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Posts posted by Kooziejr

  1. So I challenged this random to a duel about 30 times.. after the 30th time he finally accepts!

    And you know what happens? He leaves the dueling perimeter. Hands down the best juggernaut i've ever dueled. He's trying to get me to come over to him so he can force push me outta the perimeter like a baddie. Regulated. Enjoy! :D




    Quiet imbecile.

  2. Per request, Next week i will start streaming Carnage Mara gamplay, Matchless 4s Premade, Carnage Mara solo Wz, Some solo Mara Gameplay


    Will let you know when it sup!


    Living the dream bro :p

  3. Everything else aside.. Commando/Merc are still too easily shut down and have trouble mitigating heavy damage. They are not ideal in Group Ranked still.


    I really like playing with a commando DPS in team ranked. Tara and Green(Allgallaxymerc) put out some serious damage and pressure. Kak did decent dmg and pressure too when nice electronets. Its a very good class when played by a decent player.


    Unfortunately it is bettered by a derp playing hatred...which is sad.

  4. I said the claim, not your claim. Someone else claimed it and I responded to them.




    This guy. Didn't you also say pre-3.0 that watchman was good lol.


    How is Commando weak in team ranked? its one of the strongest classes and marauder isn't the best but it certainly is far from gimp (especially carnage against double ranged)....Your team was on par with ours and you lost dude.....in the end you lost to double ranged...plain and simple....and may I add that we pugged our tank and healer that day too (in fact, it was the first time that tank had ever played team ranked)....... Just FYI bro because ur so happy to point things out about how your comp was so bad with pugs....when the other team is in exactly the same boat :S


    Hope that puts things into perspective for you now with your hero claims of a winning a game against Tara and I before proceding to lose a stack and stop queuing :S


    Here. have a /golfclap

  5. It was like 2 weeks ago. I'm Greenn. You won more than us, and we didn't win any more after we replaced tank and you switched to sniper from sorc. And yes we was carried, he had no mic and did less hps most rounds. He's not terrible obviously, but still was carried. We won more than one lol, your memory is a bit selective. We were also running sent mando. Gunnery isn't too bad, but combat... lol. Seph pulled it off but still very UP.


    But who cares, I was just disputing that you've never ever lost to strife, which I haven't even been in for very long. I would also be surprised if we were the only team that you've ever lost a game to from that guild. Tara is right, **** talk is pointless in this game. Can't we all just ditch the yolo q, *********** q 4s, and say "gg". Community's too small for rivalries and ****.


    I'm just telling that I didn't lose more than 1 game that day against all the teams that qd (including against u and koality) in about 15 but meh and we ran merc/sniper...........


    Oh and we lost plenty of games to crescendo/strife (gurlong team) when they played hatred/AP with a dps tank against our merc/sniper comp. I never claimed to be undefeated??? I think someone else said that dude???


    And for the record, combat is not UP in 4s when its not against dot specs IMO (e.g., merc/sniper).....

  6. Does me and sephorus running mando sent and trading games with Koozie and Tara while carrying Koality not count? Never seen you.


    Ahhh yeah....pretty sure I wasn't playing bro. Because I have only ever lost 1 game to Koality EVER....in which his team played pretty well (including him doing close to 4k HPS..so he certainly wasn't carried ..so not sure how you figured we were trading games...unless you count winning one and then losing 5-6 straight? :S


    I find this very confusing. I'm sure Koality can clarify it for you....he may be a troll but I doubt he is a liar.

  7. Why do you even talk trash. You were just in our TS queuing. #hypocrit


    Good troll been AFK for 5 days. Don't know who you are (srsly I have never seen you before - no trolling). Please let me know so I can tailor my responses to you :-) :-)

  8. If people are upset that they are losing to us in solo q then ask us to make a fours team. We will play any team. For the last 5 months no guild or players have queued more times in ranked 4's than our guild on server. At this point majority of our matches are guild vs. guild. We also beat every team on server against everyone's best comps. Instead of crying on forums because you are losing. Just win. This is so funny because last season the two best guilds from last season use to do the same thing, but no one cried on forums about it.


