Absorption increased by 25% -> very nice

    Damage without respecting the gcd -> also nice

    vents heat -> always nice


    As for the debuffs Wither does, you get the damage reduction from Flame Blast / Flame Sweep, and the reduced movement speed by Flame Sweep (if you skilled both)


    In my opinion it may not do as much damage, but you get better protection from it then the Assassin gets from his ability, and the debuffs may come from other sources but are still the same. (Can't talk for Juggernaut as I never played that one )

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