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Posts posted by Oratio

  1. To my understanding two identical relics share the same lockout but different relic don't share lockout even iftheir effects are similar


    To answer your question it depends on spec

    For a arsenal merc you want the energy relic as it receives benefit from your armor pen cell/cylinder

    For a AP/tactics PT you want elemental/internal relic as it benefits from HEGC

    I would also use the elemental for pyro as well due to elemental bonuses in the PT trees


    Thanks for your post.


    On PTS you could equip, say, a Partisan Serendipitous Assault and the Conqueror version (can't find the link to the post atm) and they would stack. Did this go live? If so, anyone know if it is considered a bug?

  2. Thats the armor I want too :D


    I saw something similar, though perhaps not exact, that you can select from the Heroic 4 First Commando's Call quest in the Shrine of Healing on Voss (http://db.darthhater.com/quests/2698/%5Bheroic_4%5D_the_first_commandos_call/).


    There are three versions for Imperial Agents, and the Plastoid Combat Suit seemed closest. I could not find any screenshots, but it might be worth a try.

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