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Posts posted by Noxillious

  1. y thats why i kill him 1v1 wise 10 times out of 11


    and thats why i out dpsed him 3/3 everytime when we made a race :D (go ask him)


    its so fking easy to make damage, but i am up to a challange, any mara or sent who can out dps me in the same grp with the same circumstances, gets my account :>


    edit: Fallen is damage whore, nothing else, i'd mention mahlen and skyrush "skill" wise, they are above all of them

    dps race!!!!

  2. Just to make clear Shamiram beat the record you had on the forum, not what you did in that particular NC game.

    Anyways someone said to Shamiram to make a SS and put it in the record thread and he said he does not care about it....

    Yes I am pretty sure in RWZ with Impulse you have to stay focused on what Vivdom says, or else he starts to sing :eek: Does he do it better then Fluffy? :rolleyes: may be it can be tolerated if he does.... :D


    gz for him then :D

  3. I agree normal WZs can determine more a single player skill.

    Anyways for example there is a player here hardly ever mentioned his name is Gnee'Da he come from my old server Lord Calypho. This guy has no voice here, he used to be pretty vocal on the old server forum here not.

    IMO he is one of the best tank PvP Shadows if not the best.


    Anyways last time I played with him was in January and me and him ganked a full Impulse premade in AH, we wer loosing and ended up winning. The premade of Impulse included Vivdom, a tank and 2 DPSers so it was pretty perfect balanced. I would imagine they had voice but I do not know that. We had none of this.

    Gnee hates HB, and is a bit of a solo-er. Nothing wrong with that I guess. He used to turn Ilum back around with us havng 40% less to them. So thats about it.

    Jovanna (hope the name is correct, I call it the annoying Impluse Marauder now with Balkan???) from Impulse is also mentioned here as being one of the best but a Sentinel in my guild i,e Shamiram in a RWZ vs Impulse beat his damage record for 100 points with having less to half the gear Jovanna had at the time.


    Another thing that so of the mentioned good players which come from the record thread are only good in that, maybe breaking records. I played in a game in which for example Nausicaa sets the record listed there, I say in the beginning of that WZ that we are damage short, and she keeps on healing doing less to 1k damage. Can you consider this player a good one. A food for taught for everyone. I play to win a game the rest is secondary.


    I am saying this that some people are pretty vocal about there performances others are not so much.


    Best Players IMO

    Bru and his various aliases for always trying to adept to the situation...


    Shadow DPS

    - Fluffybloodball

    Shadow Tank

    - Gnee'Da (u should play more)


    - Jojel

    Sage Heal

    - VTL (for creating a border to break), and Trsk

    Guardian DPS

    - Akkilles aka Gin on IMP side


    Those are the ones I remember out of my head. I know some people are also good on Imp side but I do not play much their side, so I cannot really comment on them. I mean guys like Roudy, Gragole, Gerikke etc etc


    y you got the name right :D but not hard to beat me in rwz since i was always the runner and focusing on the objectives,or 1 target, not just going for a dmg score :D not everything is in dmg :) anoying xD

  4. Simply put, Neither side, I'm sure if BW let us see the metrics you'd see that the win/loss ratio on the server would be around 50:50 (or like 49:51) but nothing massively out balanced like (20:80)


    It all depends on YOU. Yes, you can get a **** team, yes you'll get people who don't guard nodes, yes there will be medal farmers, yes you will come across 4-Man premades.


    But these are not factors that stop you winning, Recently I have been running WZs with a friend and we win ~80% of our games. What influences who appears to win most is YOU:


    - If your DPS: Do YOU do 360k+ DMG each wz without fail?

    - If your TANK: Do you do 100K+ Protection each match? Do you annoy healers, do you conta taunt?

    - If your a HEALER: Do YOU do 360k+ Healing each wz without fail?


    If you do your role, you can turn the tide of a warzone. What is causing this "Oh Imps win far more gamez than pub cus pubz suk balls" (or imp variant) is one thing: The player that says that goes into a WZ does 100k dmg (yes, they are always dps :rak_03:) and yells at others with slurs like "**** l2P" or "**** Why you no call" when they didn't read chat, or just expected everyone else todo the work.


    Think about it, How many times have seen a warzone tide turned by 1 player who comes in and does 700K+dmg in 1/2 the warzone? How many times have you won a game due to good capping? how many times have you lost a game because of good capping by the other team? etc. etc.


    So Morale of the story: "Learn your class" dont roll FOTM and expect to be insta god mode, you can be godmode by playing a class which is "UP" (said in the loosest terms). Again, Pre 2.0 no-one played Operative cus "They r so bad" .. yet some OPS did 1M+ Healing and 700K+ DMG.


    y well when you have dumb ******* on your team side whatever you do you can't win solo :D

  5. if they would just gave us arenas, it would be soooo much more fun and interesting to play so we can play whenever we want to not just those 3 hours per day
  6. well just tell me what do you want from me? should i stop caping and let you cap it ? should i quit playing the game cause i am playing female body type 1 since the day 1 of swtor? should i not go to corner like every mara in this game? it is not my fcking fault that bioware has that *********** bug so you can just stop raging at me, it is not like using /stuck or sth like that
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