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Posts posted by TGBeans

  1. I think the only change needed to Master Strike is to change it so that once activated it stays a 4m range attack. The fact that I can run away and eat the first two strikes but still be hit from longer than most of my other attack is infuriating. Another things I would like to see change would be the talent in Anni/Combat that makes Master Strike Pin you to the ground. Using it makes me feel insanely cheap even though its a big part of my move-set in pvp.


    Maybe if they changed it so that Master Strike is uninterruptable, but only has a 4m range at all times, and the Mara/Sent talent could be changed to make MS have a 10m range when activated?

  2. So I found out I have about 30 days left on my account and I decided to finish leveling my PT Bounty Hunter.


    I like the AP play style a lot (Pyro is fun but something about it I don't like). But I also end of tanking during PvP also. You know throwing taunts left and right, and if push comes to shove switching to IGC to throw guard on a healer or ball carrier. So I switched to Shield Tech and proceeded to get wreck.


    So I want to try this build here: 10/31/0 and just run with IGC on the entire time.


    Any more experienced Bounty Hunters have any opinion on this?

  3. One thing I really want is a rework of the Mara/Sent talent that roots the target during the entire Master Strike / Ravage. Even with a Mara this just feel super cheap being able to take such a chunk out of someone with just a single button setup.
  4. What if they reversed the 70% slow from 1.2?


    What if the PFT talent read:


    Flame Burst, Flame Sweep and Immolate have a [50 / 100]% chance to grant Prototype Flame Thrower, increasing the damage dealt by your next Flame Thrower by 10% and making Flame Thrower immune to interrupts. Stacks up to 5 times. Allows Flamethrower to be used while moving.


    (I think the uninterruptable part people would complain about then. Like when Ravage/MS roots for that one Mara/Sent Spec.)

  5. So I left for a few weeks to take my last finals and graduate. I've come back to my server and the new Imps are, by far, the worse PvPers I have ever seen. Of the 20+ matches I've played over the last few days we have lost every single one. Multiple 0-600 Civil Wars, teams not taking a single door in Voidstar while the enemy steam rolls through them, and 100-0 lost to NC.


    So my questions is: What happened? I heard that to get Dailies you don't actually need to win WZ only participate. That and I'm sure people are off playing D3. But even so, people seem to not know that WZ aren't CoD, they are not deathmatchs. Its so frustrating to watch as spawn after spawn of my teams swarms to doors/computers were heavy fighting is and not even bothering to sneak off to the UNGUARDED door. (I try to sneak off but alas BH PT's are kinda hard to be sneaky with.) I've tried to give out strategy, but unless I actually stay in the spawn area and coordinate its quickly forgotten.


    I'm not opposed to rolling on a new server if someone has a suggestion of a place with competent PvPers.

  6. So I tried to roll a SW for my first character, went Jug but got stuck because it was a pain to level (Immortal spec) and when I tried to do Vengeance I spent more time healing than fighting. Not to mention pvp, the main reason I play any mmo, was immortal or ****.

    So I gave up and rolled an Assassin and had a blast.


    Then my brother got the game and insisted on being a Mara. I watched him play and he had none of the problems I had on my jug. Plus I'll admit the two lightsabers appeal to me on a very base level.


    So 1.2 rolls out the door and I decided I going to give the SW a try again. But the problem now is i'm torn, do i go Jug and maybe quit cause its a pita to level (I love the 1 saber combat animations) or do I roll Mara and steam roll through everything? Also how is Vengence (my prefered talent tree) doing in PvP?

  7. I'm leveling a BH after finishing my IA and SI. I'm trying to decide on what advanced class to play.


    I like the PT for the mobility and tanking possibility. But I also know that Mercs are very dangerous in PvP and they can heal, which is always needed.


    The reason I'm asking is I don't want to be a turret class. I get enough of that on my sniper. What are the Pro's and Con's of PT and Merc?

  8. Mr. Haterade I like that spec a lot. I ignored the talents in Darkness thinking they are too tank-y for my idea, completely forgetting about how awesome Disjunction is. I'll switch over to that tonight and report back on how well it does in a few days.
  9. For the fun and challenge. Even if it is frustrating sometimes.


