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Posts posted by JaxxYChicK

  1. Three Lvl 50 Imps invaded the Rep side base on Hoth there the other night, I thought it was hilarious. After dueling and getting my JK's lvl 37 arse handed back to me they exchanged pleasantries via emote with me then took off. If general chat was anything to go by they were causing total havoc for the other low levels on Hoth. Made me realise I'm missing out on a lot not bothering to PVP much.
  2. I wish my female IA could romance Kaliyo. *sigh*


    The hottest female companion I would probably have to say Kira. I see a lot of votes for Mako but my BH definitely sees her in a "little sister" light. I recently rolled a new male Sith Warrior too and Vette is pretty cute.

  3. Tomb of Freedon Nadd 4/10 but it can go below that.

    Terrible...just terrible.

    It is only because I have some real-life and in-game friends I play with, but when you look in general, at the bigger picture, it is awful.


    It is not only General chat. It is also PvP and PvE groups, even guilds that are complete disaster full of rude and, if not, evil, arrogant people.


    P.s. my opinion and experience.


    I have to agree. I really would love to transfer my characters. I do try my best to be helpful and answer any questions I can but the overall feel of the server got me down. I mostly just concentrate on my own game now, which is a shame as this is supposed to be social.

  4. Definitely Doc.

    Mostly, as a male playing a female character, the storylines really are quite ridiculous. The male romance options are poor, cliche, and generally bad, and you really get the feeling they were written by guys with no idea how to write romances from a female perspective (which to be fair neither, of course, could I).


    Doc, however, is hilarious. I think as a guy (and I'm sure as a woman too) you laugh at the hilarity and cheesiness of his pick up lines, but as you continue along the storyline he turns into a really interesting character.


    Rejecting him at the very end, in order to not get dark side points, was really sad, and I actually felt a pang of sadness, which is quite rare and rather weird if you think about it (but shows you how great the writing was) when he said "by the way, I would have made a great husband".




    I had to log in just to give this post a big +1! My JK just met Doc last night and I swear, I haven't laughed as much at a companion interaction so far! He's just so... hammy! That line when they first meet, "I'll have to examine you closer... later." Had me in stitches of surprised laughter. I was just waiting for him to wriggle his eyebrows. And that mustache... Perfect. I think he'll be good for my JK, though she's extreme LS so I don't know which way I'm going to play it yet.


    I haven't really gotten into any of the romance arcs yet. I liked Corso well enough but he just didn't mesh with my Smuggler's character at all. She's tough and pragmatic and Corso kept banging on about "ladies". My smuggler ain't no lady. So I didn't bother with that one.


    I can't see my BH going for Torian, so I'll probably skip that one too.


    I do have my IA involved with Vector though. Jury's still out on that one but I'm finding it interesting.


    I rolled a male SW last week just to see how the dudes fare and so far I like Vette.

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