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Posts posted by -Oreos-

  1. i like how everyone just moves to the fotm class whenever there is a big patch with class changes. i'll tell u right now that marauder isn't an easy class to play. we have a ton more buttons to press to be played effectively than most classes. just from the top of my head, learning how to effectively use force camo, when to force choke, when to bait out the anti cc, when to burst, looking at when the opponents defensive cooldowns are up, when to burst dmg when to lay low and wait. those just a few things marauders have to do to play even somewhat effective. we do a lot of dmg because we have worked for it and play the class well.


    i won't be surprised to see everyone that jumped on the marauder bandwagon in a few weeks whining about how they don't do as much damage as people in the forums say and start to qq about how the class sucks again. the class worked prepatch and...well the class works with more options post patch with the build variation.


    to all the people complaining about ravage...it's a 30 second (27 second) attack with a 3 second channel. basically it's a 1 off per fight and many good marauders probably won't use it unless u are for sure going to die from it. i shouldn't have to list all the defensive abilities each class has to avoid this 27 second CD 3 second channel move (with the last hit being the most important so u have 2 seconds to think about it. my assassin with deception build (yes i like the build) can hit for almost 2.8k-4k per discharge with 2 stacks of surge lightning, and that's every 15 seconds. yes i might be getting lucky with the crits, but are u saying that just because it does a lot of dmg that it should be nerfed? it's not like we can spam the move. learn to avoid the move.

  2. i specced carnage today to try it out. the dmg output is def pretty nice. i would say that in a pve setting, carnage and anni probably come real close, depending on your playstyle.


    pvp wise i prefer anni only because of close quarters. yes, some people don't like it, but i personally think it's beneficial due to the fact that marauders are super deadly when up close. i think if they moved close quarters to the carnage tree, i'd be all over it lol.


    in wzs today, i feel that i def do more dmg than i did before. i think this is mainly because healers are not as strong in the survivability as they were pre patch and when i fight groups, i always take the healer down first. did many 2v1's today and came out pretty strong. (i play anni). it all really comes down to what u are comfortable with but i'm glad they did something with carnage because it's much more attractive to play. seeing the multiple 2.5k hits pop up like 4-5 times when u spam massacre is really amazing.

  3. I would like to address the fact that the mods I have taken out from the previous patch for my pvp gear do not have expertise as opposed to the "new" pvp gear being offered (at much cheaper prices). my 63/37/11 is the same mod i gutted out from a battlemaster gear that the "new" piece now has 63/37/25 exp/11. intentional on BW's behalf or mistake? if it's a mistake, please do fix this.



  4. u are not speaking for me sinfony ! lol. it's oreos btw from rakata mind prison. i use maul a lot whenever i see the proc. i usually do voltaic slash 2x, shock. that should put me at pretty low force which i'll then cast blackout (specced into) i don't have to be in stealth. force slow into some sort of CC. depending on the class i'll use a certain cc whether it be electrocute, low slash or spike. if i have to use spike, i throw up force cloak and spike out of it right away. yeah it's a big 2 min to wait but if it's going to down my opponent and mean something to the team i'll do it. i can't believe they make sins carry the ball in your guild rofl. i would never carry the ball on my deception sin. i personally love the tree as it's really rogue like and to me says a lot for the "assassin" class.
  5. you won't be getting whither which i doubt u'll be able to build 3 ticks of harnessed in a sufficient amount of time. apparently the godlike tanksin that speaks in this thread can build 3 ticks in 6 seconds.


    too bad i'm not on reaper or i'd duel that tank sin.

  6. Pro tip, he's not interrupting it because he's spiked to the floor or electrocuted. ;)


    protip. any good marauder knowing his survivability will be saving unleash for things like that. your heal isn't effective until you have 3 ticks to pull off force lightning which takes about 15 seconds depending on your rotation (i.e. it being shock or whither). by the time u have 3 ticks of harnessed darkness u'll probably be at half health or very close to it. so ur going to spike me for 2 seconds. i pop unleash and u lightning me. i pop force camo and you lose ur heal tick and ur harnessed darkness. now u have a shock left, no harnessed darkness and still half health )if u haven't popped ur pot already. that's what i mean by a good marauder keeping you from healing through harnessed darkness.

  7. i would really like to know what the hell kind of mods you are using to get all 4 of those stats up there.


    if ur referring to getting the inquis buff and the IA buff for crit, then those numbers are reachable.


    without those buffs, u aren't going to get 32% crit, 75% surge, 110% accuracy and 500 power.


    i have 90% of the endgame gear, and i can still only pick 2 maybe 3 of the 4 to get the stats to where u say.


    i have like 470 power, 99% accuracy and 73% surge. my crit is completely sacrificed and i still haven't hit ur numbers. please don't give false info to other players.

  8. only a few things. not sure if they were mentioned.


    offhand dmg - should be increased. hopefully to at least 75-80% of main hand dmg.


    gore - should proc off of ataru form (giving the ataru form a reason to be specced into as opposed to a 25% chance to proc a tickle to the opponent).


    annihilate - dmg is good, but the proc that it creates is kind of stupid imo. yes it may be useful in pve, but in pvp how many times do you really use annihilate that can make use of the time reduction for the 3 procs.


    for pve it's fine, for pvp the properties should be changed to something like annihilate should have a chance to proc a bleed or something.


    massacre - dmg should be halved but hit 4 times (consider how many times ur swinging ur light sabre around). that way the overall dmg can be increased by having certain hits crit, and others not.


    i think that is all...

