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Posts posted by Quietbow

  1. If you are looking for EST The Fatman has a rather large pop. Would this most lkely be Empire or Republic?


    Doesnt matter to me, which ever faction that would provide the best success in creating a AM guild or what ppl prefer to play.


    I was a GM in wow for 2 years building a guild to get some nice high ranks in the US. Trick here will be finding some ppl like myself who play in the AM to create a good core of players to start a guild somewhere.


    So if anyone is interested feel free to post.

  2. Actually im gonna start one. Server: Thana Vash (EST)


    Send a ingame Mail to either Quietbow or Q'be


    Raiding will be in the AM during the week for thos who work nights and weekends.


    Also willing to re-roll on a more populated server during the AM any suggestions are welcome. Post here if you are interested as well.

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