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Posts posted by Jimvinny

  1. I can confirm that Mercs AR are not welcome in raiding teams, at least from my own experience.


    I could join the usual Eternity Vault HM and Nefra NiM with a guild(!) group where, luckily, even if my "performance" was at the bottom-of-the-dps parse list, there were others that could compensate for that. Of course, in guild runs, low performance and gear is tolerated if, overall, the group can still complete to operation. However, when applying to join a (guild) progression team I was told right from the start that my merc has no place there and, if I really want a dps spot, I should learn another class. There was no option like "you'll need to prove you know your class", but simply "get another class". Full stop.


    I can somewhat understand this. If you're part of a big guild, and that guild is putting together a pug run with it's members, there are going to be people getting carried, and people doing the carrying. Everyone expects that, especially the players doing the carrying. But when you're trying to join a progression group, playing a weak class means that the other 3 dps are going to be carrying you. All. The. Time. It's totally fair to ask other people to carry you for a pug run. It's not at all fair to ask them to you carry you twice a week for the foreseeable future.

  2. Your system appears to be a laptop that is more than a couple years old. Laptops are not usually great gaming systems in the first place, and yours has a video card that would have been considered extremely entry level for a gaming laptop back then. Unfortunately, SWTOR is very hard on systems without a great graphics card, and being that it's a laptop, there's not much you can do to upgrade it. Sorry.
  3. Yeah, but I do think that some abilities need to be looked at for how much resolve they give. Carbonize, Bubblestun, and Overload/Force Wave all kinda feel like they should give more than they do.


    Carbonize is a half-length stun, and the other two break on damage. Giving any more resolve would be ridiculous.

  4. Gotta make that money that I mostly earned? Lol. If you think I kept the money for myself you are sadly misinformed. I care little for credits. I just think the Epeen here is pretty sad. Raiding died in this game with the end of DP.


    Names his guild <Elitist>, without a hint of irony, thinks epeen is sad. Seems legit. For real though Herc, I had a good time with you guys. It was fun while it lasted. But you sure seem to care a lot about a game that you seem intent on convincing yourself is irrelevant. Just move on, go play WoW, and restrain yourself from coming back here to troll. It's not your forte.

  5. LOL. NiM raiding in the game means nothing. It's why people quit. There is no incentive to do anything. So all this hate and drama is hilarious because it doesn't matter.


    In that context, raiding in any game means nothing, since these are games we're talking about. Grats on all those creds you yanked out of the guild bank tho. Funny thing to do in a game that doesn't matter.

  6. I understand. many of you do guild. HM runs, but lets do some NiM. I wont name drop, but people crom gankers, torch, and toxic are on every night. We should really be running NiM.


    I know the mechanics, all but tos and ravengers. Nefra is easiest.


    Everyone stand infront of him when he cleaves

    Everyone be able to self cleanse

    Avoid aoe, seriously, its that simple


    This is rastmajere, I know youre geared people, lets do this.


    I'm a huge fan of the "everyone be able to self cleanse" mechanic. Guess that makes my PT and sniper no longer viable for Nefra. who knew?

  7. If you only want a response from a dev, PM Musco or Tait. But if you post in a forum, expect replies. And expect replies that disagree with you. Also, get a vaccine and stop whining.
  8. I agree that reasonable goals is the biggest thing when starting nim content. Saying you're going to do a full clear of nim DP, on your first time in there, is going to make some people shake their heads. I applaud you for your optimism, but you have to face reality. As easy as DP is compared to most nim content in 4.0, it's still going to kick a newcomer in the face.
  9. Sucks, but you're going to catch heck for posting this. As per biowares infinite wisdom, ninja looting is just fine and dandy, but calling someone out for it is grounds for forum bans.
  10. Ok, I'll get back to prepping for DP NIM full clear in 20 minutes :D


    Thanks for the mention, we appreciate you too. :cool:


    ps - OP actually has a toon in Kai already and just didn't know our raiding schedule.



    Yes, let's make sure to include the guilds that existed before 4.0 with consistent and solid raid teams capable of doing NIM almost from day one in 4.0, as opposed to the new guilds that have sprung up to revitalize the raiding community in the game we all love.


    How'd the Nim DP go? I was in the snv you tanked last night night.

