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Posts posted by RWitteveen

  1. Hello ,


    I have been experiencing connection issue's where my connection to

    the server will just drop ( time out ) this happens random.


    I can play for several hours with no issue or i can l og in and within 5 minuts

    i already lost connection normally after this happens i can log back into

    the server and the game pretty fast and alot of the time i can then continue

    playing for a decent time before it happens again.


    Now i have read a little on the forums and people are saying

    to do a trace or pathping whatever or to use pingplotter

    i have no idea what all this means but i have downloaded

    and ran pingplotter and it did show issue's i just dont know what

    it all means i am pretty sure though that the problem is on my end

    and not bioware i think it might be a issue with my router not sure.


    Anyway i have clicked share on pingplotter and this is the

    link it gave me : link


    Can someone tell me what it means and if there are any steps i can take ?


    Thank you in advance.

  2. Hello people ,


    Iam seriously thinking about buying a upgrade kit /

    seperate hardware components..


    basically what i had in mind is ditching everything i have

    memory / motherboard and cpu , because there outdated ( am2 )


    at the moment i have a HD 6870 video card

    and after reading some articled etc.. something caught

    my attention..


    basically building a scorpius platform ,

    my current card together with a FX proccesor ( was thinking about 6100 )

    have to look at the money too ofc so dont want to go to high , and combine

    that proccesor with a 990 chipset motherboard plus my current card

    and 8 or more gigs of ddr3 1600 memory..


    Now i dont plan on doing this just to play swtor or something

    just in general because my system is pretty old , however

    can anyone advice if this is a good step to take if building that

    platform is worth the money ? i know a little about pc's but

    not enough.. does this build give good performance for gaming ?

    or does it suck ?


    Any advice i want to keep my hd6870 since its brand new

    the motherboard , memory and proccesor is open for debate..

    but since card is amd i prever to build amd around it.


    thank you in advance for any tips / advice.

  3. Iam no expert on the rolling system..


    I normally only need on a items if it directly increases my stats

    etc and i can use it on my own character , ive never rolled for a item

    for my companion normally if possible i filter down items and or

    create or buy them for companion.. but yeah i think using

    common sence and asking for need for companion makes sence

    there will always be ninja's though unless they can improve

    the rolling system..


    How often ive come accros a chest guarded by a elite

    mob.. fighting it just so someone else cna run up and

    steal the chest.. , i wish they would lock the chest

    and put a key or something on the elite mob

    guarding it so the one(s) fighting it will only have acces to it

    after the fight.

  4. I like both sides..


    Iam playing republic at the moment...


    however i dont think ive played the game really as i want

    to.. since we have light and dark side options in conversations..

    i often go for the points to help increase my tier..

    that also kinda ruins it becasue although i play a republic

    i sometimes get very tired of putting people in jail part while just

    seconds ago they where trying to blow my head off ?

    hell no ! , kill Him ! , oh but i have zero dark side points so i

    guess ile let him live and increase light side..



    Thats basically my problem i guess i dont really play the game

    as i want to play it wich is my own faulth perhaps.. , its just

    so temptng to get the points.


    Anyways i like both sides.

  5. downtime is never fun , but not being able to play due

    to gamebreaking issues ( such as the one after the last patch )

    ctd's , constant freezes that make it unplayable etc...


    isnt fun either and is pretty much downtime for many players

    as well..

    i also believe that in time the services and downtimes will

    get better as the game will get more stable ( i assume at least )

    you never know.. but think positive.


    i also think its not entirely fair to compare long lasting

    games with swtor and if its all so great why not play that then.

    may not have as much downtime or is more polished but has been

    milked out and chewed on so much already , no thanks.

  6. This latter example is at least helpful and does not drive users to a forum to find out when their game is back up.


    We do NOT pay to have to go to forums to find out what has been broken this time. It is our last resort.



    I agree that this could possibly be introduced to the exsisting message..


    However i disagree about the part that the forum is a last resort

    the forum is not just for issues and troubleshooting , it also contains

    alot of useful information and i think its a good thing if people

    make use of the forums in general and not only when they

    encounter a issue... not saying you ment it that way though

    i just think that the forum is more then a shoutbox for troubles.

  7. Ok thanks for the reply i will check that out :)



    To bad the rest of the ui is not possible to move around i have

    the tendacy to drag a window around each time i open it

    just to discover over and over agian thats its n ot possible :p


    i guess that sort of grew in with other games/mmo's ive played.



