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Posts posted by vollkel

  1. After the backlash from 1.2? How exactly do people think that game development companies are filled with morons? Business people are nothing if not able to figure out how to not make the same mistakes again if it costs them money (or an equivalent, which in this case is customer perception).


    i'd like to have ranked warzones, but its going to split the "huge masses" pvp'ing into two camps - thus the queues are going to be even longer!


    i'm confident, that BW is going to make a huge mistake here; i'm just curious which one it will be.

  2. lol not. I been playing mmorpg's since UO pre-tram and am just sick of the crap thats been offered us the last couple years. Last really good game was DaoC and how long ago was that in its prime? You gamers today would be pissed off too if you had some history of how good games used to be and how good they could be again if everyone stopped trying to be a theme park wow clone. And bad ones at that. The unemployment reference was just to show how numbers can be manipulated to make things seem better than they are.


    my thoughts exactly, although i joined the UO "renaissance"

  3. here are my 2 cents:


    you/we dont even face teams YET, just premades of 2, 3 or 4 ppl!


    sometimes we have more than a group of 4 running and even if we get drawn together, we are not an "A-Team", because there is no competition - no need for advanced tactics - no need for further improvements at all.


    with a ranked system this game may as well turn into a deathmatch, if there is no cross-server pool. fighting the same 2 or 3 teams (because everyone else leaves) all day/week/month may be fun if you win, but it surely isnt if you dont.


    atm there are not enough ppl to grind war hero gear on our server and we do have a disadvantage for that reason. the ranked system is way too late already, and yet it will be premature.

  4. hey,


    first of all, please visit: http://investor.ea.com/stockquote.cfm to see for yourself.

    im interested in the reason for this huge loss of money and because i can think of two reasons only, you are welcome to guess with me. apart from that, im very excited about "Electronic Arts Q4 2012 Earnings Conference Call" (7th of may), because SWTOR's numbers will have to be addressed.


    a) *puts on his tinfoil hat*

    EA is getting mobbed for their DRM management and because they are the best, everybody is just stabbing them for no reason. that explains, why EA got picked for being: the worst company in America for 2012


    b) *takes off his hat*

    there is only one other reason i can think of: their products don't sell, because their products are not good (enough).


    im trying to say, that the **** hit the fan months ago and that EA may be even get sold...


    ty for your attention!

  5. Ilum is an insult to our intelligence, and honestly i do not understand how Gabe Amatangelo is still in his place.


    now you are insulting his intelligence.


    he obviously had a tank taunting his boss!

  6. Mercs get heals, Powertechs don´t.


    i am a mercenary, i am valor rank 80-something and i have cleared all operations.


    when you dont fight for 8 sec, you can "regenerate" - even with dots. my dps merc has to cast for almost 12 sec to get back to full hp. when i wait for 8 sec ... i dont get the ability to jump at an enemy or to grap him. if that guy is out-of-reach - i cant do nothing about it.


    as for the damage... ive been dealing 400k dmg (pre 1.2) on a regular base as an arsenal merc. thereby i met the best players and id like to think ppl dont like to see me as an opponent, because im usually part of a decent premade. i dont have to deal damage to anybody. i kill the people who try to stop my team from winning, not everybody no more.


    a mercenary is an inferior class in pvp ... PERIOD.

  7. My merc is currently in recruit gear with BM belt/bracer/MH/OH and I'm in the top of the charts, not only for damage but also for objectives and such. And by top of the charts I dont mean number one at all times, but in the top 3 mostly.


    im wearing augmented war hero armor and im beyond valor 80. im grouped with the best premades of my server and i know that many noobs care for numbers/stats.


    i dont. i care for wins only and what CC basically does on the ball carrier, is to fill his resolve bar.

  8. hi


    im playing a mercenary and ive two guns. from my point of vue, the most stupid thing ive seen ingame is mercenaries crossing their arms to fire their guns.


    hereby, i demand a thorough investigation at the mercenary academy, because obviously there is a powertech teaching each an every merc how to render the 2nd gun useless.


    i try not to think about it too much, but i have to imagine the responsible dev to use his right eye to look to the left and his left eye to look to the right side. being a victim of strabismus must be hard and i feel for you, but i dont think its fair to make us look like idiots too...


    apologies, but you either never fired a gun IRL or got hit by one.


    ty for your attention!


  9. hi.


    PT is WAY better than Merc - in PvP since 1.2 - because


    - the Bodyguard tree got nerfed, as well as the impact expertise has on healing. survivability changed from hero to something close to zero.


    - the Arsenal Merc can easily be muted, if someone bashes his interrupt key and is therefore not reliable in PvP encounters. the only way to deal 400k damage in a WZ, is not to get attacked/interrupted at all!


    - the Pyrotech Merc deals as much damage as his counterpart and simply because of the Powertechs abilities to grapple/jump at enemies, he is to be considered the superior Pyrotech.



    from my point of vue, there is no room for discussion.

    you have to accept this setting and adapt to it, as good as you can.

  10. Why do you need a link to it?


    There was such an outcry for it during the beta, the thread had to be remade about 3 times...




    i had no part in this process called "testing".

    im going to sort them out by ignoring all of them!

  11. hey,


    would you pls link me to the community request to exchange tracer + fusion missle animation?


    we are raiding with 3 mercs and that "beep beep" is just as annoying as the new warzone droid shouting every 3 sec.


    hereby i request, to create a new soundfile for the new tracer or replace it with another one. obviously, this animation was not meant for a long-term-spam.


    btw. pve rotation did not change at all, so ive to report another "FAIL" - if you actually believe in your own words.



  12. You did grind a lot to get your gear but grinding should not be a part of any game that has the ambition to be fun.


    grinding? you mean doing stuff again and again and again like dailies?


    if this is to be a MMORPG, then the character should have some work to do! if he has to work, he should get paid and if that money gets dumped - he should be allowed to moan! its not hard to understand, if you want to understand.


    as for the upcoming changes:


    i shall not join a ranked WZ without a full premade and if you want to stand a chance, you better find some tough guys to team up with or cry in the forums for help/change - for we are going to slaughter Pug's and semi-premades alike without hesitation!

  13. Warum so viel gemeckert wird?

    Das Spiel hat bei vielen Leuten eine Hoffnung geweckt auf ein

    neuartiges MMO mit vielen Innovationen.


    BioWare hat an diesen Hoffnungen auch großartig mitgewirkt.

    Was ist nach Release passiert?

    Die Spieler mussten ein MMO spielen ohne Innovationen,

    und so unvollständig, das man sich verarscht vor kommt.


    Deshalb sind hier so viele Heul-Threads.

    Daran haben die Kunden nicht die ganze Schuld, sondern der Publisher,

    der falsche Hoffnungen geweckt hat, die er, warum auch immer, nicht einhalten konnt.


    KORREKT - es ist das klassische wahlversprechen und die enttäuschung, dass man wieder für dumm verkauft wurde.


    ausnahmen sind jene waschlappen, die es gewohnt sind belogen und betrogen zu werden oder deren intelligenz nicht ausreicht um dies zu durchschauen.


    fazit: Bioware übt sich in Vaporware

  14. ... that those who work for profit can gain access to celebrity A-lists, whereas those who care for technological progress dont. in a world that has chosen the wrong way, bioware plays its cards "right".


    the answer to the first question raised is: money!

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