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Posts posted by Ankokugai

  1. Dude. I already mentioned the thing you can buy that letts you respeck in the field in the middle of a battle and it only costs, what, 500 cartel coins? All you need to change spec mid fight is that legacy purchase and a macro. The game's already pay to own, Read the post before you make an idiot of yourself.
  2. I'd like to request that in the Cartel market there be an option to buy extra Training/talent tree points. The Legacy purchase ability to respec all of your points for free, in the field and on the fly is cool and I was quite happy to pay for such a useful ability, but I think it would be much more... enjoyable to be able to purchase extra points to add to your current total and simply be able to build yourself into all three trees as opposed to being able to switch between them with a few minutes pause in the middle of a battlefield.
  3. Force unleashed felt rushed, lacked fluidity in my opinion. Just swarms of enemies then a boss. But I did enjoy Jedi Academy I enjoyed even though the graphics were a bit dated it still felt immersive. But regards your suggestion, I appreciate the effort but those sorts of ideas you bring to new developers making new games.

    Mmm... You're not wrong there per-say... There were a number of mechanics In force unleashed I didn't like either, but overall I thought it was a pretty good game. Decent story-lining in the first one, The second was rushed because Lucas told them to scrap their idea to have a Wookie as the main several months into production.

    Eh, to each their own.

    It was made as a successor to KOTOR, not the Force Unleashed or Jedi Academy.

    So it's meant to attract a different crowd than the FPS players - not everything needs to be an FPS.

    Rofl, I understand that, I played and greatly enjoyed both KOTOR, KOTOR2JE and even the story lines, graphics, worldbuilding and MMO aspect of this one, I just down feel limiting game mechanics to the cut and paste WoW and EQ playstyle is necessary. Tabula Rasa did just fine fusing an MMO and FPS and would have been a big thing still if the company hadn't gone bankrupt from embezzling. Besides, FU and JA aren't FPS, they're RP Hack and Slash.

  4. Your asking for a completely rewrite of the game. Also in my opinion the force unleashed was not a good game at all. So while I understand you enjoyed Battlefront, this game is an mmo as such changing core gameplay features such as your suggestion will sadly not happen.


    Doesn't mean I can't ask.


    And why didn't you like Force unleashed? That and the Jedi academy series were the closest Ive ever seen to what I'd imagined or seen in the movies.

  5. One of the biggest things that disappointed me about this game was, after being spoiled by Battlefront, The Force Unleashed and Galaxies how you totally sold out to the cut and paste MMO UI.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the game, it's got great story, alot of fun quests, absolutely wonderful graphics for an MMO, the social aspect actually encourages team play and the challenges are good for the UI, if you wanted to make a starwars inspired WoW clone you did an absolutely beautiful job.


    But that's just it. it's a WoW clone.


    I'm probably going about convincing you to do this all wrong, but if you would please be willing to humor me, then keep reading.

    When i originally heard of this game i came in hoping that, rather than limiting the player to some really weird skills by be bound to the 1-= hotkeys the Soldier classes would play similar to battlefront where you pick up a gun, aim and start firing. armor and resistance ratings would determine whether the shot would penetrate that specific piece of armor, your aim would determine if you hit at all, the occasional hotkey ability would activate abilities like personal shields, rocket packs, anti-force-power shields or press 3 to turn on or off stealth field generator and hold 5 for flame thrower tap 8 and paint area for kinetic bombardment.

    Y'know like those FPSMMO's or battlefield games that are so awesome. There are FPSMMO's out there and alot of them are awesome.

    Instead there's hotkeys for stuff like powershot, bullet-storm, suppression fire, snipe, throw vibro blade and cooldown timers that make no sense whatsoever.

    What kind of idiot is going to use a sniper rifle at 20 yards? I ask you? And you're dealing with laser carbines, plasma chargers and power packs, not chambered bullets, so giving me a cooldown of 5-10 seconds on a shot makes no logical sense. If you're dumb enough to use a sniper rifle at 20 meters you just keep firing it like an assault rifle.



    Then there's the Jedi. Force unleashed was untold levels of epic. Sure, Starkiller was a little overpowered being able to pull down a 30 mile long spaceship in the second one, but Yoda established in the second (or fifth depending on your point of view) that scale didn't matter when dealing with jedi, just whether or not you could actually imagine yourself doing it.

