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Posts posted by Drouh

  1. Ahh Guild Wars 2. Like building a computer, crap in, crap out. It will be a miserable failure.


    No MMO without constant monthly subscriber income will ever be worth a damn.


    You're just pissed off because you think other subs are getting the easy way out for something you've already achieved. Or you're pissed off about the state of Open world PVP. Give companies time to experiment and things will change. For crying out loud, the games only been out 3 months.


    yeah, 3 months and they are already handing out welfare epics in 1.1.5



  2. just wondering about that comment "go out and see the sun" since this is the closest we've had here in northern russia for past 3 months




    anyhow, I feel the op. these patch notes are the first ones that actually made me search the unsub-button. Didn't push it yet but giving it serious thought for couple of days

  3. You sir, are extremely incorrect. < 2% of the population has gotten the best gear in WoW because of hard-core guilds that only recruit people that live and breathe WoW and devote 3+ nights per week spending 4+ hours every night in attempt after attempt on one single boss.


    actually....I've played in one of those guilds for several years you're describing and let me tell you. New content -> WTFBBQ for 2 days straight...then 3 months idle and just keep the hc on farm-mode. It's really not time-consuming in the long run if you know what you're doing and learn it right away. scrubs doing pugs will waste easily 4x our time wiping again and again...

  4. :eek: Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations. Champion Gear Bags are still available. *UPDATED 2/28*


    :eek: Valor gained from Warzones has been increased. *UPDATED 2/28*


    :eek: Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match. *UPDATED 2/28*



    ARGH seriously! you're changing the rules mid-game and just pushing ppl to farm more.

    those who got "war hero" etc during january or so have no value at all anymore.


    this is going more and more into wow-welfare epic line which made me unsub from that game

    just think a moment *** are you doing and what are the impacts on the long run?


    those who put their pc on bot-mode for weekend for their freshly dinged 50 are already getting enough valor for battlemaster and now they get full gear too? you're just giving everything to everyone and way too fast

  5. I actually managed somehow to get 5k crit on my vanguard shield specialist once just using AOE. I double checked and i had absolutely no buffs. I still don't understand *** happened since i need to stack all cooldowns etc just to get 2,5k crit with stockstrike :confused:
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