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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sigongin

  1. Hello there.

    I am looking to buy a indestructible purple crystal with +41 Endurance.

    I am looking for one of the ones that are BoE. The ones you could obtain pre - 1.2

    I can offer 1 million credits.


    I can meet you on imperial side or republic side.

    If you have the schematic i can offer mats.


    Thanks very much in advance

  2. Hello all

    I need some advice to see weather this method of obtaining a purple light saber crystal on republic side will work or not.

    *This may be in the wrong forum section*


    Here is my plan:

    1. level my sith inquisitor to level 50 on imp side.

    2. Take part in operations until i receive a columi weapon drop.

    3.. Exchange the weapon drop for the weapon of my choice and take out the purple crystal from it.

    4. Send over a bind to legacy weapon form my republic side characters.

    5. Place crystal into bind to legacy item.

    6. Send bind to legacy item back over to republic side.

    7. Take out crystal, place in republic side weapon of choice.


    I am desperate to get my hands on a purple crystal for my jedi shadow and i was unaware of the sale of them pre 1.2.


    Could some one let me know if the above method would work?


    Thanks in advance

  3. Hello

    I recently purchases a roccat isku keyboard and i am enjoying it very much but scince day one it randomly types into chat boxes on all sites and games like youtube, and swtor chatbox. It types things like "Roccat isku" ,"Roccat isku macros", "roccat isku macro recorder". These are all previous searches i have in putted into google but now it is repeating them and disrupts gaming and things by bringing up interfaces such as guild and legacy and going back pages while online.


    As fellow gamers i was wondering if anyone else has experienced problems like this or has ever heard of these and can offer solutions.


    I understand this made not be the best place to post a problem liek this ut i thought this was somthign a community of gamers could help me with.


    Help would be much appreciated!


    Thank you in advance


    - Sigongin

  4. Killing swi'lek sentry and learning abilies during quest.


    Hello i have been stuck for days on trying to kill the swi'lek sentry in the tutorial quests. i found a guide which said i should use force lift and other abilites like that but it says i have to vist my trainer which is in a red area during the quest, do i have to return to my master to learn abilties or is their an easier way?


    Help would be greatly appreciated, to the point where im hitting my computer.....


    Thanks in advance


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