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Posts posted by rakuenCallisto

  1. This game would be fun if there was 8 individual story lines with all that dialogue. What we have is 75-80% side quests that are the same for each story. The story only makes up a small amount of each playthrough. When trying to level an alt this game becomes a space bar mashing snooze fest as you wade through the same crappy side missions to get to your new story.


    Hit the nail RIGHT on the head.

  2. Sorry pal, but people hanging around in a game they hate, need to move on. It's not only common sense, it's healthy for them and for the community. Negative Nelly's destroy the morale of people easily influenced by other peoples opinions (which is actually why Negative Nelly's stay here and grief the forum).


    Ok so by your suggestion you want everyone who has a problem with the game to stop posting about it and move on?


    K have fun that way with even LESS people in your game and BW being even MORE clueless than they are.

  3. alanhurst

    "just logged in after about a month away, there were 4 people on fleet so i went to hoth and sadly,i was the only one there.


    Sub cancelled,might as well be playing this on x-box to be totally honest."


    ugh... what server are you on?


    I actually made a post related to this a couple days ago.


    I went to Hoth with my buddy on server Port Nowhere the other night.


    There were 3 people on Hoth. 3. And we were the other 2.


    It was so pathetic, I just couldn't stop laughing. Oh yea, this was around 7PM EST as well.

  4. You can't call it a loss when most were people waiting on GW2/D3 or ex-Wow players who thought this would be Wow with laser guns.


    Plus this game is made for adults who love starwars. You can't have same sex romances coming, and cutting peoples heads off, torture and murder like TOR has and expect kids to wanna keep playing it.


    They love cute stuff like Po the kung-fu panda,rainbow bright ponies. so this game was not going to be for them anyways.


    Game rocks get over your doom and gloom.



  5. Oh goodie 23-25% loss - I just can't wait to see just how low this will go :) I wait with such eager anticipation. EA is going down - their stocks have plumeted to an all time low - makes me feel so good to see such an evil company getting their come-uppins :) And when they finally do tank and have to file for bankruptsy and go out of business, all across the galaxy there will be great celebrations like when the emperor was defeated... EA's time has come...


    This is so awesome.

  6. The problem here is this:


    Using conjecture and speculating on what has happened during development time is just that - conjecture and speculation. We think we may know what happened during this time, but unless we were all working for Bio at that time, on this game, NONE of us can safely assume anything. 6 years is a lot of time for anything to happen - any complications, loss of staff for whatever reasons, difficulties for whatever reasons, things happen that aren't common knowledge, publicised or what have you, because it is company business.


    So lets try and answer that question again.


    What happened during development?

    I don't know, and only the people working for Bio and on this game at that time, have any knowledge of what happened, so I think we should not even bother speculating, as it makes everyone look the fool.


    Actually sitting around, blindly twiddling our thumbs as NOTHING happens is what makes us look like fools.


    Conjecture and speculation is all we have left.

  7. Except that asking for mergers flies in the face of wanting the game to grow. Mergers are bad publicity. They are messy, complicated affairs that are more trouble than they are worth. Dying games resort to mergers when there is nothing else they can do to save their games. This game is not there yet (far from it, despite the chicken littles' cries of the sky falling)


    People should be asking for transfers off of dying servers, use those transfers when they come, so Bioware can close down some of the excess that we have. Because we can all agree there are too many servers.


    The problem is we shouldn't NEED to ask.


    If BW can't see their game is in serious trouble, they have more problems than transfers.

  8. Nope, sorry.


    BW has had over 6 years working on this game and has had all the money in the world to include SIMPLE and NECESSARY features for every mmo.


    I'm sorry but, it's BW shooting themselves in the foot over and over, not us.

  9. I saw no indication that they ignored it. I actually saw an interview where they acknowledged the decrease in active/concurrent players. I didn't see where they said it wasn't a problem, but weren't concerned with it because they had plans in place to rectify it. Plans they have already implemented for APAC and are finalizing for the rest of us. I will submit, that they should have had it ready sooner.