    Force unleashed, or at the very least an improvement on galaxies, was what i had expected when coming here. That would have been cool. Being held in force grip doesn't stop you from shooting the ****er and when playing starkiller you could easily get swarmed by troops and shot down, or get a blaster bolth through your head if you weren't paying attention so balancing isn't really a problem, but instead we have Jedi who can go dark or light, but can't learn sith lightning, forcegrip doesn't exist and is bound to a hotkey that picks up an inane rock from nowhere and throws it at an opponent for minimal damage or throws steams of dirt at them for even less. How do you get streams of dirt on a space station?


    I'm sorry, i know my whining isn't helping my case here but as cool as this games 8 stories and vast lore filled world are the game play mechanics are not only ridiculous, but chafingly restrictive for just who and what we're theoretically working with.


    To explain this as clearly and politely as i can, I would like to request a purchasable Alternate Play-Style DLC that can be bought either in addition to or originally in place of on the digital download, of this game.

    Basic features to be:


    Sith/Jedi warrior; bonuses to physical enhancement force techniques over force projection abilities.

    Jedi/Sith Adept; bonuses to force projection abilities over physical enhancement force techniques.

    Jedi get regeneration and buff auras

    Sith get life drain, panic abilities or mind control

    or something like that.


    Republic/Empire Soldier; Bonuses to weapons and armor skills over stealth, item use, salvage and theft

    Republic/Empire mercenaries; bonuses to hack, stealth, item use, salvage, theft over weapon and armor skills.

    Empire gets espionage skills

    Republic gets demolitions

    Again, or something like that. I really liked alot of your classes and the ideas behind their abilities, it was just the massively limited MMO cookie-cutter UI that has me raging here.


    Weapons abilities:



    Duel pistol,

    Assault rifle,

    Heavy rifle,

    Sniper rifle

    Antimaterial Rifle,

    Blaster Repeater (minigun)

    Portable Blaster Cannon

    Rocket Launcher



    Flame Thrower



    Any of the four soldier classes, smuggler, trooper, bounty hunter, agent; can use these, but the agent and trooper would have an easier time acquiring them and leveling up required skills and such. They're soldiers, you expect them to be professionally trained. ****, even the Jedi/Sith should probably be able to it'd just be harder still and i can't think of many if any force powers that would mesh well. Maybe force grip then shoot em, but shoot them and you lose force grip...




    Robes; Light, comphy, good for gymnastics. Not sure why anyone would want to wear them, but the jedi don't seem to mind and apparantly they help you focus the force. Who knew? Has pockets for various ability items such as hack, tactical cloak, orbital strike calldown laser painter. Whatever you can buy.


    Leather armor; don't know why you'd want this, but there's always some character that seems to. Would probably go to stealth smuggler/hunters or Jedi/sith. Has pockets for various ability items, ditto on above.


    Basic combat armor; that odd plastic alloy that's so iconic in SW that absorbs blaster fire up to a point. HUD and various ability item mods ditto on above but fewer pockets.


    Power armor: Like combat armor but with mechanical augments that allow you to move faster, carry heavier weapons, strike harder if you're a crazy melee player, equip jumpjets, rocket packs, personal blaster shields, extended powerpacks for longer or more intense firing time, use rocket launchers, flamethrowers mini rockets, anti-force-power shields that limit or immunize you against various force abilities


    Usable Items;


    Computers to hack, more than just a questpoint. All sorts of opportunities for minigames here. I think this is currently a loading bar for crew skills too.


    Salvage everything. Also a crew skill atm, but seriously, you can fit sixteen speeders in one backpack, how could you resist being able to storm a base and take apart all of their battle droids for undamaged parts upgrades? or draining their resource crates for sale on various markets?


    Loot everything. Damn, that guy was tough, and he was my level or less! Wow! he was carrying a blaster pistol that completely shoots my armor rating and a personal shield that's twice as good as mine, rocket boots that last a few seconds longer better servos for his power armor and a orbital bombardment laser painter. ZOMG TAKE IT ALL!


    Speeders and other vehicles; Being able to buy a speeder is cool and you can summon it anywhere, but if there's one just sitting there... why can't i commandeer it? Jedi and Sith are all royalty/high level politicians, bounty hunters and smugglers are hot-wiring thieves, and the troopers and agents are both officers. It was a pretty simple mechanic in Battlefront.


