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Posts posted by alex_xania

  1. I'd say this, it took WOW a great deal of time to have that grindy feel to it, years as a matter of fact, sure there where problems, but lol come on not as many and certainly not as quickly.


    And before you omg the game has been out for two months, let me remind you it's been in development for years, and they had every opportunity to see what was wrong with every other failed, boring, and declining MMO out there.


    There is no excuse for this shabby product.


    Totaly agree !!!! Whoever hasnt played WOW since it started cant talk about improving a game !!!!!! When wow started it sucked !!! too many bugs,no additional information for the gameplay(cobat log,scrolling combat text etc), raids sucked....it was crap .... Blizzard needed like 2 years to improve it and make it like it was at BWL and AQ40 times with 40 man raids etc.......So come on ppl give EA some time and let them do their job....I am playing games like 10 years and EA is one of the best games companies !!! They cannot fail with an MMO.....

    And finally that Guild Summit they have announced i think its the first time that a company does it....Its very very important because all the guilds that have cleared everything will make their suggestions !!!!!

    SO be Patient !!!!

  2. I cant find a post that explains that and i wouldl like someone to explain to me why can a 12lvl character do serius dmg to a 45 lvl char.And why the high lvl cant one shot the low lvl one.Isnt that a bit weird? There should be warzones according to lvl..10-19/20-29 etc.... its really annoying to be over 40 and cant win the other faction which has like 5-6 under 30.....skill ranks are lower etc so it cannot be explained ....
  3. I am very courious and i would like to get an answer on that from the Game company.

    Is operations in Heroic and nightmare modes geeting any harder in the future????

    I am asking that because i believe that hardcore raiders coming from wow for example and maybe some other MMos will get bored really soon if the bosses are killed that easily.As it is untill now

    So is there a project to put a really hard operation or a boss that will give us a real challenge in the future !!! ????


    We would appriciate that !!!! :D

  4. well i would evaluate it like this. if you kill the boss before he enrages, you are doing enough dps. if you dont, then you are not doing enough dps.


    if people die, then the healer either isnt good enough, or isnt geared enough.


    if the tank cant hold aggro or cant survive no matter what the healer does, then the tank isnt good enough or isnt geared enough.


    you dont need meters if you complete the challenge. if you dont complete it does it really matter, you either keep trying or you give up. never did think raiding was hard, just a timesink for raid leaders to keep up with everything but hard, no, raiding is easy, just do your job and it all goes well.


    And how exactly are you going to do more dps?? which skill are you going to use and with which order??? and how you will check that the orther 3-4 dpsers improving their dps....how are you going to find who is doing the mistake and gets killed and lowing the raid dps?????And finally how can you see which healer is slacking or not healing properly the raid and the tanks......

    These are the things that combat log and dps/healing meters helps you with.....WOW is the most succeded mmo in the world till now so its the only one that we can compare with and make sense.....all the others have so many mistakes and missing things that there is no point comparing them.And because TOR is very good and so close to WOW i think we need those 2-3 things to be perfect !!!

  5. Its a fact tha some basic addons are needed...its unavoidable....we need the basic dmg/healing meters and DBM.If there arent any addons no1 can improve himself and there will be no progress...or the raids will be extremely easy so ppl will get bored...its simple....

    i dont agree with the tons of addons that there were in WOW but the important ones should be in the game.

  6. I am playing wow for like 4 years.I couldnt stand doing the same things over and over again so i was really excited when swtor gone on air !

    I am lvling an imperial agent atm but the only problem i have noticed that cannot help us improve our skill is the combat log and especially the dmg/healing meters.They are really improtant in a 4man or in a raid because they help the raid leaders to see who's slacking and not paying attention and for the rest of the raid to help them improve their dmg/heal.

    Its a way to see what is the proper setup for the raids and the best way to progress.

    So i think Game developers should consider it really seriously to put those meteres in the next patch

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