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Posts posted by LamiaKan

  1. Oh man, just returned to SWTOR for the first time since January. I was pretty pleased with how Arcann's romance turned out, it was very sweet! And I loved getting the pre- and post-Nathema stuff too <3 I'm sad the writer responsible for his romance left, hopefully the next can do a good job...

    If he can still get content in the future that is.......


    Sorry for being a downer. But it'll be long time before we see 6.0. And we don't have any guarantee that Arcann will be in it like Lana/Theron. I'd be happy if we can get a small scene there (and hopefully marriage too). Time will tell.

    I'm sad that Sam left too. She's good at writing these character moments.

  2. So, what do you say, Hive? A new model or new content like letter, mention in dialog or a conversation?




    Ermm... 87.3% The Hive will not like the result?


    *Has a vision of The Hive rampaging... sorry, giving constructive feedback across the forums


    Oh my... We are really terrifying then we have a reason! I am so proud of us!

    I'd rather have new content than him being customizable. Plus like Esh said. They could've ruined his face.

  3. I really miss companion conversations. There's definitely a limit to what they can do with their resources but some tiny acknowledgement would be nice. I wish they'd used Koth and Senya (and even a little more Arcann would be nice) in the last story arc since it's the last time Zakuul will be relevant. Instead we get more Theron and Lana.


    Having Koth, Jorgan, Kaliyo, Torian, or Vette as an LI was a totally great experience. Much acknowledgement.


    Edit: In all fairness, KotET did give us a small something to acknowledge the characters we saved. But this last arc was pretty much the same thing either way.

    See, this is the reason I think this FP works well as the wrap up of the traitor arc but falls short as the finale of KOTFE/ET. Your Zakuulan Companions have little to no role in the story, even though the antagonists are heavily tied to Zakuul. With the little screen time Arcann had, he mainly talked about Theron and have no reactions to the Order and Nathema. I'd expected he would have some thoughts about them. And you don't see the members you recruited (your old comps, and Cora for example) during the 2 expansions in Odessan besides Hylo. Koth should be there in the gravestone. It would be nice to include them in cutscenes even without dialogues. At the end when you're back to base, there're only Lana and Theron. It's all about them. It would be better if there're some familiar faces greeting you and your LI walks up to you and give you a hug and kiss. Little acknowledgements could go a long way to make it feel more grand.

  4. I seem to be having the same issue. I am a tank all in 248 gear, and have a level 50 Qyzen set to heal. As soon as Gemini gets to 50% and starts her mechanics, Qyzen gets overwhelmed with adds (Skytroopers it seems) and dies very quickly. Then I'm pretty much toast. I know the mechanic on Story mode. I just did it on Plot mode just before and was a cakewalk. Take out the chairs then take out the duplicate Geminis. But so far on every attempt on story mode I cant get past her.


    Is this because maybe Quzen sucks as a healer, and tanks got their DPS nerfed into the ground? Im not sure. But right now with this combo I can't do it again it seems. Plot mode was easy though.

    About the skytroopers, you can kill all but one in the first group then they won't respawn. With only one left its damage is negligible. You are a tank you should be able to taunt the gemini copies.Maybe switch your comps' role to dps (and micromanage him which target to kill) and use the kolto station to heal. I'm dps and put my comp to tank and find it easier to manage than have him heal. This way your comp won't draw aggro when the copies appear and won't die as fast. And you can LoS Gemini's beams.

  5. I agree with your points here. I also don't see him as a flabby soft follower. His personality may have softened, but he is still Arcann, and as he points out he is finally himself, not a tool or a title, not a hate and anger driven maniac. Just himself. Big growth in my opinion

    I like his softer redeemed self. And softer doesn't have to mean he's a mindless follower either. Thanks Sam for sneaking his latest letter in before she left Bioware. I appreciate that she's trying to give Arcann some character development through limited means.

    But, with different PCs, the dynamic of the relationship can be vastly different like @RandomName_Ru mentioned somewhere above

    I'm not worried, Arcann's never had any trouble keeping up with our Pc. He's just not had many opportunities (in cutscenes) to show his awesomeness post KotET that's all :):rak_03:

    I think that's problem here. And I'm afraid we may not have that many opportunities in the future either.




