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Posts posted by SOULCASTER

  1. Same. Load in from the launcher, loading screen then hangs for 15+min trying to get to character selection screen (star forge). Tried finding this info on X (twitter) but it looks like they update that once every 4 years. Glad to find the issue is going on with others here at least...

  2. Can someone send me the link to the official thread petitioning for the old GTN system to make a come back and remove whatever this abomination is that was just implemented?

    Thank you.

    • Like 3
  3. When going to create a new outfit in the Outfitter Tab on the Character Sheet, my game crashes when I select "commit" to pay for the new outfit.

    It has done this on several outfits, and even does it on new and old outfit tabs (when i was testing to see if maybe just the 1 tab was bugged).

    The last outfit i started to put together when it crashed was:
    * Selected new slot to unlock for new outfit.
    * Weapons: empty
    * Head: empty
    * Bracers: Remnant Underworld Consular Cuffs
    * Chest: Remnant Underworld Consular Robe
    * Gloves: Remnant Underworld Consular Gloves
    * Boots: Remnant Underworld Consular Boots
    * Belt: Revered Master's Clasp
    * Pants: Je'daii Warrior's Greaves
    (no dye kits in any of the items)
    --> Hit COMMIT and the game crashed.

    This character is a female Togruta. I will try and test to see if my other species characters crash also.

    I should mention on EXISTING outfits, I can change and apply new lightsabers to the outfit designer just fine. It seems to crash when I put on new clothes though.
    Each time it crashes I have submitted the crash reports.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

    welcome back. I see you're on SF. count on your hand the number of times you face a 4m premade in the arena queue. I've seen 2 in 3+ months in the queue with well over 600 matches played. 4m premades stomping ppl in arenas is a mythical beast.

    you will find a few 2m grps and the very occasional 3m. if you do 10-15 matches per night, you will probably see a 3m grp over the course of 3 nights. you will see a 2m grp once or twice per night. premades are not bullying the arena queue on SF. the MM is as bonkers as it has every been though, and I often see pug tank and heal on one team while the other has just one or none of the support roles. it happens b/c of the small player pool and players not taking pops. more problematic is one teaming having the two players with sub 330 gear on. or 4 nets...or 4 juggs...or 3 maddness sorcs...etc. just typical bad matchmaking.

    well that's good news then. Sounds like they just need to work on a matchmaking fix. Which i see a lot of threads on here about.

  5. (Just returning to the game after a year+ off)

    Have they still not prevented movement enhancing abilities while carrying the huttball?
    You can still leap, and roll and hold-the-line (etc) with while carrying the ball?  I mean that
    is something they should easily fix.

    As far as fighting 'premades' in 4v4 areanas.... well, if you played ranked seasons 1-6 you'd
    know that is all the ''solo'' queue arenas were. You and 3 randoms fighting the 4 super-queue
    group on the opposite faction that queue synched. lol

    The only fix i think they could have for fighitng pre-mades in arenas would be to have the 
    winner and the loser rewards be the same. Do i think losers should get whatever winners get, 
    fundamentally speaking? No. However, this is not a serious e-sport, and is a very casual game
    and niche gametype for most swtor players. So I think equalling the rewards would probably
    help offset the bitterness of getting stomped by premades.

    • Like 1
  6. I would very much like to retroactively have character flair for my seasons 1 through 6 rated pvp participation. 
    I think character flair was one of the better changes to the game, giving each player a unique look. It's disappointing
    to see we seem to still be retroactively giving away all of the season 1-6 rewards to all the S7+ players, but the S1-6
    players can't retroactively get the newer S7+ flair. =(

    Can this be reviewed and retroactively given out? I would really love to have my gold season 1-6 flair :cool:

    • Like 4
  7. This is a bug where my teammate was in the middle of the arena before the 2nd round of arena
    pvp started.

    This bug was caused because he (powertech tank) used his HotSwap tactical on me at the end
    of the round, and when the 6 second swap of the tactical ended so did the round. It put me and
    the team in our spawn for the next round but swapped him to my old location inside the middle
    of the arena.

    This is not really an exploitive bug, nor really a bug at all per se. But we found this out accidentally.
    Just reporting it.


