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Posts posted by Taelizalde

  1. Lol wow...


    Not only are you so self-centered you had to spam the Assassin forums with a "Wah, I'm leaving" thread, your delusional for thinking anyone gives a ****.


    Hopefully more toxic players leave for Wildstar, thank you.


    Lol well, joke's on you, seeing as so many people left Wildstar after the first 2 weeks that I'm pretty confident that more people, hence more 'toxic players' are still here in SWTOR.


    But ah, trolls will be trolls.

  2. No, no no no - just another melee class that compete against Warrior Dominance.



    Word is Concealment/Scrapper is getting a damn nice healing debuff on their Hidden Strike/Shoot first, and a proc chance to use it out of stealth, so that might fulfill what you're looking for. I'll edit when I find the link.

  3. Yup, I hit the unsub button! PvP'ers keep getting shafted, and I don't think 2.4 will be very promising. Again and again, EAware keeps hyping and under-delivering. They also say many things and do something completely different. I don't think my time here was wasted at all. I had my fun, but there's no reason to support a game is focusing too much on the CM. I like the CM because it gave me some content that wasn't out before, but in the grand scheme of things EAware has put all the other play-styles in the back burner while they focus on the future with CM.






    This game has loads of potential, but I don't feel like I need to post any suggestions. I've posted on tad bit in the PvP forum, and there's a limitless amount in the Suggestions subforum. I also think EA/BW themselves know what they can do with this game to make it so much better, but are just looking short-term by relying on the F2P model with their CM.


    Who the hell are you and why should I care?

  4. It's not "cool", it just all right. And guardian's running looks silly, because he is holding a lightsaber as if it was heavy, like a real sword, while it is not. So I'd better tug a wagon rather than carry the Olympic torch.

    Yep, guardians might be doing it right from the practical point of view, and a real warrior would probably hold a sword like that, etc. But guess what? :) It's a game, and if I have to choose between a realistic, but ugly thing and not quite unrealistic, but normally looking thing, I'll choose the second.


    You seem confused my friend. The topic is titled, "Can't hold a lightsaber properly," not, "Can't hold a lightsaber like an uber kewl anime character."


    And about your second statement. Guess what? Star Wars is Star Wars, and the wagon-tugging idiotic run isn't 'realistic' EVEN FOR THAT.


    Maybe the children think it's "cool" and all, but remaining on topic: Fact is, Sith do it wrong, and look like untrained idiots at the same time :)


    Hope that's easy enough for you to follow :)

  5. Ironic thread considering it's the Juggs who have terribly bad combat stances. They hold the lightsaber with one hand, lazily behind them, leaving their body vulnerable to attack.


    Imagine a boxer who went into the ring with his hands down at his sides. He'd look like a complete moron. Complete lack of proper mechanics, and just asking to get owned.


    Also, I'm guessing by your post that you haven't seen any of the movies. All the Jedi, and even Count Dooku and Darth Vader, hold the lightsaber properly in front of them like they are PREPARED to fight. Not like the Jugg, who looks like he's pulling a wagon behind him.


    What's "cool" about looking like you're tugging a wagon while you run?


    And don't get me started on the way Juggs swing their lightsaber. Guardians look properly trained in swordplay. Juggs look like they're swatting flies and chopping wood.

  6. My main is a shadow, who I leveled light-side. I've also leveled every other Republic class, Agent and Inquisitor, and I've paired with people leveling Bounty Hunter and Warrior. The Consular storyline is the second worst in the game (behind the Bounty Hunter). It's just really really weird and disjointed. It doesn't hold together, and it doesn't really satisfy the fantasy of being the Jedi Master who resolves disputes and learns the deep mysteries of the Force.


    The best moment of the storyline, honestly, is the final bit of Alderaan. That was the only part of the story where I really felt like a Jedi Master (Tython was pretty good too). Chapter 2 is a long chain of errands to keep people happy, and Chapter 3 is a lot of trumped up excuses to visit exciting places (coincidentally the same places as every other class). The grand concept for the class is really good, but the execution is just very poor.


    If you want a Bioware story, play the Agent. It's the only storyline which really feels rich and engaging. The Knight storyline is really fantastic at the end of Chapter 2 (which is where it peaks), and the Inquisitor storyline is quite good throughout (though best at the beginning of Chapter 2).

    True, as I mentioned, the Consular story doesn't really appeal to simple people. I can understand why some people might be confused when they roll a Jedi character and realize they aren't Anakin Skywalker (because every Jedi is supposed to be a galaxy-saving hero, right?).


    Jedi aren't just a band of ***-kicking superheroes as some would seem to think. Not all Jedi are warriors, either. Therefore, the story won't appeal to those with no attention span or any sort of insight into plot development. If you are the kind of person that thinks, "lul kewl lightsabers lolz blow **** up," obviously the DS Sith Warrior or the Jedi Knight will suit your taste more.


