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Posts posted by CeruleanNite

  1. The amount of credit selling spam in general chat the last few days is getting pretty ridiculous. Will BW pull the plug on general chat for all free players because of this? Doesn't seem they have any other way to regulate it as these people can just keep registering endless free accounts after they get banned.


    I have seen one or two since F2P and after reporting them and putting them on ignore the problem was solved.

  2. Wow, what is it about all those with the hate towards the OP? Never did the OP ask for a change to the Sith Warriors, all the OP was doing was posting an observation/opinion of their experience to those classes.


    So instead of people offering advice to the OP on how to play the classes better what is happening? Attacking the OP. It really is a wonder that this game has any subscribers with the negative and attacking attitudes in this forum.


    OP, best advice, ignore the righteous attackers in this thread. Find those who play these classes in-game and see if they will kindly give you advice on maybe ways to play these classes where they will be more fun to you. I have not really played the classes so I wont offer any other advice then what I have already said.

  3. Sorry but Bioware/EA dropped the ball big time on this. I understand them wanting to make money, but stopping people from having basic UI functions is just greedy.


    And before anyone says, well its only $4.00, it doesnt matter. I am a preferred customer per their definitions, I can play the game for free and I can choose if I want to spend any more money on the game, but by restricting us to 2 bars and some of the other restrictions, is not making me want to spend money, it is making me want to delete the game and never come back. That is not how this should work. It should be making me want to spend money, but the greed from Bioware/EA has done the opposite.

  4. When I was researching the preferred status for returning players I am sure they had us at 4 hot bars, now to find out it is 2 just makes me mad. Frankly they are treating the preferred players almost like the complete f2p players. Not a very good way to get us back.


    Give us at least 4 hot bars and 4 characters.

  5. There's a couple of things I was thinking of,


    First I would personally like the ability to use other weapons with my characters beyond what the default is. For example, adding carbines for bounty Hunters instead of only pistols. I feel like they are somewhat iconic for a bounty huner.


    Second would be free form space exploration/combat. I know I'm gonna get heat for this one but here it its, take a page from SWG. We have these great ships and can't really do anything with them. I'd love to be able to explore the galaxy in it! Just my opinion.


    Third would have to be more races to choose from, I can think of a few I would personally love to see in game, my most wanted would have to be Kel Dor, man I want to play as one of those SO BAD :)


    Anyway those are some of my thoughts for the moment, I love this game and can only wait to see what Bioware has in store for us. What do you guys/gals think?


    There already is many threads about your second and thread suggestion so they should have gone in those threads.


    I am pretty sure there is a thread about your first suggestion also.


    Search is your friend.

  6. Make a post legacy to facebook ability for in-game legacy tree (with levels and character names) to facebook. - I dont care about this but I guess it would be ok


    Make an ability to invite players to swtor through facebook on the website with the trial program. - sure why not


    Make it possible to dual log your account and have two open game windows with the drawback of only being able to use the second one for the (PTS) or public test server. Hmmm, I guess if your system can handle it and it is only 1 live server and the pts


    Make it possible to change the layout of the website with different themes. would be nice, since they are doing maint. to the website next week maybe something like this will happen.


    So what does the suggestions box think?


    Not bad, ses above

  7. About the only thing for leveling that might help is the improved UI and graphics; otherwise it is about legacy and end game.


    The class changes/nerfs really wont effect you much as you level as most of them are more geared towards higher level characters.

  8. The few pets that are coming out are requiring a lot of work just to get.


    In fact from the thread in the PTS forums discussing and trying to get these pets it seems no one has as of yet been able to get them.


    It appears they require a few different steps and people have yet to figure them out so the pets, at least for the first month or so will be few and far between.

  9. As for as SWTOR goes. I have been playing on the PTS testing 1.2 and I will say this. If you have been waiting around for 1.2 for a lot more end game content then you are going to be dissappointed.


    1.2 adds very little additional end game content. A normal raid guild will blow through it in a week or two and will be done with it as soon as they get their gear.


    1.2 only adds 1 or 2 new warzones to the mix for the PvPers, the big change in PvP is the new gear levels, so however long it takes people to gear up will be how long their interest is.


    I am dissapointed that 1.2 wont be out next week, I think it is as ready as it will get on the PTS, but maybe they are waiting until GW2 pre-sales calm down in a week.

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