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Posts posted by JasraL

  1. Wow, that sucks Desponn.


    Thanks for hosting these GSF school sessions. I think they really made a difference to some people.


    ~ Eudoxia


    They made a difference to me. I found them very useful and wish I had been able to attend more of them, but living in the U.K. and working normal business hours means I can't always stay up that late. :( It was great to get advice and answers, and to know I wasn't the only one with the same questions. I still don't think I'm very good yet, and still trying out different ships and builds, but I am also still queing for matches and probably wouldn't be without the school sesions and the guides. Thank you Despon for giving up your time to help new players like myself.

  2. Yeah unfortunately, pops have been really bad during the week in morning / afternoon hrs US time. I usually only get pops when I am about to log out, early evening US, midnight GMT :(


    I'm also in GMT time zone and new to GSF, so I can't comment on how frequent the pops used to be in the afternoons, but I can say that I have usually (bar the last 2 days) been able to get a couple or three dailies done between 2 - 5 pm Eastern Time (7 - 10pm my time). After that, there seems to be a lull (probably people eating dinner and such) and then the pops seem to pick up again after midnight. If I can plan to stay up late to play I do, but it's not always practical. I'll continue to queue up on JC though, because I certainly like the GSF community here, although I'm not opposed to trying TRE for my daily GSF fix. (Why do I find this game so addictive?!)


    So please don't give up on JC just yet, Traesha. :( We need you.

  3. In the spirit of trying to improve conditions on JC, I am offering now to hold one or more GSF workshops there. We can pick a day and a time, and I'll either hang out in the GSF channel for an hour or so taking questions or we can make a channel for it in-game and people can come learn a few things. I'd gear it towards beginner and intermediate players and try to cover some of the most important topics for being a successful contributor in a GSF team. Setting a more formal period of time for this sort of workshop would allow the message to get around to new players or those struggling to get better.


    If those reading this thread have interest in that sort of instruction, speak up.



    *raises hand* Ooh, yes please! I've been reading guides, watching YouTube vids, practicing flying around in the tutorial, and then attempting to contribute in a match or two to at least get my daily done. And although I am not crashing and burning quite as much, I still am usually in the bottom tier of the scoreboard and not very consistent. There is so much information in the Stasipedia, posts, and other guides that my brain just can't seem to absorb it all. I've got problems with power management, nevermind trying to look with the cameras while I'm moving (which I'm sure is some manifestation of CWAG (Can't Walk And Chew gum) syndrome.)


    I've gotten some great tips from some of my guildies who GSF, but still have a ton of questions. I won't post them here as this probably isn't the right place for them and maybe some of the information I need is in the guides (and I keep reading through them over and over.) But I would find it really helpful to be able to ask questions, get an answer, then go and practice that skill/technique/manoeuvre in a match, and then hopefully get some constructive critique on the mistakes I'm making. I'd really like to get better at this game. Surely it can't be very entertaining for you veteran players to just down us noobs spawn after spawn after spawn... (Or, I don't know, maybe it is for some. :) )


    So yes, please, Despon--if you're willing to take the time to give a Q&A/Training session on JC, that would be absolutely fabulous. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be very grateful for your advice.

  4. Wow, just read through this entire thread (as I was kind of feeling like the OP after my first stab at playing this) and I'd like to say 'thank you' to all you veteran players who have posted some really helpful tips and instructions especially in their replies to Domi. I myself have been reading through the guides, trying to absorb all of the information (there is a lot!), flying around in the tutorial to practice a bit, talking with guildies who play this, and trolling through these forum posts for useful insights to help me get the hang of things. So for me it's been read, play, die, and repeat.


    According to the stats, so far I've done an entire hour of gameplay (or gamedying to be more accurate) and yesterday was the first time that (1) I didn't try to fly my Scout through a solid object, (2) I didn't barrel roll into a rock, (3) I got two assists (so must have hit something other than dead space), (4) I earned 6 medals (haven't a clue what they were for, but so what), (5) I did not come dead last on the board at the end of the match. I was feeling pretty chuffed with myself about that. :)


    I still like the Domination scenario better than the 'all out kill-or-be-killed' one, but that's probably because I'm such a noob and have a basic ship (still need to purchase some upgrades, but undecided on what to buy first) and still learning how to play--or rather, how not to crash, how to target, and how to run away. That, and I feel bad when my inglorious noobie demise gives away a point to the other team.


    So thank you veterans for helpful insights and thank you Domi for documenting your learning curve so far. It's been helpful! I'm really looking forward to playing more GSF and could almost kick myself for not getting into this before now. Started this this week just to see about earning some conquest points, but it's kind of growing on me.

  5. I don't want to sound like an ***, but why?


    I'm 21 and I feel like people around my age are in the "prime" so to speak, for playing this game or other video games. Since most kids are playing games they can't even purchase without a parent. I still find it very cool that older folks can find fun in video games, but a lot of you could be my parents and I would be embarrassed if my parents were playing this game with me. Maybe that's just me or the lifestyle I have. I just wonder if there should be a time to stop playing video games.

    OMG... are you trying, in a nice way, to tell us 'older folks' to grow up? hahahahahaha..... :) That's so cute.


    I go to college, have a part time job and now, I'm finding myslef barely even getting around to this game.
    Wow, sorry that you're not finding the time to play :( . I suppose I should consider myself lucky I've still got the energy and time to play TOR at least a couple of hours three to four times a week and still manage to work a full-time job with a long commute, keep fit, maintain a house, garden, pets, and a spouse, and visit the in-laws every week. Maybe it's just me, but I feel time to relax and play is important so I budget it into my schedule, even though I'm in the 45 and older age bracket now.


    When I was 12, I used to be a huge MMO and colsole gamer, but now that I'm getting older, I'm finding most these games to be quite silly. I love Star Wars, but I can't seem myslef playing this type of game when I'm 40 and have kids.

    Aw, that makes me feel sad. :( I couldn't avoid turning 40, but I'll not stop playing my silly games. (And a silly game with a Star Wars theme is just too much for me to resist!) I don't smoke any more, I don't drink any more, I (usually) drive the speed limit, and I've given up on eating things that are 'bad' for me--but I'm not giving up my MMO fantasy time!


    So again, I'm just wondering why? I don't want to be an ***, I just want to know what causes you to play games like this when you're over 30 or 40 or whatever.

    I don't see you as being an ***, not at all. You're just curious as to why 'adults' like these games as much as kids do. It's escapism, just like reading a book or watching a movie, only I feel it's a bit more interactive. It's a stress reliever for me (who doesn't like 'killing' a few bad guys after a hard day at work?) So, I'll be playing these types of games until I'm half blind and can't use a mouse/console controller/or-whatever-they-invent-next. But, maybe by that time, some enterprising 21 year old will have developed a thought-reading game controller and I won't have to worry. :)

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