    Any idea why Arсann begs about mercy for Theron ? Earlier in the letter he was ready to punish the traitor. Why did he change his mind to the opposite?

    He does not want to see a PC a cruel executioner? Or are they friends with Theron?

    Very strange...

    Like@Iheaca I think that he was having a second thought after the Umbara letter.

  6. It seems that Arcann too much idealizes the PC and raises it on a pedestal.

    Arcann's love becomes like fanaticism or worship. Absolute devotion and complete dissolution in the object of love. PC for him a new god? How are the Valky for the residents of Zakuul?

    This is one way this relationship can go. Too bad we probably won't have much opportunity to explore it further in game. I'd like to see them fight a bit in the future. I do agree his romance suited a LS PC more. However it's so with most other LIs too. I don't understand how half of them will stick with a DSer no matter what.

  7. Yes. Arcann seem to think that PC is a paragon, no matter what. Of course compared to Valky it is probably so ;p. But think of the missed opportunities here... Like with Jaessa.

    Yeah I want a DS Arcann with my DS Sith Warrior so bad (without killing Senya of course). They can rule the galaxy!


    I soloed Nathema veteran with Arcann today. It's much more satisfying fighting Vinn with Arcann beside me. When Vinn kept shouting "it's all your fault!" I think he meant both of us. I'm sure he hate us guts since we killed his beloved Emperor Valky together, twice. And there's this debuff called "linked life force" or something, that you have to stay close to each other. I don't know, it's kind of......romantic:p Another missed opportunity that we can't have Arcann there in this fight in the story.

  8. Yeah, I felt like I couldn't go against it when he said that. I actually felt guilty with the thought of doing it! then Theron's expression.:o:(


    Oh the feels!!!:mad::mad:

    My DS inquisitor contemplated killing Theron. And in response to Arcann's plead, she called Theron "useless". However when the time comes she remembered her man's words and spared Theron.


    I left Theron to die on the only toon that also killed Senya and Arcann. That particular toon, a fallen knight, also romanced Theron. She became more and more evil as the game went on so I don't know what Theron saw in her and not betraying her for real. I despise her after she killed Arcann. I only pulled her out to see the DS outcome and now she's back to the bottom of my character's list.

  9. Yes, same kind of reaction here. "Hold on, lady, at least four, because I'm certainly not intending to leave him behind anywhere!"

    Or maybe just walk depending on the character (I can see Vette run and jump into PC's arms, but I have a harder time seeing Arcann doing so :p). But a triple yes on the intention. ;)

    The fleet's destruction was a given and I am quite good with it. The Alliance was overpowered. And about Arcann I'd bet for relief that it is all gone. I'd wonder a bit more about his feelings about the fact that Zakuul is leaving the Alliance. And it would have been interesting seeing him react to the words of Vinn Atrius, especially the praise for his father's golden empire that he has destroyed in his anger against the Outlander.



    It's a missed opportunity, not having Arcann react to Vinn, the order and Nathema in anyway, not even in the form of letters. Maybe Arcann would visit Vinn in prison and have a conversation. Ugh, I wish I can write:(



    So ... How do you like the new antagonist? I liked this guy!:rolleyes:

    He's good looking. I understand where he's coming from and he did have a point. Though I don't think about him that way because I already have Arcann:cool:


    aaaah *excited screaming* I just got the romance stuff from Arcann, second character going through



    I heard a rumour I could break up with Theron through the cutscene at the end, thanks to not doing the old break up scene "things left unsaid" at all. This is running commentary as I play xD


    - so far, I got that sweet, slow kiss and it gave me more feels then the bittersweet Theron proposal (since he can be dead for some people now. ugh. So no excitement at all from me, just disappointment.


    - I also am getting Theron's romance lines through the flashpoint right now <3 , sorry babe, but... she's not been faithful because she thought you were really betraying her. :'( (this actually hurts a little as a theron-fan for LI at heart).


    - Took Theron home to save him, she stills cares.. kinda.