    Nothing comes close to the rush of going up against actual players.
  10. All in all this looks like it's primarily a hit & run spec.


    This is kinda what I wanted to make. On my server there are a lot of healers on the Republic that just sit in corners and spam heals. That said they never have any guard or peels with them so if you even look at them funny they run away and spam heals to keep themselves alive. (I cannot kill these healers as either Madness nor Deception, and especially not as Darkness.)


    As I run with my guild for most of the wzs, I tried to make a spec that would would basically be a complete interrupt spec. My teammates would confront enemies, I would sneak to the healer hiding in the wings. From there I would interrupt, slow, and pester the crap out of the healer hoping it would either kill him, or force his focus away long enough for my team to get the objective.


    Now with a little more information you have any more helpful tips Mr. Haterade?

  11. Only difference is Madness seems very "pressure" oriented not a lot of burst and tough to take down healers.


    And that is why I love the spec. People tend to freak out under pressure in PvP and make sloppy mistakes which you can capitalize on. Heck tonight I beat some very good Infiltration Shadows that got the jump on me, solely because they panicked because of all the dots I put on them.

  12. While I would love an extra 5 m on my abilities, I can only foresee horrific nerfs if we get it (mostly for PvP reasons).


    As it currently stands a sniper can almost cover both of the final doors in Voidstar as soon as they leave their spawn point (the one to the right of the exit is a little tricky and finicky sometimes). If we get that extra 5m all it would take would be 1 Sniper to stop a whole team in Voidstar. And as much as I love this idea, I do not want to imagine the QQ tears and the nerf that would come from this change.


    Another PvP reason it will never happen is Alderaan WZ. If you jump on the "fence" surrounding the center turret your range it just short enough to not hit someone capping. If we got that 5 m range boost BAM! A good sniper or a team of 2 decent snipers could control that point for a majority of the match.


    The only current PvP it wouldn't effect much is Huttball. That extra 5m might be good to slow down ball carriers, and buff our damage/kill numbers, but in the long run it wouldn't effect the overall game much. The only change it would bring would be to make us slightly more desirable as goalies/middies.

  13. Hey what do I need to stack for a Madness 'Sin in PvP, other than expertise?


    I'm currently doing crit/surge/power. I'm avoiding alacrity (don't plan on ever hard casting Crushing Darkness) and defense/absorb are kinda useless since I'm not Darkness.


    I know Darkness is the top dog right now for PvP but I like the feel, control, and self-heals of Madness more. My general marching orders in WZ's are to find marked targets (usually healers, sometimes 'Slinger/Snipers) and make their life hell for the entire match.


    Here is my projected spec (currently level 40): http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#2000cZGMZcMfRrMkrfz.1


    Also while I have peoples ear, do you guys have any tips/ticks for PvPing as Madness? Any general Assassin PvP tips?

  14. My 2-cents (I skipped to the end so if this point has been raised sorry).


    I don't mind the restrictions being lifted. I know when I play I like to act like my character collects trophies from his/her fights. (i.e. A Darkside Sith Jug killed a Jedi and now uses his blue/green Lightsaber)


    That being said if they lift the restrictions on crystal color they might want to consider adding more to the Dark/Light Side Vendors. Relics, boots and gloves are nice but I would like to be able to buy a full set for being all on one side or the other. As of right now there is really no point to being dark/light other than personal choice. Which I like but this brings me to another point.


    They need to add Neutral vendors so people don't have to play Space Jesus or the Space Devil all the time. They can choose to act like real people in actual situation and not get penalized for it. As small as the penalty for not getting for stuff from vendors is.

  15. 2 Questions Really:


    1) How does resolve work? I know I'm not supposed to run the ball in Huttball, but sometime I'm in scoring range and get tossed the ball. Anyway I can make it a hair's breath away from the goal line. Stun, Slow, Immobilize, etc. anyway my resolve bar will skyrocket and fill completely. I pop my get out of jail free card and try to score only to get stunned again (Yes its a stun) and die. I'll respawn in the bench with a full resolve bar and it will only start to empty after I pass the first set of flame gates. What the hell? Do I just need to never rely on resolve?


