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Posts posted by Overlord_Baal

  1. Really well written and I totally agree. This expresses most of my thoughts on what this game needs and what I personally would like to see. I want stuff in this game that I can just screw around with just for the fun of it. Something that is not based solely on getting gear. Right now everything in this game is for gear in one way or another with the exception of datacrons. I love the whole datacron feature but we need more things that don't revolve around one single objective. I want to do something in the game because its a whole lot of fun not because if I continue doing it over and over Ill get a new piece of gear that gives me a slight upgrade in stats.
  2. The Black hole gear does NOT give a set bonus. However you can take the mods out of the bh gear and put it in the rakata gear to keep your 2 and 4 set bonuses. If you want the most optimized stats for Denova HM then you will want to find a complete set of BH gear put all the mods into Rakata gear and augment all 14 pieces with Overkill Augments (Endurance and Power).
  3. Yeah I know exactly what you meen, the Pvp in this game is a lot of fun but there is a few small things that you mentioned that would make it SOO much better. They are adding legacy perks to make pvp give you more xp, what good is this if there is still a valor cap. It makes it so it penalizes you for making a pure pvp character.
  4. To answer your first question, in order to transfer on swtor.com go to "my account" and log in. On the left hand side you will see many options, at the top there will be a link for character transfers followed by a list of all the available servers. Any characters that are available will be displayed at the top with a character transfer button. At this point you will only have 1 option and that is to a PvP server, like the guy before me said. Hope this helped.
  5. I healed through eternity vault hard mode with battlmaster gear, it depends on your skill level. In most cases battlemaster gear will be better than tionese and slightly below par with columi. You will be able to do Black Talon, Boarding Party, The Foundry, all on hard mode with no problem. If you know the fights and are an experienced healer you might be able to go beyond that and heal D7, Battle of Illum, False Emporer, Kaon Under Siege, and possibly Normal mode Operations if the rest of your guild is geared for it.
  6. Listen. I fully understand the argument against this flashpoints difficulty vs reward but the simple fact of the matter is this.......


    You are not doing this FP for the loot. You are doing it for the BH comms you'll get from it as well as for the challenge. If you want/need Rakata gear then do EV, or KP HM. That is just the brass tacks of it plain and simple.


    Finally, I was worried no one in this forum would relize this. This flashpoint I only run once a week and that is for the black hole comms. That is pretty much the only reason to run it, and good enough a reason. When you are full rakata and are trying to save up black hole comms doing this fp every week adds up. The difficulty I find in this fp is finding the right group. Hopefully after server transfers and group finder, I will be able to find a group every week.

  7. What he/she said ^^^^^


    There are some pro's and con's of each server and it's really a matter of opinion which one you personally would enjoy more. The pvp servers can be annoying because people can kill you while you are questing and trying to level. However once you get high level you can return to lower level planets and seek revenge :tran_mad: It's also nice if you like to role play. Pve servers are good if you just want to play the game and what I recommend.

  8. You can also get a number from Daily Vendors. I'm pretty sure I saw a vendor in The Black Hole in Corellia that was selling legacy tokens for daily comms.


    Yeah I saw this on the daily vendors on Ilum. It makes sense now that I think about it. If you have lots of extra daily coms then you can use it to give your alt's a boost.

  9. Yeah I know where the vendors are. I received a "MainHand Construction Kit" any news as to where to get other unassembled pieces? They don't even have that great stats for their level so unless I get a few pieces today they are gonna become obsolete for my new alt.
  10. Just a tip, a lot of people may not bother reading your thread due to the title...


    This^^ Also I agree I have found some really cool pieces of green armor that is useless for stats. Then I have the dilemma looking like a bad *** or not dieing.

  11. There isn't all that much orange gear you can buy for credits, so given that the prices aren't totally nuts. Also, as pointed out, not many sources for belts/bracers otherwise.


    The 'expensive' sets all have some sort of relatively iconic look... more of a prestige thing, I guess.


    I guess that's true well Ill have to take a look again to see how cool it actually looks

  12. You live up to your name, Sir Shenanigans.


    I get you, I have enough of the not pastes and not red squigglies and not whatever else I needs to poison a medium sized planet. Is it too much to ask to have one type of compound and one type of sample at every tier, instead of two and even three? I WANTED PASTEL GREEN BOOGERS AND NOT PURPLE PETRI DISHES JAESA!


    Crafting isn't supposed to be easy. This way not all schematics are the same. What you are suggesting is all stims medpacks adrenals and implants of the same tier will require the exact same materials.

  13. THanks you guys! I started an agent because of what I have heard about the story, maybe I will also roll a BH. Later on when I try Republic I'll start with the smuggler.


    Excellent choice, the agent story is great. The classes I will recommend to you are Operative, Sorc, or Powertech. Both the sorc and powertech have lots of utilities such as pulling, shielding, etc. I have never played a merc but they just seem really boring because of how immobile they are. They just seem like turrets that just stand in one spot and either shoot stuff or heal stuff (which is still shooting ironically). The operatives get to move a lot while healing which is why we are good in pvp.


    I know how you feel when you say your sick of dps'ing I run a marauder and we can't do crap. We can only dps and have almost no utilities and I really enjoy operative healing.

  14. Very quick question what do you guys use to take screenshots or film in game? Please don't say the holocam that costs $20. I tried Ctrl-PrntScrn and It came up as a black screen image.
  15. The game is not out to get you. You don't need a whole bunch of super high leveled people on your team. What you need is a whole bunch of skilled people. However those two things are usually a package deal, but this is not always true.
  16. Wow I'm utterly disappointed. I was hoping that Bioware would make it easier to level once we had a 50 or 2, guess not. Doesn't bother me a whole lot it just doesn't make sense that it would only be for looks when it doesn't look that different from some of the other modable gear you can get in the game and it costs a lot of money.
  17. I see that on the capital world you can buy open slot orange legacy gear for big $$$. However what is the point? Does it make it so the minimum level for your mods are disregarded? I know that there is no minimum equip level for the armor itself. I thought it could be used so that you can have very powerful gear equipped to a low level alt. My second question is where do you get unnasembled legacy gear tokens? I got a mainhand in my mailbox when I logged in after 1.2 but that's all I've come across so far.
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