  11. I have 18 characters on 2 accounts on Jedi Covenant. A GM asked me to move 260 days ago from Shadowlands to Jedi Covenant. I had posted a YouTube link in guild chat, someone tried to type it out instead of pasting it, and pulled up a **** website, he announced it, and a few minutes later, typed it out again and it went to the YouTube site, 'but the damage was already done'...So the GM politely asked me to change servers to Jedi Covenant, to help start up a guild she was building.


    I know I transferred 260 days ago because that is exactly the day she logged out and has been inactive ever since on that server.


    I want to move my 2 Legacies to a more populated server, either Harbinger or Red Eclipse (EU) but, as I said, I have 18 characters. I own 2 guilds on Jedi Covenant. I get attacked in every single group function there is in the game; either children who are jealous of how my characters are geared, or social justice warriors like above, but one thing is for sure; people in MMO's are the worst people on the planet and usually the stupidest as well.


    It's amazing some of them can write in chat as badly as they sometimes do, but I usually chalk up the bad grammar to language barriers, not mental disability.


    I have 18 characters on 2 Legacies / 2 accounts - $30.00 a month in subs to this game. I haven't played in a month, played sims 4 and playing Star Wars Battlefront at the moment. I missed your 90 cc offer.


    I am not paying $200+ again, that's what I paid last time. You need Free Character Transfers and after the time allotted, close down the underpopulated servers. Battlefront is taking up my time these days, and with less PTSD.


    I get attacked when I ask for groups on Fleet chat. I MEAN ATTACKED. Speak at all in the game, you get attacked by the Social Justice Warriors, many want to make you say things a different way to gain control over you.


    Those guilds from Star Trek online that want to charge you for being on their DPS channel are here now (IA for one) and now, at least for Jedi Covenant, the server base is toxic. I don't want to be attacked, so I am losing interest in the game altogether. I would give the game another try if I could transfer all my 18 characters for free.


    I'll wait until you are desperate enough to have your best guild recruiter, someone who gave hundreds of new players a reason to play, a reason to play again. My theory is that on a more populated server, I would not be attacked so much.;)


    Being able to check and see other people's equipped gear is an intrusion, and it feels like it. The only reason it is there is so elitist people can exclude players from raids. There is no other purpose, and if you think there is another reason, I dare you to voice it.


    I don't even know what you're really complaining about. You need to try to make this a little less rambling and a little more coherent if you expect people to take it seriously.

  12. Hello all just wanted to let you all know the VoD over here is a copycat of my guild we are on Jedi Covenant look for Tubig over there or the VoD tag.:mad:


    Cool story.

  13. I am looking to sell the full Ceremonial Mystic's set. 13 million is my asking price. Open to negotiation.


    Character names in signature. The item is also currently listed on the GTN at 13m. I don't mind the sales tax, I just really need these credits.


    If you're trying to sell quickly, same as GTN price is not the best idea. You need to put it at a discount of some type, otherwise what reason is there to track you down when I can stroll to the nearest gtn and get it for the same price?

  14. The lowest priced were 300k, you're right, but until today, there's been over 100+ on the market at all times. No shortage.


    And yeah, it's annoying. Not sure what happened to the market.


    Pretty simple. you pay extra for the convenience of not having to buy 30 separate items. Bulk isn't always cheaper.

  15. I'm sure it's not the solo reason to not PVP, however due to other contributing factors, a small toxic vocal group is enough to offset the balance to not PVP, or just adds another reason to not PVP.


    Calling PvP a "toxic cesspit" when he has, by his own admission, never tried it, is by far the worst part of his statement. That says far more about his character than the fact that he needs to invent excuses not to try it in the first place.


    Is PVP for everyone? Nope. Does PvP have a "small toxic vocal group"? Maybe. Is it a "toxic cesspit"? Absolutely not. There a lot of friendly, welcoming people that PVP on a regular basis. Calling them a part of a toxic cesspit is insulting, degrading, and COMPLETELY unnecessary. But that's Max's shtick. Playing as the victim, but acting even worse than the behavior he complains about.

  16. Then our recent spam-rage poster on the subject is clearly part of their target audience... nothing makes me want to change my mind about never setting foot in the toxic cesspit of PvP less than an attitude like his -- "Do you even PvP, bro?"


    You're just as likely to find an attitude like his in PVP as you are here on the forums. Sure, they exist, and sure they're vocal, but they are by far the minority. Using that as an excuse not to PVP is pretty weak.

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