    With that said, the Consular storyline is one that you have to SEEK out the information in. Those with no background into Star Wars lore that doesn't involve Anakin Skywalker will be lost in the plethora of information about the workings of Republic, their relationship with the Jedi, and the conflicts that arise in politics during a time of cold war where the Jedi are behind the scenes pulling the strings.


    The Consular storyline is filled with plot and intrigue, mystery and history, and tons of information. But you have to be prepared to seek it out. LISTEN to the cutscenes. SEE how the Consular's storyline intertwines with each of the planets' respective missions. This is not just another "spacebar, spacebar, blow the next thing up" type of storyline that appeals to little kids.


    Don't listen to this guy above me, give the Consular a shot, keep an open mind and be curious, and you won't regret rolling your Consular :)

  7. I'd say it's worth it for the female consular's voice acting alone. Best in the game in my opinion. You could always put a different twist on it to keep you interested in leveling it again, perhaps going sage instead of shadow, or dark side instead of light, for example.
  8. The Jedi Consular story is the story of what a real Jedi Master does. It's a story of politics, diplomacy, making friends, building and controlling armies, intimidating enemies and influencing allies.


    It is not the tired story of you being the "chosen one."


    But the Consular is a true leader, and you can hear it in the tone of her voice, and in the way she carries herself, especially in Act 2. The scene at the end of Balmorra still gives me the chills. The influence you build as a Jedi Consular allows you to move worlds.


    The best part of the Jedi Consular storyline, is how intertwined your class quests feel with each of the planet's main quests. You don't feel like you're doing side quests. Everything works well together, a lot more so than the other storylines, and you gain a lot more background into the struggles facing the Republic and whatever planet you are on. Again, this mainly begins in Act 2 (so be patient).


    If you are just looking for epic, action packed, Force-choking cutscenes and constantly spacebar your way through dialogue instead of paying attention to it, perhaps you will dislike the Jedi Consular storyline.


    But if you want a deep and compelling story that is rich in Jedi and Republic culture, then be a little patient with it and you will have a great time :)

  9. Try the powertech/vanguard. Most simple playstyle out of all the classes, 1-55, easiest for new / returning / bad players to understand and excel with, and tanks are always in demand. The storylines for both are pretty good too.


    Just take things slow. Forget about your past in SWTOR and how you used to be a b.a., or whatever. Pretend you are a new player to the game, and just enjoy it. Drop your expectations.

  10. At the very basic level, each of the four classes (Smuggler/Agent, Knight/Warrior, Trooper/Bounty Hunter, and Consular/Inquisitor) have their ONE main stat, that improves basically everything they do as a class (this goes for both advanced classes in each class).


    For Shadows/Sages and Assassins/Sorcerers, your main stat is Willpower, and to answer your question, it will increase your damage as a Shadow, the *exact* same way that Strength would increase a Jedi Knight/Sentinel's damage.

  11. Remember SWTOR is a story-based MMO, as opposed to experience grind (World of Warcraft) and achievement grind (Guild Wars 2), so take the time and get into your storyline, into your characters, etc. If this doesn't appeal to you and you just want to be able to rush level to tons of endgame content, I recommend WoW or Rift, both very good games with plenty to do. If you are capable of becoming bored, though, (are human, and aren't younger than 10 / very easily amused) then stay away from Guild Wars 2.


    As far as SWTOR, the endgame operations (raids) are unique, fast-paced and very fun. The PvP is also very fast-paced and enjoyable, and the gear grind isn't as difficult as it was this time a year ago.


    If you did zombie your way through the game playing 8+ hours a day, I recommend taking it slow from now on. A break is not a bad thing to take if you are feeling burnt out.


    If you're a Star Wars fan like me, read some of the books, play some other Star Wars games, read the comics, etc. Doing that makes me even more excited to get back into game.

  12. I just released a new video with heavy emphasis on how to play 23/1/17




    2:27 - 4:35

    7:57 - 9:16


    As for gearing, please see the armoury link in my signature.


    Nice video as usual, Shin.

    Although, I don't appreciate you 'rofl'ing the assassin in the early 23/1/17 VS clip for playing as Deception. A bit hypocritical since everyone knows you enjoy the spec as well. We all want to make it work.

    Otherwise, keep it up.

  13. How do some of you even have the stomach to say this is beyond me.

    Talking on a PvP basis, they are blatantly overpowered. They have far too many defensive CDs for a DPS class.

    It's okay though, my sent will be 50 soon enough and she'll have a video out for herself. Can't wait to be FOTM.:)


    Shin a FOTM player? Wow. I really thought you were the voice of the shadow/assassin community. I always looked to your videos and threads for guidance. Now I see you're just another sellout. I hope for the shadow/assassin community's sake, you /delete your shadow and never come onto these boards again, *FOTM*.

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