    - Theron: "so.. I heard what happened while I was gone. My .. uh .. replacement"

    Arcann, he means Arcann. yeah Sorry Theron, had to try this particular story line at least once :( . I'll give him credit for wanting her back, but that clone was testing a different path.


    rumour was true, lol. I feel sad but I was glad to see it >.>

    Great! I have a smuggler for this exact purpose!

  10. OK I've done it. It's not too bad.

    I love the little scene with Arcann. I swooned listening to the things he said.

    But I'm still sad that he can't come with us. I keep thinking what his reactions may be if he's there:( And at the end when Lana(?) said "the three of us" facing things together I keep thinking "Uh no, I have friends and allies other than you two. Where's my boyfriend btw?" . It would've worked if I'm attached to both of them. But I'm not. And it feels very limited, that they are the only ones that matter.

    It got me thinking, if only they can have your LIs run up to you and hug you at the end when you're back to the base...... No need for words, just the gestures would be enough.

    And poor Koth was forgotten completely, *sigh

    Maybe I'm the only one, but I'm really sad seeing the fleets got destroyed. I know it's coming. Still it feels like an important part of the past 2 expansions is destroyed, gone. I wonder what Arcann feels when he sees this? Maybe he feels somewhat guilty? That he somehow started it all?


  11. If basing off npc model locations/types Satele should have been in Umbara flashpoint with that logic xD I'm not keeping my hopes up.


    But I don't see Satele on the list I saw Arcann's name on. All the others on the list are almost sure to be in the flashpoint.


    Sure spoiler infos may not always be accurate. But since I already didn't have much to hope for, if it turns out false then It's just back to where I was.

  12. Same, but it's to be expected I guess. I wonder in the cut version of kotfe, if Arcann and his family were meant to be killed? To me it seemed like they would have all been saved.

    I saw somewhere that there's cut dialogues in which Vaylin asked to join so I don't think they're all meant to be killed.Maybe they could all be saved depends on your choice. How depressing and boring it will be if you're forced to kill them all.

  13. I agree fully, I despise that it's confirmed that the KotFE+ ars and traitor arc ends in a flashpoint that cannot have enough story to address even the most popular wants to be addressed (story + companion wise). So stupid.

    Agreed as well. I'd rather they do a Ziost where there's main story and some daily quests. And it annoys me that for a supposed wrap up of the Eternal Throne arc Arcann (seemingly) will have no part in it.


    Architects are the worst. :p:D [edit] But actually I'd say he is a Commander instead.


    The Romantic Relationship page of the Defender is promising. :p

    That looks about right for Arcann!


    I did this test some time ago and got Mediator(with a T). Maybe I should did one for my SW.


    By the way, anyone here recruited Ashara without manipulations, respected her opinions and was actually going to do something about some of the GRRR LOL EVILZ Empire politics? It was a bittersweet alert... My SI seen no point of asking her to return. It was nice to know that former apprentice found her own way. And it was a little bit sad that a a closest thing to a friend a SI can have was too afraid of “becoming a follower again” to offer help in time of great need.


    My inq is dark leaning and never got along with Ashara so she just told Ashara she doesn't want her back. But I the player am quite happy that she find her own path and she's now free to continue with her own life.

  15. That's what I was saying. If someone becomes killable, they're ousted from story forever, even if people chose to keep them alive and want them around. Koth, Jorgen, Kaliyo, Quinn, Arcann, Senya, Torian, and Vette etc. all are just... there now.

    Yes. the problem isn't that companions are killable, it's that they get next to no content after. But I think the game had paint itself in the corner since the beginning. Even when the original comps weren't killable, they were barely there in 2.0 and 3.0. I was actually quite happy that we get to see them in cutscenes in 4.0/5.0, even for the ones I didn't care much about. I expect them(plus our zakuulan companions) to be like 2.0/3.0 in 6.0, that is silent most of the time only with one or two ambient lines.

  16. Ok, which one of you have been demanding an option to change Arcann armor (read undress) on Star Forge 5 minutes ago? :D Or have I found the 4th Arcann fan? :eek:

    Hmm.......I'm not on SF. But I saw someone loving the Arcann customization and another asking in which chapter can they get him on Satele just now. Edit: It kind of surprised me, I rarely saw him mentioned in gen chat.

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