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Posts posted by ghostshootx

  1. I also want to bring up story issues.



    All sith story's have an amazing feel and depth to them.


    Inquist, slave beating stacked odds to be the best

    Warrior, a prodigy picked to be the best, you are given all the advantages and told to win, you will be your masters trump card (SPOILER) until you have to kill him (SPOILER)

    Bounty hunter, A lust for revenge and a shot a fame are all you need to start you adventure.

    Imperil, You are the British James bound of space.









    and the republic gets


    Counselor, lol go do jedi stuff, no emotion, force, blah blah blah

    warrior, Hey go grab so holo disk's K?

    Smuggler. A bad-*** self titled space captain gets space robbed. get them blasters and silver tounge ready cause its time for adventure

    Trooper "OH MY GOD! JC A BOMB" "What a bomb!?"

  2. Ending up everyone rerolling empire.


    On my server for example empire wins 75% of all WZ. Another funny thing i made a BH for fun checked how many ppl who were in the zone... guess what 89 then i went back to republic fleet and we had 111 ppl there. And 4 guys in our trooper starting zone.





    Have fun playing your 1 faction game.


    Pretty much this. PvP will soon be dead on low pop servers.


    The empire gets the cool weapons, (Ahem knives and snipers any ones)

    The upper hand

    and the population on there side.


    The republic just sucks.

  3. Your logic is as flawed and little as your brain cells.



    The problem is not that we don't want diversity. the problem is we want balance.


    when I am a gunslinger fighting a sniper, and the sniper wins because he can get off moves faster, shorter, and more efficient then i can that's not diverse. that is me getting punished cause I went with the republic.

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