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Posts posted by Helistin

  1. The higher ups always just 'Time to part ways with company X to look new opportunities' even when they are escorted by the security out of the office with a thousand dollar shoe mark in their behind.


    But yeah, seems the house cleaning is continuing. Anyone know what happened to James Ohlen? Haven't heard anything from him since the summer.

  2. This weekly event could take place in a Special WZ Area, in which the first 100 Republic / 100 Sith players to que can join in - First come, First Serve! - Not sure what the Reward could be, any ideas ???


    Hero engine would go belly up with 100 vs 100. If i want to attend a slideshow i go visit my aunt and watch some bad holiday pictures( which i don't want to)

    Good idea in theory though.

  3. Unfortunately Elfa, I think you're right. My worry is that by the time they do implement this (November?) the damage would have already been done in terms of sub numbers, frustrations, etc.


    After free transfers taking 6 months to move people off from the dead servers there wasn't that many left in the end to take advantage of them. Seems familiar...

  4. They said in the next content patch they will be working on more class balance. No one knows when or what really.


    That's nice they are looking into it but you can't leave the borked balance months untouched. People just got another reason to pack their bags and move to greener pastures. Didn't they learn anything from Warhammer?

  5. It's probably the way the game is architectured, the servers are standalone and cannot talk to others. See the ordeal with transfers even though it's essentially just export/import from one DB to another.


    This. And in the games current life support mode i doubt they will spend the $ to add something that complex to the game anymore.

  6. a lot of misinformation getting thrown around in here.


    Bioware/EA did not receive a full version of Hero Engine. in fact they got a demo version at best. this was explained on Hero Engine's website.


    it was Bioware/EA's choice to run with the incomplete engine and we the players are suffering for it.


    on a good note, i have a radeon 6870 and im running the game at all max settings (minus anti-aliasing) at around 60-110fps and 40-50fps in warzones.


    im very pleased with its performance.


    Hero engine makes me sad. Comparing to some of the competition it gets even more sad where there can be hundred+ players on the screen with all kind of effects without the game reducing to slideshow.

    Guess their demo version was just for small crowds :(

  7. I'm not sure on that. As paying existing employed developers would surely fall under breaking even? 500k subs isn't paying the server rental and a couple of moderators to keep the ship afloat, it's going to include everyone.


    I would also say that the 500k subs for breaking even referred to when the employed team was larger. After the two rounds of redundancies I would guess that the break even point is a lot lower than that now.


    Maybe, maybe not but i'm pretty sure Lucas wants the same juicy cut even if there is 100k or 1 million subs.

  8. You just proved my point.


    After launch they made a big deal about how the game was so succesful that they WERE able to keep their entire team. But then they lost a lot of subs so they had to lay off staff and go back to the original plan


    So the original plan was to lose 75% of their subs in 8 months? Makes perfect sense...

  9. But after playing the Planetside 2 beta. Then coming back to classic MMOs like TOR (and even GW2), you realize how far behind things are compared to what is possible with modern hardware.


    Sadly this is the case. As much i enjoy/enjoyed Swtor everthing looks,functions and feels like something from year 2006.

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