    2) Do Sorc/Sages get easier to deal with? Currently (over the last 3 days) they have gone from okay or tough fights to instant losses. What happened? I'm getting pelted by pebbles outside of my ambush range and if I do get them down (40-30%) they mez me, FS away, heal back (2-3 quick heals) and pebble me to death (again outside of snipe/bush range). I'm 27 (I know low level PvP doesn't count, blah blah) is there some thing coming in the next few levels to deal with these guys? Also I'm Lethality spec, (I mainly PvP and do story when ques are long).


    While I have you guys' ears, is there a place to petition BW for an extra 5 yards for Snipers? I feel that would help greatly in my current PvP woes.


    Thanks guys, I'm probably just frustrated and venting on the forums, if this does sound like whining.

    • - lower the cost of snipe dramatically (or making it at least spec able). Enough so we can use snipe as a filler.


    • - as a alternative add a worth while proc to our normal attacks. (Think combustible gas cylinder). This would allow our rifle attacks to keep up the pressure.


    I really like the second idea. Maybe have 3 different "rounds" like BH/Trooper? Maybe:


    MM = Adds Armor Penetration to all abilities (10-20%?)

    Eng = Snare proc so our bombs/probes hit more targets? (I don't spec Engineer much)

    Lethality = Dot protection similar to Unstable Affliction from WoW


    Just ideas to toss about. Again I really, REALLY like your idea.

  16. So I wanted to play Sniper since I first saw the class video, but I didn't want to play a PvP range cause of the problems I had with hunters in WoW. Well after playing every other class I'm back to playing Sniper (I'm a glutton for punishment). Does anyone out there know of a guide or website that has tips and strategies for Snipers in PvP?


    The reason I ask is for every 4-5 Warzones I'm in I see maybe 1 or 2 other Snipers and a quick search of the forums and Internets reveal very little PvP informatiom. So now I'm turning to the PvP forums for help. I'm decent in PvP, usually top 3-5 in medals and kills (I stopped trying to run the ball in huttball and I usually hiding/sniping a good distance from node to get defend points, and burning down ball carriers in huttball).


    ----- If some vet. PvP'er want some more info here is some more in depth info------


    I'm currently level 22, leveling through PvP, and specced MM tree. I"m armstech/scav/invest crew skills so I can keep by damage (barrel mod) high. So far the only AC's I really have trouble with 1v1 are Mara/Sent, Sage/Sorc, and Merc/Comm. Basically Mercs tracer spam then out-heal my damage, Sorc take damage but they seem to just seem to ignore my stuns (with zero resolve) and totally screw up my chances of killing them, and Mara's just melt my face-I get them down to low percentages (2%-15%) but I just can't finish 'em them off.


    Other than that in a group (me and 1+ other people) I'm golden, most people seem to focus on the enemy with the magic glow-stick in their faces instead of the guy with the gun 10-30m off blowing hole in 'em.




    Thanks for any help guys.

  17. This post is going to ramble a bit, I do apologize.


    I actually look forward to huttball. IT maybe because I only pvp on my sniper, but I know I can't run forward and just blast people like on my BH so I usually play mid or back.


    If I can find a good spot I can consistently slow an enemy ball-carrying team down just enough to help my team catch up and overtake the ball carriers. Or if it is just a singular runner I can usually burn them down before the exit our ramp.


    Now this could be because I'm playing low level pvp (only level 22). Or could be, as the OP says, I have lots of pvp experience (I have only pvped on this character, I haven't even finish the IA story past Dromund Kaas yet :D). Or some wierd combination of the two.


    I do know that when I do find another Sniper in a WZ they are usually the first to died and are generally terrible (I will try to emote a complement to 'Pub gunslingers that are good and I whisper complements to my fellow Imps). I think the main reason most Snipers/Gunslingers are so bad is they think they can run around like a trooper and fire-off big shots while not needing to be in cover. IMO the core aspect of being an IA/Smug is that you have to be sneaky. You are just a regular person going against trained professionals, people in crazy armor, people with shiny laser swords, and people with super magic powers. You are going get torn apart if you don't be smart and sneaky and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.


    TL;DR - I like huttball, I play defender/goalie and can usually burn down the ball-carrier. People complain about the Sniper/Gunslinger class because they play with the wrong mindset (IE Less Wesley from Wanted more Private Daniel Jackson from Saving Private Ryan)

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