    Thanks for the tip.

  8. Hello ,



    I would like to know if its possible to filer your chat

    not for profanity but needless conversations of npc's

    for example and crew mates that say the same thing

    over and over when they complete a mission or when you

    board your ship also possible you recieved xxxx amount of

    credits / xp / item...


    the char window is pretty small and although you can make it

    larger that pretty much makes theleft quickslot useless

    with alot of things going on chat will be rolling on the screen

    like crazy for every bit of info and that can sometimes lead

    to a mess and need to scroll back alot for the normal

    general chat / guild chat etc..


    any tips on this ?


    Also iam playing as a Jedi Sage ( healer )

    and iam using the operation frames because there

    very usefull and you cna move it around to the middle

    of the screen to make overview and clicking names

    more easyer , are there any other parts of the ui that

    you can unlock/dock and move around etc.. ?


    thanks for the tips/advice you would have.



  9. Hey everyone :)


    Good guide ,


    i would like to add the use of healing frames and focus targets


    i coudl write it all down but instead here are 2 links to some

    youtube vids that explain it pretty well.


    Focus Target :


    Healing Frames :





    Edit : I play as a Jedi Sage myself , and what i also find handy

    is when your fighting some tuff enemies , takes some out of the

    fight , for a Jedi Sage , Force Lift is very usefull ,

    so you group can pick off the rest first and then focus on the big ones

    other classes have skills also that can take enemies out of a fight for a

    short duration.

  10. @Vortgon ,


    Ok thanks for explanation , ive posted a link in my previous

    post perhaps you can look at that..


    it seems oke i guess.. and it sais its secured for certain

    things like energy spikes and shortages etc..


    As for the card range.. the highest i could go with my budget

    would be this :




    its more expensive because it has more memory i guess..


    below that are a variation on 550 TI , GTX 560 , and one 460 i believe


    that fall into my budget range.. ,



    I really appreciate all your help from everyone i am absolutly

    no tech so i dont know what is solid and what is not so good.


    ( if i buy a psu and card though i will not install it myself )


    so thats a relief as i have pretty much zip knowledge about it. ^^

  11. yes ive decided too purchase a power supply and graphic card


    i have maximum of 250 Euro's too spend


    looking at the prices of the card i might be able too

    afford a decent psu as well..


    Thank you for all the assistance much appreciated..


    I will be able too run swtor oke then with a stable fps ?


    ( with stable i mean a good avarage iam aware that some places in the game

    will always eat a chunk of fps )


    Thank you again.



    EDIT :


    @ Mandrax ,


    Yes i dont know much about psu the only thing ive read

    that you will need too look at one that has a good efficiancy

    i guess that means how much watts it can deliver constantly.



    As for the psu i was looking at this one:




    Hope you can see that link.. its dutch but specs are mostly english.

  12. Thank you for the reply


    so that means i would need to change the psu

    as well to be on the safe side..


    so lets just assume that i do that as well

    and i install errhm lets say min 600 max 750 psu


    would you reccomend a spesific grpahic card for

    my system ?



    Thank you.

  13. Hello people ,


    Sorry if my english isnt perfect , its not my native language.


    Anyways i would like some advice regarding my system.


    I can play swtor but it plays very poorly now i think this is because

    i have a graphic card from the stoneage.


    these are my current specs :


    AMD Phenom 9500 Quad core 2.2 Mhz.

    6 GB Memory

    Nvidia Geforce 9600 GT 512 mb

    Windows 7 ( ultimate i think ) 64 bit.

    my psu is 400 watt.




    I do not have much money so i cannot afford too buy a

    new pc i may have just enough too buy a new graphic card

    the problem here is the psu so i looked around a bit and

    found that a GeForce GTX 550 Ti might run oke on a 400 watt psu.

    and should give me some more performance..



    If i purschase this card or its ATI counterpart , will i be able too

    play swtor on medium ? ( 1920 x 1080 ) with reasonable

    fps.. my current 9600 gt kills my fps too a humiliating 10 fps

    in some areas and its not stable its like a rollercoaster ride..

    my latency is oke i think it never go's higher then 50 ms.


    I forgot too say i dont have money for a new psu and card

    just enough for the card.. thats why i cant go for a higher one.



    Anyways anyone with more knowledge about these cards and my

    spec , please advice on how too proceed , thank you.


    PS: forgot to mention may be important ?

    My motherboard : ASrock - model : AliveXfire-eSATA2

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