    You are right, but It was actually worse than that.


    They acknowledged the problem in the same interview you are talking about, AND THEN said that server merges were not a priority.


    This was months ago.

  10. Careful. I am playing TERA too and I love it (particularly for its fresh approach to combat and its looks, which blows TOR's dull graphics right out of the water), but I am sure we will have pretty much the same discussion in TERA around 6-8 months from now, too. TERA seems to go down the same road as most MMOs - its endgame will be raiding. Which means, unless the devs pull out something really spectacular and surprising, we will see the same mass exodus of casual players to the next MMO. Unless someone hammers the basic truth "raiding-based endgame and casual players don't mix at all" into the devs' heads, casual players will remain a caravan of vagabonds who buy an MMO, play a couple of characters to max level, and then move on to the next game, for conventional MMO endgames have nothing to offer to them.


    There's actually a LOT more endgame than that, AND they are adding in more now!


    Just the PvP battlegrounds, end-game politics and GvG/WvW is more than enough to keep me busy once I ding lvl 60.

  11. Tera just has a ton going for it now. Many unique features in a market saturated with the same old same old.


    Guild v Guild warfare, single faction, amazing engine, unique combat, politcal aspects, LFG, server transfers, etc.


    IMO, its a better MMO then most everything out right now.




    Thank you.


    Most of the people crapping on TERA make it clearly obvious they haven't played the game, let alone researched.

  12. Don't want this to turn into TERA vs Swtor thread but here's my 5 cents;


    Tera is just another Korean grind mmorpg ( Like Aion for example ). Ppl are disposed towards saying: 'This game will be the next WoW killer & That game is the future of mmo gaming', etc


    Sadly, most of the insinuations like that are pure rubbish; I played around 7 mmos so far and it's the same story with every upcoming title. In 3-4 months TERA will be mostly forgotten, the fate most of the new mmos share last few years.


    Today's mmo gamers are more fickle and prone to changing games, etc. In reality that won't change the situation of 'mmo crisis' (so to speak) we have today....


    The reason TERA is so paramount is because it's basically a 3rd person beat' em up with MMO elements and features.


    That means it's not a boring snoozefest of me vs. some mob or even better, a PvP player, just spamming abilities until one of us goes down. Every ability is skillshot. Every move matters. Tab targetting is boring and so isn't the combat that comes with it. This brings a whole new dynamic to combat.


    This does multiple things, but the most obvious is grinding/farming. These things are no longer tedious and boring. It's so much fun just USING the combat features.


    I'm not even gonna go into all the end-game goodies like GvG, Area Control, WvWvW and end-game politics that involve guild leaders and cross server options.


    This is just the surface of TERA.


    Then again, it's just like any other mmo right?

  13. TERA is complete garbage. If you prefer it, please go play it, but for the majority of people with a pulse I would expect them to use it as bird-cage liner before an MMO, at least that way you could get SOME use out of it.


    ... what?


    Yea it's obvious you haven't even played the game.


    It literally has everything this game should have, and more. The only difference is voice acting/dialogue.

  14. I'm a gamer and of course I picked up Tera Online. Why? Because that's what gamers do.


    I went in blind and had full intentions of leaving before my first free 30 days as I just knew it was going to suck.


    Turns out, the game is absolutely amazing. It takes some getting used to, but ya ... it's a keeper.




    Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE SWTOR. However, after playing another MMO, the Hero Engine's flaws (along with how Bioware is using this Engine) became quite apparent. SWTOR had soooo much potential. It really did. Now, they're doing too little, too late and the Hero Engine only makes it worse.


    Sorry gang, as much as I wanted to remain vigilant and back this game, I can't anymore. Tera is just that much more fun to play.




    a thousand times this.


    EXACTLY how I feel.

