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Posts posted by teflonbili

  1. Hello.


    I'm Farley new to the game and your guild sounds like what I have been looking for. I will be on late this evening after work and will look for a SOLA member.

    I had been playing my lvl 40 imp but will gladly switch to my lvl 15 Sage healer. Name is Asus'kel. Hope to meet and see you in game.

  2. I'm just starting out but I am subbed and looking for a good group of folks to enjoy the game with. I have a lot of MMO experience (getting older *cough cough*) and enjoy a good cooperative guild atmosphere. I enjoy healing and Once I hit lvl 10 I plan on going Sage heals.

    Not 100% sure what my end game plans are but you sound like my kind of people. Would love an invite if you are still looking for more.


    Consular's name is Jardev


    Thanks for considering me.

  3. Hello all. I'm a new player , however not new to MMO's. Was looking for a change and decided to try SWtOR.

    37 levels later and I find myself subbed and on Hoth :).


    Had started 3-4 characters but settled on Sith Inquisitor. (Yes another Sith :rolleyes: ) I have always gravitated to healers so I decided early on to level as corruption heal spec.. I know it may be slower, (although dosent feel slow), but I figured that if I want to heal I should learn it along the way. Really enjoying the story line and I have enjoyed the times I have had the opportunity to heal in Heroic quests. I do need to do some FP's though to get experience there.


    Main question I have is, should I be buying gear or anything at this point? I have just used upgrades I get from quests or mob drops along the way. I guess I'm concerned that I will go into a FP and get insta booted for crummy gear.

    I did join a guild, however I may need to make a change as there dosent seem to be much activity. So may be LF Guild soon on Harbringer .

    Any tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated.



  4. That's a @$@#%^!@ outrage!


    1. The amount is simply ridiculous and way too high.


    2. With #1 being kept firmly in mind; SOME FREAKING WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE - maybe could have saved for it, instead of recently shelling out 20,000 credits for an extra row of baggage space.


    I just hit 25 for the first time and the game's just gone from being fun for the story and play's sake, to whoring for credits. Great job, Bioware. What really pisses me off as an old school gamer is knowing that the absurdity of this will sink into some thick producer's skull sometime down the line and the price will be lowered...


    lotta good that does the rest of us now.


    As an "old school gamer" you should know not to spend your credits on every shiney that you see in the store window.

    When my trooper hit 25 he had over 100,000 credits, and no not from slicing.

    Loot eveything, sell everything, and dont let your credits burn a hole in your pocket.


    Face it. You blew your cash on on junk you didnt need.

  5. Fixes aside.


    Isnt it ironic that people ask for things from wow to make the game easier for them, yet over on the wow forums people are complaining because blizz is nerfing content again making the game to easy?


    1 month or 7 years people are always going to complain.

  6. Typical for this generation of WOW KIDDIES to want their entertainment to be entertaining!


    Back in my day would had to cut a finger off and write a game developer's name on the wall in blood just to be allowed to log in. ONCE. We weren't afraid to earn things back then, and sit around doing nothing for hours on end chatting about how boring it was to sit around and do nothing for hours on end chatting about how boring it was to sit around and do nothing for hours on end chatting about how boring it was to sit around and do nothing for hours on end chatting about how boring it was to sit around and do nothing for hours on end. Not only that but...





    What was I saying?


    It's not that "wow kiddies" want things to be entertaining, it's that Generation Y kiddies want things without having to work for them because they feel for some reason that you owe it to them.


    Can things be tweaked to make the game more fluid? I think so, but I'm also fine with the way it is. It's an MMO, it's not your standard Xbox/PS3 game that you can finish in a day and go trade in at GameStop for another.

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