    Tactical cloaks: nuff said. Can counter with upgrades to your helmet or training a force sense power.


    Artillery/Ariel/Orbital bombardment Laser painter; Costs credits per use and might have environmental requirements, but nuff said.


    You're already working on the fighters in that DLC you currently have up for beta so i wont rant about it here, but adding a few of those as pilotable items, especially because they're sitting around everywhere in game, would be cool.


    NPC's; Jedi sith and the two soldier classes are supposed to be battlefield commanders and generals and such, let us recruit, reposition and order around troop and garrison forces in some limited capacity. It's been done in a few games and makes a great PvPvE mechanic.


    Force Powers:


    Physical Enhancement:


    Force speed; nuff said

    Force stregnth; nuff said,

    Force leap; not just a mechanic to close attack distance

    Force reflexes; you can deflect blaster bolts how fast?

    Force sense; I can feel you hiding behind that Wall/Vehicle/Cloak/Me

    Force cloak; wrap the force around you and hide in plain sight. Makes it alot harder for the living to target you where ever they are. Doesn't work on driods doesn't enirely work on AOE weapons/abilities. Countered by force sense and anti-force-power-shield

    Force slow; Don't fall so fast, channeled power costs.

    Force flight; you're a telekinetic, bit of an upgrade on force leap, channeled power costs.


    Force projection: Unless otherwise stated weakened or cost doubled by anti-force-power-shields.


    Force grip; manipulate things at a distance.

    Force grip throw; nuff said.

    Force grip pull; summon gripped item to you. Be careful how you release it.

    Force grip choke; nuff said, higher levels could squeeze heart or brain like in old TOR games or Jedi academy.

    Force grip crush; pick up an enemy or tank and attempt to crush it, nuff said.

    Force blast; awesome mechanic from force unleashed.

    Charged force blast; ditto. Channeled power build

    Force Nova: upgraded charged force blast, everything explodes around you in a sphere. channeled power build

    Force Storm; random force blasts procking every which way from every where, Palpatine did it in the comics to take down star fleets, surely our supposedly legendary character can do it on a small battlefield? channeled power use.

    Force trick; stun or co-opt enemy soldiers for a short time. Subverted by anti-force-power-shields

    Force domination; freeze or subvert enemy soldier for a bit longer or until they die. How long and how many depending on intelligence, wisdom or remaining force powers stats, their intelligence or wisdom. Subverted by anti-force-power-shields.

    Lightning; Duh, for sith, and you let Jedi make dark force decisions and alignments, are you really not going to let them learn this?

    Sustained lightning; electrocute a person by amps over volts, channel until they die or you run out of force.

    Group sustained lightning; Upgrade on the above, higher power cost.

    Lighning bolt; Charge lightning for distance and voltage instead of aparage, channeled power build, one shot release.

    Lightning ball, Charge metal scrap with enough lightning to become plasma, then force throw it and see whose dumb enough to stick around. Channeled power build, can be recharged within a limited time span.

    Lightning storm; cover an area with lightning bolts; channeled power use. go until you run out of force, same damage as sustained lightning.

    Singularity; You can already produce enough power to light a planetary power grid or pull a space-station out of orbit, why not choose a point and use force grip crush to pull the entire battlefield into one big bloody ball?

    Force healing: Heal yourself through the force

    Life tap; Drain a targets health into you

    Group life tap; Drain multiple targets health into you

    Inspiration Aura; nuff said

    Demoralization/fear aura; nuff said

    Healing Aura; nuff said.


    Most of the 'game changer' abilities seem to be standing still or walking slowly skills, makes you an easy target for blaster bolts through the head or heart.


    Light sabers. Nuff said.


    Everything Moddable. you've largely done that.

  6. ROFL, none of us have anything better to do, why do you think we're here debating the merits of a massivly conviluted FANTASY galaxy? And Mefit, the current six movies have followed the books very well for all the detials they left out to convert the medium. Even as screwedup as disney has become, what reason would they have to doverge from that now? The expanded universe is extreamly popular in the syfi community and many fans are far more fanatical about it than me. I just like to argue...:rak_03:

    And no, I'm not getting this off of fan made RP's, Just go read the books. It'll explain a LOT.

  7. ^ Where did you get all that ?