    LOL cant tell whether troll or retard? Must be troll....the amount of globals I have recorded in ranked 4s against.....just lol

  9. Why does it matter what I play? I play what I want I'm not going to apologize for playing a good spec so well. As for gurlong and Makks, if they carried me so hard, why don't they take someone else who's better than me? There's plenty of other shadows. You just need to calm down and find a job or a girlfriend. Set yourself some priorities bro and get out of your parents house, being a troll or complaining about a game won't get you anywhere in life.


    But I like the basement and trolling you....you bite so hard....here fishy fishy,... Wall of text is stronk in this one. Sorry to have made you upset. Here have a smiley ;)


    PS. you don't play hatred well...

  10. I too have to say that I was impressed with the way you blatantly stood in all manners of AoE, tunnel healing while being oblivious to your own well-being in 4v4s. The way you stood atop the box in the Correlia Square map and allowed me to kill you in 4.5 seconds was truly unrivaled. While I did lose a 1v1 to a sniper, drunk, at 4:30 am; I take great satisfaction knowing that, in the grand scheme of things, I'll forever be #1.


    forever 445848 on leaderboard though 1 in ur head :-)

  11. Yes we ALL know just stop bringing this crap up. There's nothing anyone can do just play the game or quit. Don't ask people to change comps or not sync it's part of the game you don't like it? Get out.


    I'm glad you know. This is good. No, I don't like it and I wont quit because I enjoy playing the game. But thanks for the advice..lol

  12. Damn bro all I ever see you do is complain.



    .... Hatred is OP and Q syncers are real. Anything I said unreasonable there? Didn't think so....so what's the issue? I can't have an opinion/state the facts?.

  13. After a ~2 year hiatus from SWTOR, I recently made a comeback to the game in hopes that PvP would have recovered from the massive blow dealt by the developers when they decided to pull ranked season 1 just hours before the patch went live. Admittedly, I had fun learning all the changes that 3.0 brought with it, playing all of my old favorite classes and specs, only to find that the state of balance in the game was far worse than when I had left some two years ago; along with 99% of the skilled players having fled to more competitive games (which is exactly what I did when I quit.) I practically know no one anymore, and most of the now top "rated" players happen to have been some of the worst back when skilled players still commonly graced this game. PvP mechanics that have been broken since launch of this game, and newly discovered bugs and game breaking issues further press the accusation, that, well, PvP is and always will be dead. These revelations alone were enough to make me decide to once again call it quits, this time for good, as the game is only evermore on it's way out.


    It was fun getting to know some new people, a long with trolling in similar fashion to the olden days, and I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors both in and outside of video gaming.





    P.S. No, you can't have my stuff.

    P.S.S. Forever #1 PT


    Sad to see you go dude. The way you handled snipers in regs was beyond amazing. I'm still in awe of your 1 v 1 skills. Hopefully we have the honor of having you back one day to grace us with your amazing PT skills. Particularly the more complex rotationally ones such as AP. cheers and good luck, Koozie.

  14. Shouldn't the graphics of these two similar powers be swapped.


    The Trooper getting the clean blue shield...and the Bounty Hunter getting the reddish orange shield.


    It would seem to fit their repective classes better that way.


    No. It doesn't matter. + anything that makes sense is too hard for devs.

  15. I'd like to point out that (as it says in my "About the Author" section on my dulfy guide) I suck at PvP. Well maybe I don't, but people recognize me and focus me down, and i'm not good at surviving when people focus me down. If i'm given free reign of course people die.


    Humble on swtor forums......*world explodes*


    honestly 99% of people suck at AP PT. I only know 2 - 3 proper good AP PT/Tactics VG on the Bastion. Its the little things that make a player......not how quickly you can blow your burst onto a sorc lol. famous guild on Bastion was called <Don't Panic> and that's pretty good advice when you are playing AP PT.

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