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Posts posted by Vidirix

  1. I got poor download speed, then I remembered that I've seen that SWTOR Unleashed and patching aren't a good combination so I restarted and now it's up to 6MB/s. I'm not going to risk restarting again to see if SWTOR Unleashed was the culprit, but it could be worth a shot if you use SWTOR Unleashed and see slow downloads.


    Edit: Actually just after I posted that it slowed down, so I tried just clicking the pause button and then resumed and it sped up again.

  2. I want to play a smuggler so bad, but it will never happen. The gear looks so incredibly bad lol. Why not make it like the smug gear from the cinematic? The hat he wore looked great, but no, Bioware opted for something from a cartoon. The Jedi have a few different robes, the Trooper a few sets of armor, and the smug should have a few sets of trench coats. The smug gear is just all over the place. I mean a cape? Really? Smugglers wear capes? and novelty sized hats? What in the ***** were they thinking?


    Yeah, I can't imagine where they'd ever get the idea that a smuggler might wear a cape. It's not like there are any in the original trilogy after all: Lando Calrissian would never wear a cape.

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