    1 Bane didn't destroy Vitate's Empire , it was gone before he came to be last I checked...........

    2 Bane ended the Brotherhood of Darkness ...........

    3 Where the heck did you pull that Vitate is still around after Sidious's Death ? Did I miss something ?!


    Something smells , better check you pants ..............I think you are full of something..............


    Dude, go read a book. There are hundreds in the starwars franchise, true, but the four I'm talking about are realativly easy to find. Lucas Wrote Nine books and then made movies off the middle three. I've never understood why he did that, but hey, he's the one who made billions off the franchise, I'm just a fan.


    Now, MOST starwars books are what is known as 'Official Fannon". Basically people write fanfiction and approach Lucas for aproval and printing, if he likes it it becomes cannon. The stuff I said about sidious though is easy enough to find. If you don'tlike listening to me, go read wookiepedia. It's sort of hit or miss, but usually reliable.

  8. I love Foundry , I do not get why Revan Fans get their panties in a twist when they talk about it ?!


    You're an idiot. It's not PC, but it's my opinion... *shrugs*


    When powerful Forceusers die they usually die in some fantastic way , like Sidious when Vader tossed him down they Giant Pipe Gutter like a Doll.


    I don't suppose you read any of George Lucas's books? The star wars moveis were made off a series of nine books written by the old man himself. When Sideous got tossed down into the power core he, Like the current Sith emperor, did not die. His body was destroyed, sure, but the little **** simply went force ghost, retreated to his fortress of doom and used an already prepared clone body of himself to come back. The next three books, which are soon to be movies by the way, are about how he's rapeing the new galactic republic from the shadows and trying to steal Anakin Solo's body.


    NOT ONLY THAT! but our current emperor is still arround! he's hiding out on dromud kaas and using operatives to harvest tech from Darth Sidious's war to try and resurect the empire that Bane tore down. Yeah, the old fart is still tiredly trying to consume the galaxy after 10 THOUSAND years.

  9. so make a battlefield 3 star wars version?


    Not quite, you still have to consider the Sith/Jedi portion of the game. Personaly I think that should have been moddeled off of the Force Unleashed duo. It was pretty much a RPFPS but alot of the game mechainics fit into the same area and it doesn't look of feel nearly so cheap as confining things to standard MMO gameplay. Watching any of the movies or cutscenes and then playing SWTOR or SWORO it just feels like a let down, constraining game play to those mechanics. Bad enough playing a shooter in MMO when you know a head shot should kill a person rather than take them down 11% life or where you should only have to shoot a guy in the chest numerous times if he's rocking an energy shield, but Jedi are supposed to have amazing fast paced duels, jump hundreds of feet and make impact craters instead of going to the graveyard spawn point, play with the elements and reshape the landscape.


    Don't get me wrong, I love the story and my sorcerer is a trip, but the gameplay just feels wooden in the face of what you know the charactors should be, and it's one of the better MMO's in circulation.

  10. Wrote a novel legnth fanfic once, got very mixxed reviews on it; but I'd be my main charactor. Sith Sorcerer Arcturas Darkstar. Idolized Revan, married a jedi master and set up a star kingdom of his own that even the emperor was cautious about messing with. Utterly pragmatic he mastered both light and dark and made a habit of capturing and indoctrinating people sent against him instead of killing them. Moddeled him largely off of the light side inquisitor story and Lord Gratham with his tech city.


    Other than that, Revan, because he's ******. This is a guy who's known to juggle basalisk war droids for crying out loud. He was almost on even footing with the emperor and that guy ate entire planets complete with multibillion sentient populations and several dozen of the most powerful darth of the time. :rak_03:


    Also the Wookie they had orrigionally planned to use for Vaders apprentice in force unleashed 2. The guy was hulk with lightning bolts and a LAZER sword. ZOMG!

  11. So in Knights of the Old Republic's first zone, The Endar Spire, you have to espace down to Taris while it is under attack from the sith. After you leave, you see a cutscene in which the Endar Spire explodes seconds after you eject. So then why is the Spire an area in Swtor, looking pretty well off given the situtation it would be in.


    This is 300 years later. They've probably built an entire new ship with the same name several times, or are you talking about that wreckage in tarris? I can tell you from watching ship decoms in the Navy that blowing up a ship isn't a clean or total thing even with the best torpedos or missiles. Entire sections of the ship are left to sink afterwards largely untouched; I don't imagine ti would be much different for a space ship.

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