  9. thing is with healers, u have to know which heal does how much healing. depending on ur spec (i'm annihilation), i usually let them heal if they pop an early small heal. i save most of my interrupts for the bigger heals and HOTs. rule of thumb usually is, the longer the channel, the bigger the heal so u have to understand the sorc class to crush it. In 1v1, it's very possible to take down a good healer. in a group, chances are much slimmer. i think i've done 75k dmg to a healer and he/she still didn't die because the healer buddy next to him/her was healing too lol.


    if you can do enough dmg to negate a heal, save the CD.

  10. it wouldn't be a bad build if gore didn't suck so much. the 100% penetration is a quick 6 seconds that uses up 4 rage which means u have to use a rage building attack within 6 seconds. which mathmatically probably means u only have 1 big attack you can use (ravage) to do that damage. too big of a gamble. once again, u will not be doing enough dmg in a single blow.
  11. tried it already. it works, but it's more complicated. basically, instead of every 15 seconds per crit smash, it's now 50 seconds. so ur losing 35 seconds of a crit smash. u feating into bleeds like that is basically bleeds that do no more than tickle ur opponent, so ur gimping urself of DPS right there.


    if you want to focus on a hybrid build, it's really complicated to play and you can't focus on the big hitting abilities. you are going to focus on something along the lines of buffing the crap outta vicious slash (which should be a faster attack imo), and getting bleeds to keep up your dmg. the 15%, the 30% crit dmg all add up to big bleed dmg, which none of ur feating has.

  12. we need some gap closers, and probably something that no one else has..like a constant rage generator ...;X. lol other than that i think the class is fine. many classes in this game are meant to keep you away from them. we should have something that closes that gap. we're dps so being squishy is given. can't be rambo and terminator.
  13. some people like needing more then a dippy bird to play their class. Sorry but if marauders had the gameplay of a merc i wouldn't be playing this game.


    Sorry but its very ignorant on your part to want every class to play the same, if you want everything to be 4 buttons then go play wow. Different classes are supposed to be different, some classes need a higher skill cap to keep good players playing the game, and some classes need to be pet rock simple for the bad players to keep playing the game.


    I never said that is the way i wanted to play it. i like the fact that i have to use more skills, a more complicated rotation to get the dmg that I want to output. I just simply said that is the way people are interpreting the class as "sucking". l2read.

  14. power is underestimated. you'll see a huge difference in your dots when you increase your power. i don't think you'll need the accuracy above 96% if you're doing dots. you just need the hit to land to get the stack (unless i'm mistaken and the dot itself actually has accuracy involved).


    the Yellow numbers you see popping up from the enemy that's "-xxx" is the amount of dmg done by your force attack, any white number you see is str based (of course str increases force dmg too).

  15. the problem with marauder isn't that it's bad. it's gimped and there's a difference. I have to use 16 keys to get the same dmg output as someone who only uses 4. If it was scaled properly for me using 16 keys to do dmg, I should get 4x the result. That's not the case and I believe that's what some of the marauder players out there are referring to as "sucking".
  16. dont underestimate the burst potential of annihilation


    having dots tick for 2k every 1.5 seconds plus unloading 4k annihilates and 2500 screams can be quite bursty


    its not quite as good as rage, but its still very good burst


    are you popping stims/relics? i've specced all the trees including some crazy (and dumb) hybrid specs. I have yet to crit for 2.5k per tick each 1.5sec without stims/relics. the 5k burst is easily done without relics/stims.


    And to actually answer the Op's question about Rage. I would say it's a very good spec. You get the 7% DR, 20% ITD, 5k burst, 15% Crit on vicious slash (basically the attack you use when ur big stuff is on CD). A tip that I would have when you play rage is that you don't just try to look for the crit/4 stacked smash all the time because you may tend to forget your other abilities. Of course, you still want to see it, but use force crush when u don't have force choke. use choke when you don't have force crush (50 sec vs 18 sec CD). Use obliterate when you don't have force charge (distance issues). Remember to use rupture, vicoius slash, BA and force scream so u keep your rotation alive.

  17. From what I see or notice from secondary stats are as follows: (FYI, I could be wrong so anyone feel free to correct me).


    Surge Rating: Crit Dmg Multipler

    Power: Increases overall dmg - (I believe this includes bleeds)

    Crit Rating: crit %

    Accuracy: How often you will hit.


    with the feats in our skill trees, there's a free 3% (6% if you spec into carnage).


    Depending on how you spec, there are a few ways to go about maximizing your gear.


    For Power/Surge Rating combo - You should get an "advanced adept enhancement 2x". The max craft able one is 22. Gives Endurance, Power and Surge Rating.


    For Crit Rating/Surge combo - You can get advanced battle enhancement i believe. (endurance, crit, surge).


    Accuracy/power - check torhead


    Accuracy/Crit - Advanced acute.


    Personally, as a marauder I would use the logic that you most likely start receiving diminshing returns after 30% crit rate, so the best you can possibly do to get to 30% without sacrificing other stats is not too much. so going for around 27% or 28% (without BM gear).


    I would just stack Power and Surge Rating (given that your accuracy is or around 100%+ (110% on special attacks). - So when you hit, you hit hard. When you crit, you hit like a truck.

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