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Posts posted by LomyrilRydrallen

  1. I live in the Eastern USA, and as of 1:55PM (17:55 GMT) the login server is still down. I has been down all day.


    I was able to login earlier this morning about 9am or so. I'm also on the east coast of the USA, in Florida.

  2. Just a note that I live in southwest Florida. I have logged into the game before with no issues.


    Today at about 8am eastern I logged in. Then a few minutes later I got disconnected. This has repeated 2 other times over the next 35 minutes. I get a ton of lag that goes over 100,000 ms before I get knocked back to the server selection screen... which is empty of servers.


    I have been closing the game, waiting a few minutes and then logging back in, only to get knocked off a few minutes later. Looking at the forums on Steam I am not the only person who keeps getting knocked off.

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