  15. Why do people keep measuring the success of SWTOR & Server population on how many people are 'in Fleet'?


    The ONLY time I ever need to visit the Fleet is when I leave the Starter Worlds, before heading to Dromund Kaas or Coruscant. Other than that the quests are on the Planets.


    Most people actually PLAY the game, instead of Idling 'on the Fleet'


    Actually smart guy, most people go to the fleet several times a day.


    It's fairly obvious you just do the storyline PvE thing exclusively, because literally everything else is related to the fleet.

  16. Your comment was just as assertive as the guy you accused.


    You're submitting a handfull of forum whiners as evidence that a chunk of the 25% lost subs was due to inaccessibility?


    I think were done here.


    I think his point was you don't need any more proof, just open your eyes.

  17. Things don't always go according to plan especially with an MMO game of this magnitude, there are ups and downs, problems can always show up and subscription numbers fluctuation is perfectly normal, anyone with half a brain should be aware of that fact, seriously.


    And anyone with a quarter of a brain could impliment simple MMO features into a $200+ million dollar game over the span of 5+ years.


    Then again, we're working with EA.

  18. How am I DEFENDING BioWare?!





    Why do I care what other MMOs have done on launch? I'm talking about the game here and now, and for whatever reason it's bleeding people because people are not finding themselves wanting to keep playing, and this occurs especially so when they reach the endgame because of the general emptiness of the galaxy. Whether or not other MMOs have or haven't doesn't bother me in the slightest, we're talking about the state of swtor and what's actually going to be there in the foreseeable future.


    Oh my bad man. I apologize, I meant to quote Skidrow.


    Everything you have said I agree with :D

  19. Nope.jpg


    Didn't rush, and that's still not it. Enjoying the journey is no substitute for a fully developed end-game, and neither should it be the only facet in a game that's meant to stay alive by subscription...


    The RPG facets are lovely, and I love RPGs. What the game lacks is the MMO component that makes it so you can stay and explore the galaxy and do things on a daily basis even when the RPG parts start to run out - if it was just about the RPG part, it wouldn't be worth having it massively multiplayer and subscribing to.




    Defending BW till the bitter end.

  20. Yes they have a horrible retention rate for a reason. Look at yesterdays patch, it was completely untested. There is no way that a 100% instant bug, got past a competent internal testing. Either the testers are incompetent, or the managers pushed a badly bugged patch that really didn't fix anything I can find in game. I still have all the sound and latency issues that came in game with 1.2, their patch triage is badly broken to say the least.


    They dropped from 2.4 million to 1.3 million in less than 6 months. You can not call that a ringing success. What's worse for Bioware is that does not take into account the rage quits over the mishandled release of 1.2. I will be blown away if there are not steep declines over the next two reporting periods if Bioware does not change fast. Given the situation they need to merge servers, and prepare for SWTOR to have 500000-700000 subscribers by December 2012.


    That prediction is based on the six month subscribers such as Roqu, who have already abandoned SWTOR, but have open subs that have not run out keeping them on the books. Just how many three month and six month subscriptions are in this status right now we can only speculate. EA has not released this information to their investors, but they will over the next two quarters as they are forced to admit it as they are taken off the books. Do not be surprised if they add one more free month between now and the end of the third quarter to stretch out the losses over three quarters instead of taking them all in two.


    Lucas Arts chose badly when they picked Bioware. This team was simply not ready to operate a released subscription based MMORPG. They need to talk to Smedly from SWG to tell them not to be like him, sadly they are repeating too many of the mistakes he made and now admits to. Seriously MMO companies need badly to start hiring MMORPG historians to help them not repeat the same mistakes every other failure of an MMO has made.


    Perfectly put.

  21. By huge i mean that you could buy everyone that plays wow a new computer for the money it took to make swtor. Devs who were put in charge of an mmo like that should be experts in the mmo field, and if they werent they should have made themselves experts in the 8 years it took to make the game.


    So much truth in this post, there really isn't any need for more debate.

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