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Posts posted by AluminumMonster

  1. Bioware made the critical mistake of doing a quick copy and paste of WoW. People dont want to play WoW with light sabers when they leave WoW. They want something new. I quit WoW right before Wrath came out because the game was too easy and it just wasnt fun anymore.


    What did Bioware do? Come out with an even easier game that is really just a single player game and not an MMO at all.


    I really hope Bioware decides to release a real TOR after this abomination fails. I bought SWTOR day one and bought a three month subscription because i bought into Bioware's hype. What did it get me? One month after launch, i never played the game again. Got max level in two weeks, did most of the endgame and found it to be EZ mode WoW raiding. PVP was total disaster with Ilum and the war-zones. I find it incredible how Warzones and Ilum actually made it into the game. Just shows how little Bioware knows about creating a good MMO.


    I just got an email the other day saying Khem'Val missed adventuring and i should come back. I laughed because there is nothing to do in TOR.

  2. I saw a news article about SWTOR so i decided to come back to the forums and give my reason for quitting.


    I am a level 50 who bought a three month subscription when the game launched and quit about one month after the game launched. I did most of the buggy raid content and quit because i could not get people do to the HM FP's. I sat in chat spamming LFG Heroic anything and never found anyone. I would consider returning if they actually added a real LFG system. The current "system" they have is awful.


    The PVP was so boring and generic that i just got all the gear within two weeks and stopped playing it. It just wasnt fun. Ilum was absolute trash when i quit and was shocked when they "improved" it with the first patch to Ilum. They changed the dailies where you needed to get kills. It was absolutely awful. Just a huge cluster F***. In general Ilum was just poorly thought out from the start.


    Bioware made a big mistake by focusing so much on story. I got bored very quickly with the story and have no plans on ever leveling another character. The leveling was very boring too. Never was interested in most of the side quests. The main story line was interesting, but they clearly put too much time into it and it really the rest of the game suffered as a result. Bioware's best work was the story, but i want game play and content first A game with a bad story but tons of plot holey content and good game play is a much better alternative.


    Developing an MMO where leveling is the most important goal just doesnt seem like a good idea to me. Leveling exists only to give the user a firm understanding on how to play the game. It should not be the meat of the experience.

  3. I got a three month pass because i was expecting TOR to be amazing and i quit two weeks after max level. Played for a total of one month. The game is mind numbingly boring because the content is too easy. PVP was awful and the inability to find FP groups since the LFG system sucked/was non existent.


    Soooo sad that TOR was just another crappy WoW clone. I was really planning to devote most of my free time playing TOR if it was interesting.

  4. I7 920 @ 4.2ghz

    GTX480 SLI

    12 gigs of ram

    running the game off of a SSD


    20FPS..........in the Imperial Fleet.


    AWFUL SLI scaling and just poor programming in general. Bioware screws up again.


    single digits in Ilum this morning with 40+ players around me spamming spells.

  5. It definitely is another wow clone thats for sure. I bought a two month subscription so i will keep playing it until it expires and by that time i hope Bioware makes the game less boring.


    Hit level 50 about a week ago and full epics.........why..........why..........why


    PVP is a joke. Ilum is just a win trading planet. There is no actual pvp on it.


    Dont even get me started on Hutt Ball..........horrible game.

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