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Posts posted by Colonel_Shin

  1. if theirs already up to date guides u can just simply link me since all i ever find are posts back from 2012...anywho so i never really did any crew skills when i made my new characters on a new server since 12x xp and now since Ive been needing credits I decided to work on them...i know i wont get it up to like 500 over night but i just need to know the most efficient way to make good progress on my crew skills without it taking weeks.... btw my character are already 55-60 so there pretty much elder game status now (except like two)
  2. so when i started playing again and getting my xp boost it was amazing and i was flying fast till like the end of Balmorra (im dark side) and i realized the hard way im way behind...i tried getting a few custom armor pieces and it helps but by level 30 they jacked up the prices of armor/and weapon mods so i must ask whats a good pace of taking advantage of this mission xp without getting too far behind?
  3. It's better than the double XP weekends; you over-level each planet by just doing the class missions.


    It causes issues too: you don't spend enough time on each planet doing other quests to gain planet commendations or other quest rewards, so as a result you get almost no armor upgrades and no income. Your gear will fall really behind, and you'll have to pay quite a few credits to upgrade your gear to be able to continue doing the class quest fights. They all pretty much have bosses in them. If a lot of people do this 12x thing, all the armor upgrades on the GTN will be bought up pretty quickly.


    You also possibly don't spend enough time playing your class in a group context to learn the proper rotations, so come 55 when you have to do flashpoints and operations, you'll suck at it.


    yea i saw that being a problem so i made fresh characters instead of leveling my level 30s with full custom armor... luckly keeping up with armor wont be much of a factor but it is costing me more then i like lol people that make armor/weapon mods must be having a field day with this tbh haha

  4. Hello! i unfortunately had to leave a guild since it went dead recently so I'm looking for a new home! all im looking for is a friendly guild were i can make some awesome friends and hopfully do some PVP and have people help me out to be better at my class :p. because i have school and work my play time is limited to 8pm Arizona time on the weekdays (except Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and 7pm on the weekends. My character is kinda ill equip so i wont be doing any hardcore PVP or raids but hopefully with a little help my new guild buddies i can get to that point xD. if u have any other questions u can ask and thanks! P.S please no copy paste response please
  5. Hey you guys welcome to SWTOR! I've been playing a while so I could try help out some and I also have low level toons so I could play with u guys. I believe his names somerandomjedi :p? IM not in a guild at the moment but maby we can find one down the road? Lol
  6. Hello! i unfortunately had to leave a guild since it went dead recently so I'm looking for a new home! all im looking for is a friendly guild were i can make some awesome friends and hopfully do some PVP and have people help me out to be better at my class :p. because i have school and work my play time is limited to 8pm Arizona time on the weekdays (except Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and 7pm on the weekends. My character is kinda ill equip so i wont be doing any hardcore PVP or raids but hopefully with a little help my new guild buddies i can get to that point xD. if u have any other questions u can ask and thanks!
  7. Ive been trying to grind my gathering classes to sell on GTN but Ive just been wondering if that's the best way to make credits. i mean i know some of the different methods like flashpoints, Dailies ect but i want to know my options to know whats right for me! any help would be appreciated!


    P.S ( ive tried to look this up on tons of youtube videos and different websites but they all date back to 2012 or early 2013 and so wont help me so that's why i ask )

  8. Hello! ive been play starwars for a while and all the guilds i ever join are just died, dieing or just boring...all im looking for is a well established guild that does PVP, Raids,dailies and maby fight a WB every now and then lol. I am a level 53 Sorc healer but trying to level as fast as possible!
  9. I been wondering, since i started the planet with my level 50 sorcerer the enemy levels have been higher and i had to stop and grind to level up because the enemy/quest levels were going up way to fast lol is there a recommend level to start makeb? i know im doing all the quests and bonuses in the area of the main quests but do i have to go to other areas to quest? i iz confuzed.
  10. i alwase wondered. it says we get more experience social points ect when in a group but obviously when someones a high level they actually get much less experience when killing mobs whats the level differences to get full experience and does a player get slightly more when they kill a mob then just watching or getting a *assist*? is questing xp affected by this? thanks in advance!
  11. ive been collecting all the minor ex boosts till now on Belsavis (i have 11 lol) because i never know when to use them. the times i do use them is when im in a area of a few quests but when im done with the batch of quests i still have a lot of time left and it all gets wasted going to the next area so i must ask.... whats the best time to use xp boosts to get the most out if it?
  12. im a lv 20 Commando and i went in a group with someone else for the Mission confronting the Mountain on Coruscant and before the fight he asked R U clones Or Clowns. i said hu? He said the Mountain brothers Clones or Clowns? ...lol i just have to ask is that a term or hes just saying that >.<
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