  8. Please stop giving us Voidstar on repeat.


    Please remove Voidstar, Quesh & Vandon Hutball, that 'new' alderaan civil war reskin and Odessen.


    But mostly please stop the repeated Voidstar. In a 10 match night, 6 are void star.

  9. In regards to the 330 gear deconstruction quest:


    Spoke to Hyde, got the quest to disassemble 330 Purple/Artifact gear. Deconstructed a 330 purple/artifact Rakata MAIN HAND. Quest updated "Zeek's Deconstruction: 330 Artifact" and says: RETURN TO HYDE.


    I now cannot talk to him. Nothing happens. He has the completed quest triangle over his head but I cannot interact with him at all.

  10. (Recently returning to the game, sorry if this was discussed)


    Typically the way I use Ear Pieces and Implants, is:

    HEALING = Green/Alacrity Implants and Ear pieces.

    DPS = Either Red/Power-Crit ones or Yellow Accuracy ones (depending on PvP or PvE)

    TANKING = Blue Shielding or Absorb Implants Ear pieces.


    This way, makes things clean and simple for me; i know what is what and I can have the rest of my armor mods/enh (when that was a thing) set up how I like and simply just switch the implants and ear pieces for the activity that i've been doing. I've done this for almost 10 years now.


    However now with 7.0 and set bonuses: I really don't like having to buy DPS or Alacrity Implants on my tank, just to get the set bonuses that I want. There are also not any Accuracy Implants either, and I don't like having 110% accuracy in my PvP gear (which by the way in warzones is somehow 107% acc. But it's also why i used to simply just switch out my yellow ear/implants).


    There is also a very poor selection of quantity and quality when it comes to set bonuses per class. I assume this is being worked on improving.


    Is it not possible to go back to having the set bonuses tied to armor pieces? :confused:

  11. This UI for the Combat Styles ability trees needs to be updated. It is not NEARLY distinct enough on which abilities you are selecting. I am not sure if that is because this is just the PTS, and you have it polished on the version coming to 7.0, or not. But if this is the final product this really needs to be revamped.


    You could not look at this tree at a glance and know which abilities you selected. It needs to be way more distinct in my opinion. For example, when i first saw this, I thought the boxes to the far right were the selected abilities. THAT would have made it distinct. But apparently those are just passives. I would advise addressing how this looks.





    Also, if you change tabs too quickly, this happens:



  12. Hello everyone!


    Now let’s talk about why achievements are not currently transferring via Character Copy. PTS Rewards are back! Players can earn rewards by doing the following:

    • Logging into PTS
    • Completing a Class Story on any Class
    • Complete all expansion Story content
    • Reaching item rating 322 with one of your characters and complete the PvP, Heroic, and Flashpoint Weekly Missions
    • Completing all of the above


    We will be posting details on the rewards and titles later this week.



    Man while i'm usually supportive of the development team, its obvious they did this to get more people (/free labor) testing the update before it comes out. Which is...whatever. But to tie 1-time-chance rewards to all this is a bit much. Especially the completing the original class stories. And if that includes all of the expansion content that is like a legit several weeks of constant play time grinding. Sheeeesh.


    If you dont participate in this, you know the rewards are going to be awesome and you missed out, and if you do participate and do all this you know the rewards are going to be terrible. It's a lose lose for the player base and a win win for them and their free play testers helping achieve their metrics. What a 10th anniversary update this is.... I am really hoping they post some great rewards for this....

  13. It looks like when equipping the "Steadfast Master's Gloves'' with the "Revered Master's Robes" (to give that authentic Jedi look) your hands become invisible. :eek:


    See screenshots below:






  14. There seems to be a lot of female jedi companions Ranos, Kira, Jaesa, Lana, Senya, Nadia, (and others). I know the force is female and all :cool: but there only seems to be 3 male jedi companions: Guss (who you can't modify his head apperance) and Xalek and Scourge with large body types. All 3 are alien and not human.


    Yes there is Arcann (story dependent) and ideal for what I'm looking for...but you also can't modify his appearance.

    Any plan to add a normal Human body type 2 Male Jedi that is appearance customizable? Or am I missing one somewhere?

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