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Posts posted by Trondaddy

  1. Corrected a terrain issue that allowed players to reach the middle objective from the other objectives faster than intended.


    Does anyone on the PTR know what this refers to? I'm guessing they are removing the way you could jump up on the outside wall of the middle enclosure and walk around to jump over the wall that separates it from the sides.


    If this is the case, I feel it is a terrible change. That technique was not an exploit, just intelligent & strategic play.


    Unbind infusion. Spam dark heal. After they burn a couple interupts then throw up an innervate.


    Don't really unbind it, but u get the idea.



    Pretty Good advice, except for the bit about unbinding DI.


    As a top heal sorc on my server, I find DI more difficult to use efficiently after 1.2, but it is absolutely essential. Dark Heal is very inefficient in terms of HPCT and Force cost. Only use Dark Heal for "oh s**t" situations where someone is about to be blown up.


    If you are timing your heals right, you should be keeping Resurg/ Innervate on CD and casting DI whenever possible. If you get interrupted, try to root/mezz your attacker bubble, by that time innervate will be up.

  3. I was "lucky" enough to get both the Mystic/Master and 3/5 of the stalker set before 1.2 (I will have to grind the Stalker Robe though). I think your goal should be to reach 75% surge, with power on every piece and a crit in the 27-30 range self-buffed. Any alacrity you can get with that I would consider a bonus, opposed to something you should be aiming for. I am already above that and still have 3pcs of gear with alacrity. Personally I am going to try and get my surge to 80% as I am a hybrid healer/dps and have very little use for alacrity.


    Right on, I'll shoot for that. Thanks for the advice +1

  4. I really believe sorcs should focus on improving their Innervate over their Dark Infusion. Even an interrupted Innervate does some healing. For this reason I suggest stacking power/surge and where you can't get surge make due with alacrity. The reason for stacking surge is that we have several abilities that modify our critical chance.


    For now I have all augmented gear (ditched set bonuses as stats are better) with 18 end/wp and am working on adding WH pieces that have power/surge enhancements. I intend to get the Stalker Robe, Bracers & Belt, Force Mystic Legs(have), Force Mystic Gloves(have), Force Master boots, Force Mystic Lightsabre. I also have the WH power/surge earring. My choice of Head/Implants will depends what my stats look like, I might take the Force Mystic Head(crit/surge) to stop my crit from dropping too low. The only non-expertise piece worth using is the matrix cube, and I could see some arguments for using a pvp alacrity relic instead for pure healers.


    Ya, I was leaning more toward increasing surge recently, however, I see most of the mystic WH gear has crit/surge combo. I guess grinding the BM version of stalker/force-master pieces to trade up are the only real way to get better mods, but that seems like it would take forever.


    What is a good alacrity soft-cap?

  5. Looking for some advice on what direction to take the gearing of my Sorc. I only PVP and only heal.


    That said, please no QQ about how broken sorc healing is or how I should reroll; this thread is strictly for BiS Sorc Healer PVP gear suggestions.


    Right now I have been focusing on alacrity and power (mods) and I am in full BM gear with the matrix cube trinket. I have enough alacrity in this set-up to get my DI down to almost a 2 sec cast, which really helps with PVP healing. Crit is around 30% unbuffed, Surge @ 60% and stack power whenever possible.


    What is the progression for gear now? Grind all War Hero from PVP vendor? Craftable War Hero? PVE Pieces?


    Any BiS lists already out there? Couldn't find much when Googling... thanks

  6. Imo, the best option now is a hybrid build. You can no longer out-heal a competent team so you must out-finesse them. Backlash and Electric Bindings provide that option. 250k damage/400k healing Voidstars are very possible with a 22ish/19sh build. I feel like I have a greater impact with a 250/400 game than a 50/700 in the days of old.


    If I were PUGing I would prob agree with you; however, I run 80% of my matches with a very competent PT Tank and 2 DPS. Guarded, I can put out tons of healing and keep my team alive enough to pump out the DPS. I've tried the hybrid in the combnation and it seems to sacrifice too much healing for my survivability, which I don't need as much.

  7. With the 1.2 update, anyone have any good builds? I am mostly a PVP player


    anyone work out a good burst rotation?


    anyone have any other rotations they are using?



    I would disagree with all of the above posted builds as far as PVP healing goes


    I have done a substantial amount of PVP healing post-1.2 and I have found this build works best:




    Notes on some of the other variations:


    Fadeout - Is near useless even with the change in required talents to Effacious Currents as the prereq. a 20% speed boost for 3 sec is nigh on unnoticeable


    Dark Resilience - Many will argue with my 0 points here. However, I have found through extensive testing that the extra points in Empty Body to increase healing received is far more important than my need to occasionally use Consumption. If I am OOF in a match, I am usually dead or have time to Seethe between fights. Thus, it is better to help other healers heal you and heal yourself by putting the points in Empty Body instead of Dark Resil.


    Sith Defiance - I am lukewarm on this. Really just an extra point and throwing it here for extra mitigation seems logical. Could be convinced to go 1 point in Dark Resil, however I think this would be better.


    Revivification - Many "hybrid" build skip the last two tiers of the Corruption tree or just this last 31 point talent. I say this is a mistake. Reviv is a highly situational but extremely useful tool in our repertoire. It is extremely force efficient and effective healing if used with Force Bending in groups of 3+ people. Not as useful for Huttball, but with Voidstar and Novare Coast (particularly where you have people bunched up trying to take the consoles) it can be a savior.


    Feel free to disagree. I have tested quite a bit and usually win 60-70% of my matches.

  8. Sounds like you are complaining about some fundamental mechanics of Huttball. The traps are there because they WANT people to be pulled into/over/through them.


    Same with the different levels of floors. They want you to force charge/leap/grapple/pull up and down the levels. It adds strategy and flavor.


    I for one think it is a refreshing take on otherwise boring "capture and hold this" PVP types (Alderaan, Arathi Basin, etc...)


    If you don't like it, don't play it.

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