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Posts posted by CarrieLynne

  1. This is also happening to me on StarForge. I logged in and none of my Stronghold decorations loaded, I thought I was hacked and someone cleaned me out, LOL. Luckily they all showed up a couple of min later but I can barely do anything in game right now.
  2. I also cannot log in -- game either goes "not responding" or tells me the log in service is unavailable.


    A little ridiculous that NO ONE from this game will respond, not even on Twitter.

  3. Does this mean the game update in April will be the end of the traitor storyline? That doesn't seem clear on the roadmap.


    Also, is there ANY hope of getting actual chapters or something similar in the future for released story content? While I've loved the design and gameplay of both flashpoints (Umbara and Copero), the dialogue with other characters is SO limited. I loved Copero so much but was really disappointed that we didn't get one interaction with Theron whatsoever. I guess I don't really look at it as actual "story content" when it's mainly just fighting through a flashpoint to get to 1 or 2 end cut scenes. The story isn't in the fighting, it's in the dialogue and interactions and when there's barely any....it's just very unsatisfying. I know everyone loves Lana but personally? She bores me to death so only getting to interact with her has been...not fun lol. I know the world doesn't revolve around me and there are other players to consider and listen to, I never ever complain but I guess I'm just hoping for some meaty story interactions b/c it's been barely anything since August/September. 3 flashpoints over 7 or 8 months with very little character interaction is just a hard pill to swallow.


    Very excited for the rest, glad you guys are open to a wider expansion down the road and I'm definitely NOT one of these people threatening to cancel their sub -- I love this game and will remain subbed until it's dead in the water but, I feel very deflated when it comes to story content.

  4. We take this very seriously as we would never want to create a situation where someone is made uncomfortable by something such as a server name


    I'm reading this in a sarcastic tone b/c this is honestly the silliest thing ever.


    Props to you guys and the ridiculousness you put up with, LOL.

  5. Welp, I actually kind of liked it. Painful for sure but...Theron was WAY overacting, LOL. He didn't even speak to Scorpio or Acina as coldly as he speaks to you during the betrayal scene. And during the holo call, when he says "I love you too, but I can't" -- his voice breaks and he sounds SO sad. There's more to this story, it's so obvious. Oh and he just happens to shoot out the window you escape through when the train crashes? LOL


    They also have your character question why he didn't take ALL of the crystals -- my guess is he WANTED the Alliance to get some so they could counteract.


    I still think he's a double/triple agent or whatever. He was just SO incredibly off. His voice, body language, everything was just O F F. Until that last moment when he says I love you, that sounded like the real Theron.


    Pretty excited to see this play out honestly.


    But I do still find it pretty odd that my Jedi, who has always made the honorable choices, who is completely light sided, who does nothing but help people is somehow now a "symbol of oppression" LOL?? That's why I think the order was listening in on the entire thing and he had to overact to make it seem believable.

  6. Hmmm you know -- if you're feeling negatively about the outcome of this traitor storyline, that's all well and good -- but just b/c someone sees it more optimistically doesn't mean they're wearing "rose colored glasses", it's just a difference of opinion. Sure Bioware has messed up in some places... but they've also done some things right, too -- so whose to say this storyline won't be one of those things? I never understand the mentality of negative people trying to convince others to feel negative with them. Plus, we haven't even SEEN the content yet. This is all super premature.


    If this story is to be taken at face value and again, the traitor is who he/she is and there's no twist or underlying honorable motivations, I will be one of the first people standing up to complain and cry foul. And I will absolutely cancel my sub after being with this game since launch -- b/c I play games to have fun, not have my heart stomped on.


    But I'm optimistic there's more to the story than what meets the eye...because there's WAY too many red flags and hints that there is more to it -- and that's not "rose colored glasses" or sticking my head in the sand and being naive about it, it's not grasping at straws -- there are actually a ton of really good reasons why I think this and I can't wait until tomorrow so I can actually talk in detail about them, LOL.

  7. I must be in the minority because it hasn't gone downhill for me, I love this game with all my heart. There isn't anything like it out there and I really feel the developers do try their hardest to create an enjoyable fun experience for it's player base within the constraints of budget and ability. You can't please everyone all the time. It has it's bugs and issues here and there and I totally respect that I just have a difference of opinion and many don't agree with me.


    But for me? I've never loved a game like I love this one. Ever. And I've played a lot of games, LOL. And it seems like there have been posts like this going around on this forum since year 2 of the game so, LOL. IDK man. Obviously it won't last forever -- but Charles did say he was in LA in July watching the actors record for new material for what comes after this 5.4 update and imo, if they're still putting out new content (regardless of what it is)...they're still doing okay.


    The changes to the game aren't for everyone and it's a shame there aren't more Star Wars games like this out there for people to go to when this game doesn't satisfy them but I love the expansions. I love the eternal empire story, the voice acting and characters were incredible and as someone who plays mainly for the story, b/c this is a HEAVILY story based game and always has been... every update they've put out just leaves me wanting more.



    Now my tune may change a bit depending on who this traitor is in 5.4 AHEM AHEM. :p



    Anyway, I know I'm in the minority...I get it. And I respect that.


    Definitely don't want this thread to be closed down -- I'm new to posting and quite honestly to game spoilers, I don't usually seek them out but I saw people freaking out all over Twitter & Tumblr about them and my curiosity got the better of me lol. I wish I hadn't read them tbh -- because pre judging based on unconfirmed spoilers is a recipe for bad news and now I'm so worried about losing my favorite character, the game just isn't fun for me. :/ I know it's sad but he's literally why I've been playing since SOR. Sigh.


    Just going to leave it at that. Regardless of why datamined info is banned, it's banned and this thread is amazing and important so I'd rather keep it open.




    So I will just say -- Theron Shan deserves an amazing storyline, as does his voice actor and I hope the devs give him that. It takes a LOT for me to be this invested in a game and Theron is the one keeping me here. Not Lana, not even any of my previous companions who I've loved. It's Theron Shan, ya'll.

  9. They talked about the new update on the live stream today and it was basically all about multiplayer content. They talked about the new storyline content for a bit but really didn't answer any questions about it. We're getting a couple of old companions back -- Quinn and Elara... and in the new storyline content you will be choosing to support the republic or empire and you may want to think about your decision b/c if you're a jedi and choose to support the empire and later on in the game Kira or Doc (for example) come back and they heard you sided with the empire, they'll possibly be mad at you.


    So to me that does sound like they're planning for more single player story down the road and bringing back more lost companions but right now it does sound like they're focusing more on multiplayer content despite the new accompanying storyline content.


    As more of a single player person myself (I don't really like group content most of the time) -- it's disappointing to not get more info on the things I play for but I get it. Lots of people want better group content so they deserve good stuff, too. haha. :p

  10. Yeah he could be a dreamy romance option. They said in one of their last streams that if the community wants him as a romance in the future, we need to voice it here so hopefully more and more people jump in on the convo :D


    Then mark me down as someone who is totally for it, LOL.


    Listen I'm a sucker for Theron. He's my #1, I always choose to romance him and no one else...on all of my characters, I mean I've got it bad. But the last few chapters with Arcann and then that dumb letter you get from him at the end *** is that about??!! How freaking sweet.


    So yes, my Jedi Consular would love a Theron/Arcann man sandwich, ASAP.



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