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Posts posted by Mashugana

  1. I only have 1 level 75 character and she has 700 Archeology, Bio, and Scavenge. Should I swap one of them to a crafting skill?


    I went all gathering to make extra credits while a level. But now that I am going to be outfitting alts, maybe looking to make some Prefab for my stronghold, etc., I wonder if I should drop one of them for synthweaving.


    What do you think? in Other MMOs i so all gathering, sell it all, and then buy what I need. In SWTOR it does not seem like gathering with my 700 skills bring in a lot of credits - maybe I am faming wrong?


    Thanks for any advice :)

  2. My Lightning Sith Inquisitor has the full 'of the Storm set. I bought it with Tech Fragments as I played. Does it make sense to use it now at iLvl 291? Or do people wait until they have iLvl 306?


    It seems like it takes a ton of enhancements to fully deck out all that empty gear. I am not sure if it is worth is while I am still grinding up to 306. Also it seems to be taking forever. I play quite a bit and I am lucky to go from iLvl 290 to 291 in a week of play.


    Thanks for any advice on either using the set or getting to 306 faster :)

  3. I am not sure if it is better for me to level three gathering skills (archaeology, bio-analysis, and scavenging) and sell everything on the GTN or to level a crafting skill. I am a very casual player so I only care about:


    • creating or buying armor that looks cool
    • creating or buying fun pets, toys, etc
    • creating or buying stronghold decorations


    Should I just sell gathered materials and use the money to buy what I want on the GTN? Or are their items only crafters can get or make so I should pick a crafting skill that will give me unique armor looks or fun stronghold decorations?


    Thanks for any advice.

  4. Another interesting point. The very center of the western part of Ilum (where the Gree event takes place) is open world PvP. If you enter that area, you will be automatically flagged for PvP. However, you do not need to enter that area to do all of the PvE quests. The two PvP quests mentioned above *do* take place in this area.

    In an odd turn, even though this center area automatically flags you for PvP, you cannot complete the two PvP quests by entering this area while in a PvE map instance. You must switch to the actual PvP map instance to complete these other two quests.


    Thank you! This was my fear - that I'd wander into a PvP zone unknowingly and get ganked. Is there some kind of warning? Is the zone marked red on the map or something?

  5. TL;DR : Your SP storylines are so good they make me wanna spend my money,


    I agree - this is why I sub. I pay $15 a month on swtor and get dozens of hours of amazing voice acted story, fun gameplay, MMO systems, etc. It is the biggest ROI in my life. A 2 hour movie can cost more than $15. I'll skip the movie and play the Sith Inquisitor story any day.


    I guess it is just perspective. But for me I want BW to make money and keep this game alive. If my $15 helps BW then that's good for me. And it's cheap as heck when I average it out by the hour.


    But I totally understand why people would balk at that. I think $15 is a lot of money to spend on one game every month. So does my wife. Its just for me paying $15 a month is a no brainer considering what I get in return.


    I will say that you miss out on a lot of this game if you do not sub. I think the FTP is really like an amazingly generous free demo. If you dig the story and game-play then there are 7 more stories plus the KotFE and beyond stories (which I loved). I think its the best entertainment money I spend right now.


    Hope you find what works for your budget and time - enjoy hitting people in the face with Sith lightning. No matter how innocent the story is it seems like that is always a dialog option for the Inquisitor :)

  6. I do not understand if Ilum is an open PvP world or not. How does Ilum work with PvE and PvP? Are some zones automatically PvP and you get flagged as soon as you enter? Is it every player for themselves or is it Imp vs. Pub?


    I want to try the Gree event dailies. Will I have to survive in a PvP area to do them?


    Thanks for any advice :)

  7. I'd like to start making my Tatooine stronghold more like a home but i am overwhelmed. I imagine i'd want a bedroom type area, a place to show off trophy, and a functional area with Legacy Storage, Mail, etc.


    Any advice? Pics or links to give examples? Vendors to check who sell cool stronghold stuff? Crafting advice? Ideas or examples of what people have done with the massive spaces I have in my stronghold?


    Thanks creative people - I have no idea how to make this place look cool :)

  8. Can you help me build a simple rotation for my lv 75 sorc? there are so many skills and talents i am lost. I really only need two things - i am not doing ops or end game. But it seems to take a while to burn down some Vet Flashpoint bosses and groups of strong opponents. Is there a better way for me that is not a crazy, optimized, adrenal fest?


    I am a simple man :)


    Single Target Rotation: for when i am running a Veteran Flashpoint or soloing a tough boss - what are the key skills to just rotate through to make sure I am helping my team and doing decent (but not adrenal crazy max) damage?


    AOE: when i am soloing content and have several Strong bad guys - do you just spam lightning storm? or can i weave one or two things in to make things go a little faster?


    Thanks all :)

  9. Are there any tricks you guys use when you are leveling a new alt and you've seen the 1-60 class story a dozen times? I just finished taking a sniper to level 65 and I think it is not for me so I want to get an Operative to 65 and see if I like it - but I am not into seeing the exact same story again.


    Do you just space bar through it? Level up through Heroics and then do the story when overleveld so it goes quickly? Use any cartel or legacy unlocks to jump around more quickly? Skip planet quests? Do all the planet quests? Thanks for any advice.


    I am a subscriber and my legacy level is 50 if that helps decide on advice.


    Thanks again.

  10. I'm having trouble finding a light saber crystal that is a pure, clean purple but not blurry or with an odd black core. Which ones would you suggest?


    Also what is the general rule with crystals and colors? Are the blurry, muddied ones all called a specific name? Do some look cleaner? are they any that everyone seems to like?


    Any graphics settings advice? I run the game at ultra - not sure if bloom or anything else makes light sabers look better.


    Thanks for any advice :)

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